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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. For starters, the people voting for Trump have absolutely zero interest in being invited to Mar-a-Lago.
  2. I’ll at least give you credit for trying. But I’m not sure you have the specific gist of it.
  3. You clearly need to spend some time in your local school. Or maybe just an afternoon in the administration or counseling office. The things they deal with today are way more out there than running in the hallway or chewing gum in class.
  4. Describe it for me then. What’s the attraction?
  5. I live in a megalopolis made up of every race in the book with one of the largest construction workforces on the planet. The entire market is dominated by Hispanics. Nobody thinks anything of it. You really need to get out more! There’s a big country outside of WNY.
  6. And that’s much of what I’ve said about this ranking. I’m not saying it’s garbage. I actually think it’s pretty good. But with any such scoring metric there’s a lot of subjectivity that ends up in it too. I applaud the guy for trying to quantify it on one page.
  7. After all this time, you really don’t understand the allure of Trump to many millions of Americans? Really?
  8. I have absolutely no idea. Nor do I care. Why do you?
  9. I’m not sure what that means. The same could be said if construction workers, and many other physical fields of employment. So?
  10. Or throwing bricks at the police protecting the White House. (Seems like you’ve chosen a pretty low bar there Hawk.)
  11. Isn’t the exact opposite true of the players themselves?
  12. EXACTLY This happens every day of the week. It’s actually quite common. Ask any HR Department and they’ll tell you of what they’ve had to agree to just to get someone to quit and walk away as opposed to going the confrontation of firing them. Trust me….I’ve been there and done that!
  13. Hilarious on every level! They’re citing ‘fairness over inclusion’ in a competition whose very name is NOT about inclusion. Do these people ever just listen to themselves? Unbelievable.
  14. No he failed miserably there. If anything he increased veracity of the corruption. It is now on steroids! Niagara Way way too many typos in that for me to understand your point (it happens to me sometimes…stupid iPhone)
  15. Trump wasn’t elected because he was brilliant. He was elected because the American people were tired of being lied to by a corrupt government.
  16. Now what? If someone is trying to extort money from you about something that is completely private....yes, you could choose to dispense with it by paying them not lie about it. I'd imagine it can happen quite often when you have a lot of money. Not sure why you think that it's that odd. You've never heard of blackmail?
  17. I look at all of that as noise. What I find interesting is that the law being cited by this moron doesn’t appear to apply to what they’re alleging Trump did.
  18. More accurately he’s the kind of person who felt the need to still read a really long Speaker’s acceptance speech even after he lost the position. Unbelievable!
  19. So without Diggs we’d be at ZERO? Come on! Allen is only throwing the ball. He isn’t catching it too. I realize these rankings are subjective but I agree with another poster, these rankings appear to be an opinion in search of a statistic.
  20. This case appears to be a simple one, and Trump chose to go on the offensive out ahead of the charges being brought. Now it looks like the DA may be backing down out of utter embarrassment.
  21. It’s interesting you bring that up. In California conservative minded teachers need to speak in hushed tones. And I’m not kidding.
  22. Please tell me you don’t represent the quality of students or grads coming out of the SUNY system.
  23. Once again you’re missing the point. You want to go after Trump? Go for it. The court will decide. But….stop salivating at the charging stage of the process.
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