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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The most interesting Bills ranking has to be at WR and TE. Josh continues to pile up stats but apparently he’s throwing the ball to nobody.
  2. Based on these rankings it looks like the Bills better be drafting OFFENSE in all seven rounds!
  3. You believe Trump is crude, and yet you’re the worst one on here for tossing out expletives in virtually every post. Don’t they allow mirrors in your wing of the asylum?
  4. In what universe do the Jets deserve that high of a QB ranking? Is this with Rodgers?
  5. So you ignored the part about the Big Guy? Absolutely hilarious!
  6. Holding my rosary? You have to be one of the saddest people on the planet. Is there ever a time when you can just engage in harmless humorous banter? I truly pity you for whatever your life experiences have done to you.
  7. One thing I can say for you is that you know how to use more features on this message board than I’ll ever hope to. (Which isn’t necessarily a compliment.) lots of memes, cutting and pasting, etc. Very impressive! While I’m just quietly sitting here with my morning coffee, typing with my thumb on a cell phone, waiting for the sun to come up. 😉
  8. I see. I guess it’s all okay so long as you make the sign of the cross after cussing…like a certain someone we know. 😉
  9. Love the Chase Brown pick and the comparison to Ekeler. Spot on. Brown is a workout beast and a perfect fit for what the Bills ‘should be’ doing on offense.
  10. Once again…Are you listening to yourself? Don’t let this stuff drag you into it. Hope you’re feeling better.
  11. Thanks…my father had a bout of it a few years back. I hear it’s hereditary. He takes something for the uric acid level and has been good for a long time. It’s always something!
  12. I’m dealing with Gout (which is a new one…go figure). I feel ya brudda!
  13. Are you listening to yourself? Why does ANY of this matter to you? Get on with your life.
  14. I have absolutely no idea what that means but I’ll defend your right to get upset about it. 😉
  15. Can you guys get anymore lowbrow pathetic? I think not. You go there EVERY time. Amazing.
  16. And yet…here you are. And who says irony is dead! 😂😂😂😂
  17. And guess what, everyone looked! What’s your point?
  18. Thanks! I guess I’d agree with you if it was any other defensive position other than MLB. He’s literally the QB of your defense. It’s a really big gamble, and if I’m understanding you correctly you’re ready to roll those dice. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just not sure OBD is going to roll them.
  19. Hopefully just the ones that are scheduled for after sunset.
  20. Still playing you like a fiddle. Don’t you ever get tired of it? Ever?
  21. Well…..There are clearly two distinct camps now. In another thread someone is opining that the Bills drafted Bernard to be the new MLB. If that’s true there’s ZERO chance that our #1 pick will be a linebacker.
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