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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. BINGO! But it's always easier to complain about someone else's tax burden. It's yet another reason why I am a huge proponent of a flat tax. It gets away from all of this "what at about the other guy" nonsense. Once we are all paying an equal tithe to the government then we'll see who wants to raise taxes. And probably only then can we can have a conversation about the voluntary additional 'giving' that I mention above.
  2. This is not a Republican issue SUNY. Every taxpayer, regardless of party affiliation pays the same tax rate. It's dependent on their income. As a taxpayer who pays that rate, I can assure you what I described is essentially true. You may not like it, but it is indeed true. Now, to make matters worse, when Trump lowered the rates he also eliminated the Local/State deduction, which in fact negated the entire tax cut that you're prattling on about.
  3. And so let’s go over this again, for some of our posters who were either too young, or asleep, during the Great Recession. President Obama raised the tax rate on the top earners on the principle that the country needed their financial assistance during the recession. With the recession clearly over President Trump simply restored the rate to pre-recession levels…and then gave an additional tax break to EVERYONE else. Sheeessh!
  4. I’m far less cynical. I’m being completely honest when I say we need a national conversation on this topic. As an example, we no longer have a military draft, and everyone just accepts that some young people are going to voluntarily sign up. Why not have that conversation around taxes? If you feel real strongly about funding a government program then volunteer to pay more into it! We had a Buffalo Bills player go down on the field last season and people immediately rushed to donate to causes he supported. Why is it that we all have to donate to every left wing social cause, even when those causes are most definitely NOT the role of the federal government?
  5. This entire sad saga reminds me of “A Few Good Men”. Somebody needs to haul Christopher Wray in there and get him to say that he ordered the Code Red.
  6. Thanks I say it every tax season. Are TurboTax and HR Block running running all of those advertisements so that people will pay MORE in taxes? They don’t even run ads that claim they’re going to help you be more accurate in your filing. Nope, every single advertisement is about getting you a bigger REFUND!
  7. Correct. Virtually every American gets some sort of a tax break. That’s partly why so many get a refund. In essence they are given a break for something they did, paid for, or donated. But people don’t want to look at the breaks they themselves get. They only want to point figures at the ‘breaks’ that other people get. My point still remains. Why aren’t we having a national conversation about paying more than the minimum? For example, in California right now they’re debating the topic of reparations. But the Governor has explained that the State doesn’t have the money in the budget. So why not set up a special fund where so-inclined citizens can freely donate to this cause? Seems like it would be a nice thing…no?
  8. You seem desperate to avoid the point. Donald Trump payed exactly what the law said he was supposed to pay. As did his ‘wealthy friends’ and as do almost every single American taxpayer. Trump didn’t write the tax code. Heck, he wasn’t even in government when you seem to be claiming thathe wasn’t paying the appropriate amount. So the question remains….if you support the seemingly forever expanding role of the federal government, why don’t you donate more than the prescribed minimum to the cause? Hmmm?
  9. Believe me….you ain’t see nothing yet! And…Happy Birthday!
  10. Thanks…but that doesn’t change what I said. The question is why don’t people give more than the minimum? If the government wants to get into the charity business, handing out money to people in need, then shouldn’t certain taxpayers want to give them more of their money to do so? It’s all a write off.
  11. All of that is very nice Alf. Following the the facts LAUSD out in the Durham Report the burning question that Americans need to know will be what were these documents. Were they related to the FBI’s attempted coup? Were they ridiculously over classified nonsense about a now long past State dinner? It matters!
  12. I’m not sure that’s the correct takeaway. I’m confident the Bills were allowing other teams to talk with Frazier. The question is did anyone call. I’m guessing not.
  13. So in short, they hope to imprison a former President on a ‘process’ crime? Oh yeah….that’s gonna end well.
  14. With all due respect, I think you missed the point of the response. Think about it. Why haven’t we gotten to the point where if you’re a big fan of a centralized Washington power base that supporters would willingly donate more than the minimum to it? Why isn’t it like any other private charity that people donate to. I believe it’s time to change the national conversation on taxation.
  15. Yikes! I think I have some pants that are older than you. 😂 I admire how much you’ve gotten into it in such a short time.
  16. He’s gone. It happens in every business. At first it sounds like a short leave of absence but after a full year the team will have moved on and bringing him back would look and feel like a desperation move (even if it isn’t…which it would be)
  17. I’d be perfectly OK with this. After last year I’m completely over the quest for home field advantage. I’d prefer they’d be tested but ready for the playoffs!
  18. The Orchard Park site is perfect for one. I’m assuming they’ll mount it on one of the light poles for “Rich” Stadium. From that height and angle we should be able to get a great overview of the progress.
  19. We may not have a live webcam…yet. But there must be someone on here that can drive by the site once a week and take a photo through the fence….no?
  20. He turns to no one. That’s what makes him the owner and boss. The same is true in every business, big or small. The buck truly stops with him.
  21. Now let’s go back to the part where your ridiculous highlights say absolutely NOTHING about anything that Trump did.
  22. Reading is obviously not your strong suit. What this says is that Putin, just like the majority of Americans, thought Hillary would make a terrible President. It doesn’t say or claim ANYTHING about the actions of Trump.
  23. I don’t recall ever having said any of those things. I pretty much figured it’d be a simple finding of facts …at best. Durham never seemed like a drama guy to me. None of what you just said however changes the fact that your entire world just crumbled. Again, I’m so sorry you wasted so much of the one life you have on a total purposeful fiction. Try not to be pissed at us. You should however be utterly furious at those in the cabal that left you hanging out there for years…lying to you day after day. I don’t blame you personally. I’m guessing you don’t actually know any of those folks or have an ounce intimate knowledge of this entire yarn. But…now…it’s time to let it go while you still have time restore any semblance of dignity…or not.
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