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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I agree. 👍 I really meant no offense. I just find it comical that people think they’re going to litigate religion on an internet message board. (It’s never stopped some on here from trying though.)
  2. I didn’t say you said it. It’s what we call a question. Thus….the question mark. 😉
  3. And it’s your conclusion then that there is no God?
  4. I’m obviously thrilled that the Bills are at least relevant once again, but I’m beginning to understand how some NBA teams have evolved to just treading water through the regular season in order to be ready come playoff time. I felt that last season the Bills were desperate to win the regular season and then were pretty much spent when the playoffs finally came around (it’s a long season). This year I’m far less concerned about the regular season. The schedule is a challenge for sure but I’ll be perfectly fine with going on the road for the playoffs so long as the Bills still have something left in the tank come January and February.
  5. A full English breakfast or one of those cheap hotel ‘continental’ buffets? 😉
  6. Isn’t it obvious? The painting above the sofa is hideous. 😉
  7. Agreed! So since The Big Guy’s been in Washington for the last half century and since the vast majority of Americans think the country is a total sheet show….I guess we can blame Uncle Joe for everything ….literally everywhere!
  8. Thanks….you quote him an awful lot but I’ve never heard of him. I thought maybe he had a resume of some kind. Apparently not. Now I know I can REALLY ignore him. 😉
  9. Hey Billsy….honest question: Who is this Ron Filipkowski that you’re constantly retweeting? Is he actually somebody? Or just a guy who likes to share his opinion on everything?
  10. This is absolutely hilarious! So now our resident leftists are going to post every single thing that’s ever happened in the state of Florida? I keep forgetting….how do you spell TRIGGERED?
  11. That doesn’t surprise me in the slightest, but thanks for sharing.
  12. Agree, somewhat…all the rest of todays topics de jour are a distraction that pale in comparison to the Holy Grail of universal healthcare. The real question is what comes AFTER that goal is reached.
  13. I’ll keep right on saying it….all Trump did was restore the uppermost rate to the level it was when Obama came into office….while giving EVERYONE else a tax cut. Period!
  14. I often comment on the slow but steady evolution of our two political parties. Think about it…can you even imagine a Democrat candidate uttering JFK’s famous line about ‘ask not what the country can do for you…’? I bet you can’t. And conversely could you ever have imagined when the typical construction site would be full of blue collar trucks with pro-Republican bumper stickers? I know I couldn’t.
  15. You and I have gone back and forth on the ‘commie’ label but I believe the topic of universal healthcare is the bridge they REALLY want to cross. What comes after that I’m not so sure anyone knows, not even them. Which is why I think the commie term may be a tad overarching.
  16. This thread made me chuckle…and think. Like many on here, living away from WNY, I spent hundreds of dollars every year for nearly twenty years to watch 16 games of mostly meaningless Bills games, including two annual beat downs by the Patriots. I guess I’m willing to pay the same amount to watch half as many games in which I pretty much know we at least have a decent shot of winning! 😁
  17. I watched a bit of last years Bills v Ravens game on NFL Network last night. Davis was nothing short of horrible in that game dropping three passes in just the first half alone if I recall, and one was a touchdown. Just saying.
  18. I always look at momentum. In this prediction the Bills would limp into the playoffs having won only two of the last six games in other words more or less just twice in the final two months. So while I love the optimism, it’s really hard to turn the winning momentum back on come playoff time.
  19. Yep….I agree, there are TONS of factors that the Team cannot control. (weather, injuries, fluke calls, etc) But, this is one that you can, and that’s all I’ll ask from the Front Office. Now, I’m not saying that all is lost if the Bills don’t land Hopkins, but it’s really hard for me to see them punting much, if ever, with that many weapons for Josh to choose from. Move the chains, keep the ball, score, repeat. Go Bills
  20. Here’s my simple take: If the Bills add Hopkins to Diggs, Davis and Knox/Kincaid they’ll have officially entered the Embarrassment of Riches category. If they can’t get to a Super Bowl with Allen and that WR/TE group then it simply can’t be done.
  21. Sadly, the Sabres have beaten me into a position of perpetual apathy. Is Okposo that big of a story? I’d liken that to the Bills re-signing a veteran special teams gunner.
  22. So let me see if I understand. You’re upset because I’d like people to stop dragging EVERY discussion into the verbal discourse gutter? And for that utterly noble effort you label me as a degenerate… okay.
  23. Sheeesh! Once again, reading is your friend. He said he wouldn’t do THOSE things because he wouldn’t have THOSE powers or authorities as President. Try and expand where you get your talking points.
  24. And here’s where things cross the line. What is it about a so called Trans person causes them to expose themselves to children?. About a year ago this person would have been called a pedophile!
  25. What are the logos at the top of the pyramid? Never heard or seen any of them on a bumper sticker. But I guess if you’re a modern fringe hate group the first thing you do is hire a graphics consulting team to come up with a logo. 😂
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