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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. We always stop at Nandos for chicken when we’re there. I think it’s considered South African with the perri perri sauce.
  2. Morning Hawk…yep, if you only had one army in a country you can’t attack because you have to leave at least one back in the country you’re attacking from. I always loved that game, and haven’t played it in many years….but don’t start it after dinner. It takes forever to finish!
  3. For those not familiar with the area, Van Nuys is about 150 miles from Indian Wells. Maybe they came for some corned beef and cabbage.
  4. I find it fascinating that with every single college football team having two starting offensive guards, that only one guy is listed as worthy of this list. Does this mean the rest of them stink or does it just show a built in bias for not taking OGs in Round 1?
  5. I share a lot of your thoughts and don’t care too much about the exact draft order…but think about how many picks we need to get really right in order to make any significant impact on 2023. WR, MLB, possibly two at OL, and many would add RB….frankly, I’m not liking our chances.
  6. My lone recollection of Cook’s rookie year was his early propensity to put the ball on the ground. I know he got better as the season went on but I just couldn’t shake it. I held my breath each time he touched it. (Let’s pray that’s behind him.) So I’ll stand by my earlier post that I believe the Bills plan on simply swapping the roles of Cook and Singletary with Cook getting the starter level reps.
  7. So here’s how SVB was explained to me by my financial adviser this morning: The bank experienced a significant and sudden request for withdrawals; but because they’d invested a large percentage of the banks assets in long term bonds, they were forced to cash out those bonds ahead of their maturity term, at a significant loss. The bank was way too heavily invested in this single asset type and regulators failed to either caution or actually stop them from investing with such limited diversity.
  8. So EIGHTY PERCENT pay a higher tax rate. What am I missing here?????
  9. I think you’re looking at the symptom not the cause (poor analogy). This program doesn’t change how much the doctor charges you for glasses. It’s just a pay me now or pay me later program. Anyway, and I may be wrong here, I don’t think this was ever written as a perk for high earners. In fact, I generally thought of it as the exact opposite.
  10. So what that means is that you had a healthy staff….which is good! It doesn’t say anything about perks for high earners.
  11. It’s interesting, I read it more like he’s saying they needed to decide how much they wanted it in the City of Buffalo (downtown) versus in the State at large…thus Orchard Park
  12. I’m not sure we’re talking about the same thing. We did have a program where you could set aside money, pre-tax, for reoccurring annual medical expenses that you knew you’d have. It didn’t make any difference how much you made and nobody in my company was considered ultra wealthy. I personally had no such recurring expenses so it was of know benefit to me. On the former, I always used to laugh that for my expenses to be 7.5% of my annual income I’d have to cut off either a leg or arm every year; and you couldn’t possibly keep that up for too many years. 😉
  13. By the way, my understanding of a medical savings account was NOT that it was written to benefit the wealthy. It’s there so mostly middle class earners can set aside money for known and recurring medical costs rather than being taxed on them first and then writing them off later. If you’re healthy it has no benefit because you have no costs, regardless of your income status.
  14. Then your problem is (or should be) with Joe, Chuck, Nancy, and Mitch…not Trump. Those four have all been in Washington long enough to change all of it, but they don’t.
  15. Once again….geez! What you call tax breaks and loopholes are just part of the overall Tax Code! The base tax rate you’re fixated on is the MAXIMUM amount you pay, not the MINIMUM. That’s true for everyone, not just the ultra wealthy. Believe me when I say that I pay an absolutely obscene percentage of my income in taxes.
  16. Geeez. What it shows is that he paid the taxes he owed. Somehow the term losses escaped you and like all devoted leftists you focus only on the gains. I had a now retired business partner who never got this simple concept. There is literally no hiding anything! If you don’t pay the taxes the government has this unquenchable thirst for this year, you’ll pay them next year. Once again…the money doesn’t evaporate!!!
  17. With much respect….You’re being cunningly lied to. All corporations pay taxes. And if/when they don’t retain the money, which they cannot forever, they then distribute those funds to owners and shareholders who, you guessed it….pay taxes. It’s a complete leftist wet dream that taxes are somehow magically not being paid. The money doesn’t disappear.
  18. Not sure I agree with the last sentence. The ‘73 Bills featured a rookie QB that was clearly not established as a passer. They just gave the ball to OJ and dared the defense to stop him.
  19. As a longtime business owner…believe me, taxes are paid on everything.
  20. It’s clear that many of the war mongers on here have never played the game of Risk. After getting your armies pounded by many of the rolls of the dice on one front, you quickly learn that attacking another one is a terrible strategy for anything other than a quick exit from the table.
  21. You’re clearly focused on the ‘for profit’ aspect. And I can tell that you consider that a dirty word. I don’t. Again, I’m not a healthcare voter. My consideration is less about the profit boogeyman and more about the universal aspect of it. In other words, if you have a service that literally everyone needs, is the private delivery model the most effective delivery model? The private model brings with it a ton of overhead and redundancy. Remember, you are NOT currently paying for healthcare. You are currently paying for health INSURANCE companies. The negative side is the inevitable governmental lethargy that comes with every public service. It’s an interesting debate. But…on the taxation side, I’m squarely in the flat tax camp.
  22. It’s pretty simple really. If Singletary was that coveted he’d be gone already. He’s still in his prime, although definitely in the later half of his expected NFL lifespan. As to his role with the Bills, I think they’re assuming they’ll simply swap Cook and Motor in 2023 with Cook becoming the starter and Motor getting second tier reps…and maybe that’s not all bad. Devin has proven to be pretty darn consistent as the stats would show. You can do much worse!
  23. All fair points. I obviously differ with you on the effectiveness of any of that. It’s simply not the role of the government to redistribute money. And by your own admission even after decades of trying to do just that, the gap continues to grow. On the subject of healthcare I’m much less entrenched. I’m not a healthcare voter, but before everyone jumps into that pool you better get ready for the obvious consequences.
  24. Thanks for the honesty Hawk. I’m not sure what “empathy for the poor and suffering” have to do with the modern Democratic Party though. It feels to me like the Party leaders left that behind many years ago. They’ve slowly evolved into what Jessie Jackson one time called the Rainbow Coalition. Economic status is a side gig at best.
  25. Over the past year Putin has yet to move 100 miles inside Ukraine and now he’s taking on Poland? Sure! 🙄
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