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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Here’s my one sentence assessment of Tyrod: Unless our receiver was standing all alone with nobody within five yards of him, Tyrod simply refused to throw him the darn ball. He absolutely infuriated me! Although I’m guessing some of it was coaching.
  2. THREE cars! Your grandparents didn’t have three cars. (Kidding) 😉
  3. Took me ten months to take delivery but I’ve had it for almost a year now. Zero maintenance. Just go into a dealer and sit in one.
  4. 300 mile range and the most fun to drive of any car I’ve ever owned
  5. No worries. Seriously though, just go in and test drive one of these things. You’ll be shocked.
  6. I’ve had solar on my house for twenty years! I’m a Sustainability Certified Professional. What you got now?
  7. Yes….I’ll race. The electric has simply amazing speed off the line. Seriously, this thing is an incredible piece of machinery. 👍
  8. We generally agree Frank, and we do here, but your observation means nothing to young people trying to start a family today. They couldn’t care less how well your or my grandparents had it.
  9. Classic! You'll eat generic cheese and be happy about it dammit! The Republicans need do nothing more than show these responses. Where’s Irv when we need him? What a mess.
  10. Geeez Frank! You're not supposed to be in Europe until October when we take over London and Tottenham stadium! 😂 As regards your commentary, I don’t doubt that they’re testing the messaging water early to see what sticks. Being pretty well healed myself I don’t doubt that there were tons of Americans in Europe. I suspect that’s because has nobody has gone anywhere in three years. And I know that you and I are in the bubble minority. Most Americans…the vast, vast majority…aren’t going to Europe, and that’s even with the Bills in London. 😉
  11. The Democrats are not getting a ‘huge boost’ from things staying the way they are. Every poll tells you that. They desperately need things to get better for average Americans. I have no idea why they’re trying to get out ahead of it with a PR campaign on Bidenomics. That isn’t going to work. They either need to enact policies that cure the disease, or hope the rash cures itself over time.
  12. As I’ve said, if you think this has anything to do with the right of out of shape white dudes to walk around naked you are kidding yourself!
  13. That’s sort of true Frank but it’s even more true that it’s the Democrats greatest fear that the economy will keep doing what it’s been doing; which is pretty much going nowhere. All you need to do is look at the polls and you’ll see that the vast majority of Americans aren’t happy with the current stagnation. I’d put it to you that it’s the Democrats who are more desperate for something to change. I’m not sure that any of the so-called ‘experts’ have the slightest clue.
  14. Chris, they should’ve been slowly raising rates long before Biden took office. For that, I blame the Fed leadership.
  15. Diggs simply wants to win. I don’t see him as the kind of guy who’s going to complain if he’s sharing touches so long as the Bills win playoff games. In fact, I can’t recall him doing so after victories. Has he? Now…do I agree with his quasi-public displays of frustration…no. I’m going to hope that they’re coming out only after he’s expressed them in private to no avail. It’s a fine line, and in my opinion he’s crossed it a few times now. He’s getting dangerously close to ruining his legacy. So I hope he has good people around him that will talk to him.
  16. I’m not going to blame the Fed for trying to put out out the fire started by the elected class of morons running this country.
  17. Not sure I agree with this take. The Fed should’ve slowly raised interest rates long ago. Long before Biden. Raising rates is one of the tools used to slow the rate of inflation. Unfortunately after the Great Recession they got complacent, or fearful of another one, so they let them sit there at essentially zero. In fact for a while you recall that there was talk about them going negative; which is a macro financial concept that I never actually understood.
  18. Reading through the last few hours of dialogue I can see that the Get Trump spin doctors have been hard at work here trying to once again rewrite history so that they can say “We’ve been over this already.” Mrs Clinton would be very very proud.
  19. I guess the only thing that matters is whether anyone let Dorsey know about any of this.
  20. Or better yet, to quote Mrs Clinton, excused away with the tried and true.... "We've been over this already." 😂
  21. And apparently he/she gets all of his/her information from his deeply buried "inside sources" and not from the news media. Proving yet again why he is in fact the New King! Come on Doc....don't ya know....FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!
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