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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I just got the chance to watch the video and I have to say that’s about as close a representation of how the architectural design process goes as I’ve ever seen. Tons of meetings. Lots of conversations with the client. Changes to the details after getting input, but all the while the architects are moving things along behind the scenes, back at their office. I also enjoyed the part where they visited other stadiums. That’s very realistic. I cannot tell you how many times a client would walk into a facility and ask me…”Can we have one just like this?”. Of course once design work gets started they always want to make changes but the initial thought remains. Lastly, if you watch closely you’ll see many quick shots of the computer model (it’s black and white) spinning around on the computer screen. That’s the ‘model’ I’ve been referring to in so many of my posts. Views of that single model are then printed onto sheets (which you also see them flipping through), which ‘lay people’ still think of as blueprints. And, the color renderings we’ve all seen are nothing more than individual screen shots of that single model which the software puts a color filter and shadows on top of. We can take a screen shot of the model from literally anywhere inside or outside the building. Thousands of them, if we want to. Hope that helps.
  2. EXTREMELY rare. We create more than three renderings for even the smallest of projects. As I’ve explained many times, these are not traditional renderings. They’re nothing more than single cells of a continuous animation path. I have no idea why they’re showing so little. Beats me!
  3. Obviously. And that’s really a shame. 😉 You’ll find out, eventually, when you’re the last one eaten.
  4. Recently relegated to court jester, BillStime unleashes a torrent of posts attempting to retake the throne…but alas to no substantive avail. Long live the new King!
  5. You mean out there just like the 1023 Form? You mean hidden and redacted for YEARS? Is that the ‘out there’ you’re referring to? You've lost a step BillSy. There’s a new King of BS on here now. It was a good run while you had it. Time to pass the torch. 😉
  6. So you don’t want to make America great again? You’d rather stick with the mess you just agreed exists now? Sure! That makes a TON of sense.
  7. It is very fragile Hawk. When the permanent bureaucracy no longer reports to the elected officials, who in turn report to us, it’s game over!
  8. You guys are all focused on the wrong folks. The elected officials are corrupt for sure, but they’re simply playing within the guidelines established by the entrenched permanent bureaucracy. It’s a symbiotic relationship but corruption, while obviously bad, isn’t the worst of it.
  9. Where as you believe men and women have the same strengths and weaknesses?
  10. I’m far less of a ‘party’ guy. What happened under Trump was that somebody finally started shining a flashlight on the corruption and permanent bureaucracy that have completely lost sight of their national mission statement. I couldn’t care less whether Trump is/was a D or an R or anything else. He served a purpose and they are STILL actively trying to destroy him for it.
  11. When did I say he wasn’t allowed to have an opinion? But trying to pass yourself off as an American, while criticizing the voting record of those who actually can vote is another thing altogether.
  12. At least you’ll be under the roof overhang! (Had to do it.)
  13. Close…but I think the point was that historically (at least recently anyway) the defense is going to ‘suck’.
  14. Nice excuse there Hawk. Russia had zero impact on the election. There’s not a person alive who didn’t already have an opinion of BOTH Trump and Clinton. Not one!
  15. Hawk….It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots.
  16. Yeah, I looked at that one but it has a broken cup holder, so I chose to pass! 😉
  17. Give it up Hawk. 2016 called and they want their failed Hilary campaign back. She lost because in the end Trump out worked her. Huge self inflicted error on her part.
  18. By ‘you guys’ I’m going to assume you mean us here in America?
  19. I’m off the camp that says Trump broke the system. Once he proved that an outsider could get elected, the gloves came off. The beltway cabal cannot let that happen again.
  20. Forget it Tibs. Your sthick is long ago played out. See if you can go troll a site from your homeland.
  21. Can I sit on your lap? 😂
  22. My favorite highlights were when the Democrats on the committee started blaming Trump for the Durham Report….a Report that says he had nothing to do with any of this! You cannot make this stuff up. A bunch of total political hacks.
  23. You didn’t vote at all. At least not in America.
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