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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I make no assumptions about the new monarch but his/her status is beyond question. Unbelievable.
  2. And the torch has been passed. Goose is the new King. (Sorry BillStime). Long love the king. Now if we can get some memes worked in we’ll have come full circle.
  3. We may have been for a long time but there’s now absolutely no doubt…we are citizens of a totally corrupt country. Sad.
  4. Why not just teach Gabe to catch the ball? He’s open. He just needs to hold onto it! It’d be way cheaper. 😉
  5. Hey Western New Yorkers! Anyone been by the new stadium site recently? Is anything happening out there? Parking lot asphalt removal?
  6. It could be worse….my window opens at 4:00am in California! 😳
  7. As I always say…most things in life are pretty simple. The Hunter/Joe Biden story is pretty simple as well. When Joe lost his son Beau he was obviously grief stricken (as any father would be). He saw that his other surviving son was a mess by any measure and was quickly spiraling out of control. So, Joe decides he’s going to intervene and make sure he doesn’t lose Hunter as well. But the road to hell was paved with good intentions as Joe found out when he started placating Hunter’s get rich quick follies. One false step leads to another and the lines between helping and enabling become blurred. Joe crossed that line, never for a minute thinking he’d be pulled back into the national spotlight by running for President. And here we are.
  8. Try and follow along. The FBI redacted the line about the tapes. As we all know, they redact information that might reveal ‘sources and methods’ or might ‘interfere with an active investigation’’. It therefore follows that the FBI also believes that the tapes exist (or existed). I know it’s not the junior high level of nonsensical memes you live to post on here, but it’s what is actually going on here. As they say..facts are b&&tch.
  9. And it’s going to take much longer with the intelligence community actively working to keep the citizens in the dark.
  10. Going to the bathroom with 14 seconds left.
  11. Hilarious! I have no agenda. I’m just looking at the evidence. You know…follow the science!
  12. Screaming at the TV that Andy Dalton was a bum! And then….he wasn’t. Go Bills!
  13. Nice thesis paper there Hawk. The claim is NOT that Shokin would’ve investigated Hunter. Please insert another quarter and try again.
  14. I was going to post the EXACT same thing but the Holiday Inn Express was completely booked last night. 😉 Seriously, very interesting Wacka! I’m amazed at how much we’ve come to know about how all of this ‘stuff’ works. I’m also guessing there’s a lot that we still don’t know.
  15. Notice how the Left has suddenly shifted focus to the tapes? The Republicans didn’t make up the idea of tapes. What does their existence, or non existence, have to do with this? It’s a side issue. (But I do find it odd that a source would come up with a VERY specific number of tapes as opposed to just saying there’s one.)
  16. When you stop and think about it everything is pretty much set now until January. The roster isn’t going to change much, if at all, until then. Neither is the coaching staff or the players’ skill sets. Now we just wait and see if they can win enough games to make the playoffs (which they should based on talent and experience) and then pray they have enough gas left in the tank both mentally and physically. I’m completely over the old home field advantage chase. If you expend all your energy trying to get it, and leave nothing left for the postseason tournament, what was the point?
  17. That’s a population of zero. They literally just arrested their chief political opponent.
  18. Forget about it Doc. The sun comes up in the west in bizzaro land. Unbelievable!
  19. I could be wrong but I don’t think the bounty on Osama Bin Laden was $1,000,000,000.00. Wake the heck up!
  20. Goose Why would it be worth anywhere near a BILLION DOLLARS to the United States to have some prosecutor in a foreign country fired? And before you answer, consider this: There isn’t a single person in the US that’d be worth anywhere close to that $ amount.
  21. I’m dying to hear from our resident Biden supporters what they believe all this money laundering was about.
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