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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. What does ANY of this have to with whether they should’ve kept Edmunds at MLB? 😂😂😂
  2. Not really. The statistic is about making it to your FIRST Super Bowl. That takes quite a few coaches out if the running. For example Bill B made it many many times after his first one.
  3. Ha! Neither of you however is the new King of the Board. 😂
  4. I’m pretty sure you and I would/will agree on the right time to pull the trigger. I’m just saying that if I was his boss I wouldn’t do it because of ANYTHING any other coach’s had historically done or will do. I think it’ll be obvious when he’s reached his ceiling. Is it next year? I don’t know. But the chances obviously get higher with each playoff failure. Is that statistics? Maybe. I just call it common sense.
  5. Yeah, yeah, yeah…..So what’s the point of all this then? Is it your position that the Bills should fire McD right now because chances of them winning a Super Bowl are slim to none? Seems like a simple concept really, and I’m not saying you’re wrong in this particular case. But using history to justify it seems a bit off….to me.
  6. Fake news! They have the wrong flag. 😁
  7. I think that’s where you’re going wrong. The set of coaches is not that large. And even it was, forty of anything is minuscule in terms of statistical sampling. Add to that there are absolutes at either end of the spectrum. For example you’re almost surely not going to the Super Bowl in Year One and definitely not in Year Fifty.
  8. I thought getting tickets for London was going to be way easier after I registered something like FOUR MONTHS ago. 😉
  9. That’s what we call coincidence not causation or prediction.
  10. So it would have been okay with you if they draped a MAGA flag on the balcony while Trump was in office? Cut the crap Section! Nobody, literally nobody is buying this anymore.
  11. Nobody’s ignoring anything Section. What’s been hung at the Capitol is the flag of a political party. Shameful! I’d imagine you’d say something similar if a MAGA flag was hung there….just admit it!
  12. So then it’s as ridiculous, as I said. The rainbow symbol by its very definition is meant to represent EVERYONE. Are there people who aren’t included in the term ‘everyone’? What an overtly political gesture! If your summary is true, that flag should NEVER hang at the Capitol.
  13. Huh? There are only six sides on a dice. There are way more than six variables in this equation. While I absolutely loved Money Ball as a movie, the Oakland Athletics did not win the World Series that year. Sheeeesh!
  14. His mom’s basement is in Canada! We used to go there to get gas during the oil embargo. 😂
  15. What’s with the ridiculous extra little triangle of colors they’ve added to the flag? I thought the rainbow concept symbolized that EVERYONE was included….no?
  16. I’ll try: Yes, you need a passport…obviously. Cellphone: your phone will work there but I recommend alerting both your carrier and your bank before you go so they don’t suspect illegal activity. Power Outlet….bring a converter. It’s way cheaper to get one at a drugstore or Amazon in the US. Transportation: We always get online tickets ahead of time on the Heathrow Express ($20 round trip) to get us into town nonstop from the airport. Once in town we take the Tube everywhere using an Oyster Card you get and load at the station when you get off the Express. Simple and very affordable! Tourist: If you’ve never been to London you can see virtually all of the major sites in a days walk along the Thames. (Westminster, Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s cathedral, Covent Garden, and the Tower of London) Walk across the Millennium bridge and back to see Shakespeare’s Globe Theater and Burroughs Market. Currency: You can get some pounds at the airport in the US or in London but just about everywhere and everything can be purchased with a Visa or Mastercard. The exchange rate is better with a credit card. They don’t use much cash anymore in Europe. Most Soccer (football) matches all play at 3:00pm on Saturday afternoon, the day before the Bills game, but tickets won’t go on sale online until about six weeks before the date. If you don’t want to spend a fortune, I highly recommend taking in a match at the Championship League level. There are a few London based teams and we’ve never had any problem with the in-stadium atmosphere. You can get tickets online and even have them delivered to your hotel so they’re there when you get into town. Lastly, not sure if they still do it, but last time the NFL closed Regent Street (Piccadilly Circus) to hold an outdoor NFL experience, just like at the Super Bowl. It was free to walk around and the place was crawling with Bills fans. Hope that helps!
  17. It’s not really 40 years of data. It’s more like just forty rolls of a dice. That’s a very small sample size of anything.
  18. In a statistical sample that only includes a little over 50 results, I'm not sure I would call much of anything an Outlier. Especially considering that a few franchises/coaches have repeated so many of those results.
  19. To keep things in perspective, every single year someone sets a new record, or a new statistical factoid is uncovered in Major League Baseball....a sport that's been keeping records for over a century, and that plays literally TEN TIMES as many regular season games as professional football. Ya never know what will happen until it happens.
  20. To quote Seinfeld...."Who doesn't want to wear the ribbon?"
  21. Thank You! Please repeat this post every day…forever! That’s about as succinct as I’ve seen anyone put it. The reality is that in order to have a successful American experiment we need to be celebrating our “Unum” not our “Pluribas”!
  22. No luck on Thursday but got mine on StubHub over the weekend. Paid a bit more, but at least I’m assured of a seat! 👍
  23. One of the most interesting parts of the video was listening to them talk about the desire to always be able see the field from inside the concourse levels. Face it, once you’re in your seat most stadiums are pretty much the same. (The field is the same size everywhere in the NFL.) I was very impressed with the shots of the Tottenham concourse areas and it’s always been frustrating to me when you can’t see the field from those areas, no matter what new or old stadium I’m in. I’m really hoping the final design maintains that conceptual goal. One thing that is really going to change however is the steepness of the seating bowl. In order to get the above described concourse levels, the seating bowl is gonna be way, way steeper.
  24. I’ve read a lot of whining about the difficulty of the Bills schedule but this is how the NFL is set up, and has been for decades. The best teams play the best teams…and generally in prime time. The challenge for Bills fans is getting used to them being one of the best teams. In the end, the best teams still make the playoffs every year with a couple of Cinderella stories to keep it interesting for the parity lovers.
  25. This twitter nitwit clearly doesn’t understand the concept of censure. PS: No idea why a Canadian would care so much about our political jousting.
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