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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You obviously put a lot of thought into it. Is there a chance that Gilliam is the odd man out of the RB room? Seems like with the key additions of Harris, Murray, and one might even say Kincaid that keeping a pass catching FB is a roster ‘luxury’.
  2. Ya got me….on my street alone there are a number of people who didn’t go to college and they have garages worth more than SUNYs entire house!
  3. What the? You didn’t honestly just say that did you? Geeez!
  4. They do but the distinguishing characteristic of fascism is a government that squelches any form of dissenting narratives. THAT is what we have going on in the list of examples you cited…and I absolutely agree with you. That’s why I’m saying these posters wouldn’t know a communist from a clown show. What they think they’re interested in is a country with a common, government approved narrative. You know…the old “it takes a village” nonsense. The other trappings of communism are a far distant second to them. That’s if they even ever given it much thought at all.
  5. Yikes. So now I’m not sure you understand what communists are either. What you’re describing are fascists, not communists.
  6. And you believe that they’re all communists? I highly doubt most of them when know a communist from an orangutan. 😉
  7. It’s an interesting conversation for sure. You’ve obviously decided to lump them all together under the over arching ‘commie’ tag. I’m curious as to how you came to that generalized conclusion? I’m not sure many of these posters have any idea what they actually want in terms of a governing style or system. Many, if not all, appear literally stuck in a 1950s style partisan tribal feud. They simply know that if someone with a ‘R’ after their name says something then they must sign up to be against it. I’ve watched the pendulum swing wildly over the decades and honestly can’t believe how some of the classic party line positions have utterly flip flopped.
  8. As I’ve often said….be the change you want to see in the world.
  9. I’ll try that. But with all due respect, and it’s board-wide respectful discourse that I’m after, I cannot believe you can’t scroll through a few comments from those you don’t want to hear from.
  10. Then might I respectfully suggest that every time you toss around the pejorative ‘commie’ label you’re actually falling into the same trap? Would anyone (even a lurker) want to hear what you have to say after that?
  11. SUNY, you’re clearly an outdoors type. Yes, once again, California’s NATURAL areas are beautiful but that has nothing to do with the man-made environments which are crumbling and utterly filthy. It’s amazing how much it’s gone downhill since I moved away from WNY for grad school. And having just been to Florida a few months ago, there’s no comparison…at least in the man-made areas that I was in around the Orlando metro area.
  12. Interesting Have you been to California in the last ten years? It’s almost unrecognizable. Sad.
  13. NC….if you never talk with someone who disagrees with you then what’s the point of being on here? If I just want to talk to myself I can do that in my cell. 😂
  14. Is there any chance at all that we can stop calling each other ‘cult members’ and ‘commies’? What’s the point of this sort of elementary school rhetoric?
  15. California is NATURALLY beautiful but having lived here now for over forty years I can tell you that the MAN MADE ‘improvements’ are crumbling fast. The once well maintained freeway system is a graffiti and pot hole infested eyesore. The cities are completely overrun with homelessness. And the utility infrastructure is woefully inadequate. In short…to quote Irv…it’s a mess! And anyone who lives here knows it. I appreciate everyone’s responses in Florida but I’ve not met a single Californian who doesn’t come back from visiting there with a similar first impression.
  16. So you’re saying it’s kind of like the Bills working the entire offseason to beat the Chiefs in the playoffs but then never even facing them. 😉
  17. I’ll agree with you on 2020 but not on 2016. If you’ll recall, Trump simply out hustled Hilary down the stretch. She thought she had it in the bag, but she didn’t.
  18. Morning Tibs You can argue with his stance on certain things but aside from all of that, having recently visited Florida and living in California, they’re doing something right down there. California has ‘devolved’ into an absolute dump whereas I found Florida to be clean and extremely well maintained. Both are huge population centers with good weather, but somehow Florida has managed to handle it all without turning into an outright aesthetic sh$t hole. (And from what I understand without a State income tax.) The contrast between the two is incredible and really needs some serious study in public policy.
  19. Funny you mention that. I was watching a bit of the hockey game last night and marveled at the fact that the exact same arena had just hosted a playoff basketball game less than 24 hours before. It’s actually pretty amazing how the arena crew is able to turn it around overnight.
  20. We’ll put you down as a ‘no’ then. Thanks!
  21. And I’d add if they don’t want to use oil…then by all means please don’t. But I’m guessing that each of these protestors consumes more than their fair share of it each and every day.
  22. I have no idea where either of those two play…but since beggars can’t be choosers so …I’ll take it! 👍 “Come on, you Stevenagers?”
  23. Checked it out Brit. In a word….yikes! Makes me so thankful that you agreed to treat me to the game. 😉
  24. I’m sure he’s scared too. Glad you’ve found common ground! 😁
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