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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Does MA need a road? If they do I’m pretty sure they’ll get one.
  2. I have no idea what you think this little clip shows, other than the fact that Joe Biden was a moron back then as well.
  3. I’m not sure what that means but I’ll defend your right to be confused. 😉
  4. You like to say that a lot. I’m assuming you know that over 3/4 of federal spending goes to the Military, Interest, Social Security and Health Care. Are you really that bent out of shape because a few roads are built in rural America? Really?
  5. It’s weird because Southern California is the Mecca of fast, or at least easy food, and I’ve been utterly shocked they haven’t brought Nandos out here. It’d be super popular.
  6. Last year the Bills were complacent and exhausted against the Bengals. The year before, they panicked against the Chiefs. In order to win it all they have to be and remain in the moment during the playoffs. There is no question that they have the talent and experience, both on the roster and on the coaching staff. (Somebody needs to bring a large suitcase filled with smelling salts!)
  7. I’ve used this example before…as an Architect am I supposed to be forced to spend literally hundreds of hours designing an abortion clinic? This goes way, way beyond somebody baking a cake for a few minutes.
  8. His time would be much better spent “persistently” reading the US Constitution. 😉
  9. Just go to a Nandos and get some peri peri chicken. We love that stuff! 😋
  10. Hawk…I’m not personally defending anyone by my comment. However if YOU want to toss out the concept of due process please tell us all now. Goose appears to believe that because he’s a lawyer he gets to make these decisions. Fortunately for the rest of society, that’s not the role of lawyers in our country.
  11. One of the reasons college costs so much is because the government got into the student loan business. Access to lots and lots of money is what drives costs up. Not sure why we never seem to learn this lesson.
  12. I hope you have them for many years to come. 👍 My Dad turns 90 next weekend. Still going strong physically but starting to fail mentally. I just pray that the Bills can win ONE while he’s still with us.
  13. I absolutely love it. I drove two consecutive 5 Series and put about 150,000 miles on each one before getting the i4 electric. I got the electric on somewhat on a whim, just to see how I’d like it. It’s soooo much fun to drive and way cheaper to operate. (The wife drives a gas SUV.) I have admit I find it funny reading the comments on here. When you live in Southern California there’s no ‘stigma’ with driving anything. But I remember the buy American sentiment when I was growing up in WNY. I guess I assumed that was long ago passed.
  14. Goose, you really crack me up! According to your theory we’d don’t need a court system. Everyone who’s a lawyer would just agree to agree all the time. No need for a prosecution, defense, judge or jury. Luckily it doesn’t work that way! Or at least it never did pre-Trump.
  15. Oh I realize you were serious Doc. The question is who militarizes first? The citizenry or the government.
  16. Frank….You and I are simply saying the quiet part out loud. As I say on here ALL THE TIME, most things in life really aren’t that complicated.
  17. In general I agree. Where I offer a slightly different take is that I let people make their own choices….but for that take I believe those people trade away the right to complain when it doesn’t work out. Complaining about the outcome after the game has been played isn’t a good look for anyone. (Not even Bills fans.)
  18. Thanks Frank. I give you permission to go get that new car. 😂 In all seriousness it never ceases to amaze me how people think there’s a magic fast lane to success. Think about it….We readily accept and glorify the NBA star who were told is the first one in the gym and the last one to leave, shorting hundreds of free throws every day. (When he wins the championship he almost thanks his mom!) But when it comes to academics we chalk it up to the kid being ‘gifted’ as if little to no work or dedication is required.
  19. The Social Compact: I was going to start a thread on this topic but I’ll bring it up here. It seems to me we’ve lost sight of the Social Compact that civilized societies struck many many years ago. Here in the US we had the days of the Wild West in which people protected their lives and homes and property on their own. Law enforcement was virtually non existent. As a society we decided to trade away that system for a system of taxation in which we now pay others (police) to protect and serve us. In parts of Europe that social compact has gone so far as to completely disarm the citizens. The result is that the entirety of personal protection has been ceded to the State. Now we appear to be in a precarious tipping point in which criminals no longer fear that enforcement, and/or when some demand that the enforcement mechanism stand down in lieu of enforcing it. What happens next?
  20. My wife has worked at a Middle School in the public school system in Southern California for decades. Her school and her school district looks like the United Nations when it comes to racial diversity. Most of the posters on here cannot even fathom a society with such diversity. Every year, the same ethnicity of students rise to the top in grades, and dominate the spelling bee. It isn’t a coincidence. There are virtually no exceptions. She will tell you that the parents of these students value and reinforce the need for a good education to get ahead. It’s cultural. It takes hard work and dedication day after day after day. I have no idea why anyone thinks there’s some magic bullet.
  21. We’ll put you down as a ‘no’ then. 😉
  22. Looking back, my overall assessment would be much worse if I hadn’t actually attended the last two. Being at the Super Bowl was an outright blast! It was much easier to take the loss being in the stadium and the fans around us (from both teams) were great.
  23. Here’s my one sentence assessment of Tyrod: Unless our receiver was standing all alone with nobody within five yards of him, Tyrod simply refused to throw him the darn ball. He absolutely infuriated me! Although I’m guessing some of it was coaching.
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