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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Corporations paying or not paying taxes is just more divisive chatter for the masses. Taxation should occur at the personal, not corporate level.
  2. Women can’t express themselves? Really? Someone please tell that to my wife!
  3. Ridiculous! So by the letter of the law then the President can’t have any papers. It is the Trump Team’s position that the government was INDEED given access to the documents. The documents were neither being hidden, moved around, or stolen. The PRA, as you quoted it, doesn’t say that the records have to be in a specific building. If it did there’d be armed guards at the White House searching everything before it left the property.
  4. I’ll go with the Lions. Their poor fans are long overdue!
  5. Thanks…. It’s actually pretty cloudy out here in June, and we’ve now had two straight months where the daily high temperature has yet to reach the seasonal ‘normal’. Darn Climate Change!
  6. Let me see if I understand you correctly. In short, everyone is an ‘idiot’ if they don’t agree with you. Thanks for clearing that up! Your work is done here. Please check back in a few months.
  7. This is NOT a Christian issue. Of the world’s major religions, it could be argued that Christianity is by far the most ‘tolerant’.
  8. Bonnie….there’s so much crap on here that I find it hard to believe that’s the hill you choose to die on. 😉
  9. You do realize that the dispute is over whether a President (not a VP, Secretary of State, or Senator) is actually required to return them….right?
  10. Can we PLEASE use bigger fonts? I’m having trouble reading the regular ones.
  11. I couldn’t agree more. When in doubt…classify it. And look at the result. We have rampant ‘abuse’ and confusion that the Deep State can weaponize against elected officials. This is extremely dangerous!
  12. All that is true, but I find it hilarious that nobody squawking on endlessly about this story doesn’t seem to realize that ANY and ALL of these documents can be scanned and sent all over the planet in a matter of minutes! It’s like everyone looking at these boxes of paper are still stuck in the 1950s. Geeeez!
  13. It isn’t a good look that anybody has that many documents! I mean, doesn’t anyone in Washington throw anything out? 😂
  14. I’m curious as well. That’s while I’ll wait to hear the defense’s position. Is that a problem?
  15. I’m going to be an actual American and wait for the story to be told….both sides of it.
  16. Hate? Who said anything about hating your opponent? I believe what’s being discussed is playing with a more aggressive approach. NFL Football is a very physical sport. Nobody is going easy on their friends.
  17. Huh? I didn’t say there was nastiness in baseball. I used the baseball reference in relation to the idea of culture. (The reference is a famous one.)
  18. Thanks Coach I’m sure Joe B has an opinion of Elam just like everyone does. I’m however highly skeptical that this latest CB depth move is related to it. (In a nutshell.)
  19. I’ve often said the same thing while screaming at the television. But…there is a difference between culture and the nasty streak you and I would both like to see more of. Culture is about playing for the name on the front of your jersey, not the one on the back…as Tommy Lasorda famously said. Nasty comes from your attitude towards your opponent. I’m hopeful we’ll see a tad more nasty from the defensive side with Frazier gone.
  20. Huh? I don’t hold that opinion on a regular basis….at least I don’t think I do. In this particular case it just seems REALLY odd to me that this latest CB depth move would spell death to a 1st Round pick from just last season. I’m all for the strategic thinking of a message board but this Elam chatter appears to be out of deep deep left field.
  21. Well said Gunner. We’ve seen seemingly countless examples of this in so many of the major sports leagues over the last few years. The Boston Bruins just had the best season in the history of hockey and yet aren’t in the Finals. I believe the LA Dodgers recently did the same in baseball. And the NBA teams have pretty much all figured out that winning the regular season means nothing anymore.
  22. Wow. There’s an awful lot of armchair GM chatter on here and apparently all based on the Bills adding CB depth in the quiet month of the off season? I find it extremely hard to believe Elam is going anywhere after just one season. He was a first rounder from the SEC and just one year later the Front Office is gonna say…”our bad”? I don’t think so!
  23. Let me ask this again….since nobody knows what the heck Juneteenth means, why don’t they change the day to Emancipation Day before this gets rolling. I have no problem with celebrating the occasion but this is an utterly ridiculous title for it.
  24. So what we’ve learned is that just about everyone in America has some classified documents at home. I assume I probably have a few myself somewhere.
  25. So let me see if I understand you here Ron. You don’t believe this is an actual FBI document? Just trying to figure out what you define as a ‘conspiracy’. Your word, not mine.
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