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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. This isn’t about political party. Although on the surface it appears to be. Donald Trump didn’t need to be taken down because he was a Republican. He needed to be eliminated because he was an outsider. The goal was to send a message both to Trump and anyone else who might dare to shine a light into the status quo of these entrenched government bureaucracies.
  2. I vote for Irv as well…but it’s Russian disinformation to label me as a surfer. 😂
  3. What is the face value?
  4. I’d fire you but I know you don’t even really work here. It’s almost as if you have no technical experience whatsoever.
  5. And you want to be my latex salesman? I don’t think so. 😉
  6. You’re right. It isn’t important to either political party. That still doesn’t make it right. But I think you know that. Our two entrenched political parties stopped thinking about the future of this country quite a few election cycles ago. Keep the electorate at each other’s throats and vacuum up money for their reelection campaigns. Rinse and repeat.
  7. Just keeping it real….and with WAY WAY WAY less words than Kay. 😉
  8. Exactly…now you’re coming around. 😁
  9. Okay…good to hear. This place doesn’t bring out the best in most people. I trust you know that just about everything I post has a hint of sarcasm in it. One day, we’re all going to gather for a cold one. I’m guessing it would be an absolute blast! 👍
  10. Becoming a bit unhinged SUNY. I recommend you take a break. Like many, this place can get to you. It’s a ridiculous political chat room…not a bar fight. Try and keep it together.
  11. Go ahead. Get it all out. This is over! Your life’s work in absolute tatters on the floor. It must be devastating.
  12. Keep it up. This is getting funnier and more desperate by the hour. But if I may suggest, after you come down from your obvious but understandable implosion, maybe you can come back here and tell everyone that you now realize you were flat out lied to by all of your hopefully former heroes. Again…we’ll still luv ya!
  13. What am I missing? What exactly does LA want payback for? You’re aware we beat the Rams, not the Chargers last year….right?
  14. I’d imagine it’s something like finding out you were conceived out of wedlock. Everything you thought you knew turned out to be false. And the people you expected to tell you the truth purposely lied to you primarily for their own good, not yours. It’s got to be an incredible gut punch. I’m willing to give it some time.
  15. Be gentle with him. His entire world was just shattered yesterday. He’s yet to come to grips with the fact that he’s spent hundreds and hundreds of hours on here propagating a flat out lie told to him by people that he should’ve been able to trust. I’m actually very sympathetic of these folks today. But, my sympathy, like my patience, is going to last for so long.
  16. Duped? Did we not build a wall? Did we not get lower taxes? Did we enter into a stupid foreign conflict? Seems to me that I got what I voted for. I’m good!
  17. Now define a woman. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  18. Admit it. Your entire schtick just got crushed. I know it’s tough to let it sink in. I feel for you. You were so heavily invested in a fabrication. Take a minute, or a week, or a month….and do some soul searching. You were sold a lie! And you bought it hook, line, and sinker. I still luv ya though.
  19. Two reasons: First, in today’s society nobody wants to admit they were duped. They’ll fight to the death for something rather than just say ‘my bad’. Second, they’ve been lied to for so long by a blatantly partisan media that it rocks their entire world view to think that’s even possible.
  20. Yes, it’s most certainly a far better experience to walk to through a crime, graffiti, and drug infested urban neighborhood to get your carton of milk. 😉
  21. You mean the kind of ‘democracy’ they have in Russia, China, and Iran where the government class makes up stories about the opposition, enlists the police state to spread the story, then installs a new leader, and claims they won in a landslide? That kind of democracy? No thanks.
  22. If anyone was wondering….it’s a really nice day at Malibu Beach today (a little cloudy) and the wifi works great! You can zoom from here. Come on out! 😎
  23. So let’s cut to the chase. You prefer…. Open Borders Foreign Wars Higher Taxes At least now we know. Nothing else needs to be said. Thanks for your participation over the years. You can let yourself out now. Message received! 😁
  24. Excellent! We may have finally reached a breakthrough here. So now we know that we have two corrupt politicians and yet you still prefer the one that wants to: Open the Borders Get entangled in $$$$ Foreign Wars and Raise your taxes The choice seems pretty damn clear to me! 😉
  25. Thanks I try and ask good questions. What this entire ‘caper’ and the recent reaction to it has absolutely proven to me is that some people got so entrenched in their never Trump talking points that they simply refuse to believe they’ve been utterly lied to. It’s a shame, and I’m not saying that I blame them given the drumbeat from the media. But…my same extension of courtesy does NOT carry over to those who we now absolutely know for a fact were briefed on this entire thing PRIOR to it all ‘going down’. That includes Obama, Biden, Comey, Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, etc and I’m guessing Schiff. Unbelievably treasonous hoax knowingly perpetrated on the American people.
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