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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Goose You get involved in wars to end them FAST, or don’t get into them at all.
  2. Oh brother. Keep supplying weapons at no risk to yourself. Let’s just hope the US never gets into a war where some other countries just keep providing us with arms while our sons and daughters pay the price. This conflict needs to end! And it won’t end if the world keeps going about it this way.
  3. His party controlled BOTH houses of congress up until a few months ago. How hard would it have been for Chuck and Nancy to put this forward? Could it be it’s just about winning elections? Hmmm? And for the millionth time, it makes absolutely no difference to you or me what some billionaire pays in taxes! It doesn’t impact your life in the slightest. However, I’d be happy to see the trade where billionaires pay more so long as EVERYONE pays something.
  4. Goose…with all due respect it’s a dum question and you know it. War is supposed to be ugly and painful for everyone involved in it. That’s why the participants are generally quick to end it. Both the winner and loser. The biggest problem with this war is that it’s being funded by uninvolved spectators! I hope that helps a little.
  5. Doc My comments have almost nothing to do with the politics of the place. To be honest I don’t run into it much. My comments are about the state of the physical environment. I have watched it fall into a state of disrepair for decades now. They’re spending a boatload of tax dollars on something, but it isn’t on routine maintenance. To quote Irv…it’s a mess!
  6. We won’t be sending troops. The Left has found their perfect war. No risk. Just put it on the credit card. Oh and put a Ukrainian flag on your Twitter feed. Done!
  7. Issues? The place is falling apart. It’s literally filthy.
  8. John I wonder how long you’ve lived in California. If you can’t see the rapid decline, you are truly blind!
  9. Is the small incursion over yet? Or are we still scouring the stock room for more weapons to sell?
  10. Augie…this seals it…you and I are literally the same person!
  11. He’ll be fine. Just don’t drink the water, or leave the resort grounds.
  12. Well the sun finally broke through the coastal cloud cover yesterday afternoon, and I’m not sure I’ve ever had a Bud Light…but I can assure you my mental faculties are just fine. I do find it amazing how hard I have to argue on here that this war is stupid and that the world, including the United States, saw this coming for months and somehow managed to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop it before it began. (Apparently we were all too busy watching an ice skating competition over in China.) So sue me if I believe that there are many who not so secretly welcomed this confrontation.
  13. You obviously don’t read my posts. I’m far from a partisan. I do however firmly believe that our permanent government class is completely out of control. At this particular point in time, yes, the Democrats are more likely to be aligned with that permanent class….but it swings back and forth and there are still many national Republican figures who’ll fall right in line if it suits their reelection needs…Lindsay Graham comes immediately to mind.
  14. You guys crack me up. Somehow Russia hasn’t attacked Ukraine for years, but suddenly, like magic, this dolt of an old weak man becomes President and lo and behold the troops are amassed at the border. I’m guessing you also thought the virus came from a farmers market. Sheeesh!
  15. No true retribution is what you see and read on here every single day. Open your fricking eyes. And it’s classic that you go with there’s nothing we could have done. Sure! Hilarious
  16. Hey Ron Since you asked, I would have stopped this before one Russian soldier set one foot onto Ukrainian soil. But that wouldn’t have given the military industrial complex the chance to soak the US taxpayer and wouldn’t have quenched the Left an excuse to punch Putin for their stupid and childish Hillary retribution l.
  17. Come on out. Cloud cover just burned off. 👍
  18. Frank, That’s way too much typing for me to do from my towel at the beach. 😎
  19. Don’t look now Frank but you sound EXACTLY like the crowd that got us mired in Viet Nam. Back then we had to stop the spread of communism. I’m not sure what the heck we thinking we’re stopping now.
  20. What I find fascinating is how the Left trashed Trump for having been a Democrat. I’m beginning to understand why. The Democratic Party doesn’t stand for very much of anything it used to. That’s neither good or bad, just an observation….but it’s definitely fascinating how so many things have flipped.
  21. I’ve lived long enough that I… Ask not what my country can do for me Reject the idea of funding ridiculous foreign wars Still appreciate the lofty goals of the Space Program Go figure…..I’ve been sitting here for over half a century…and now I’m a Democrat! Who knew?
  22. The modern Democratic Party is completely off the rails. Who’d of ever thought they’d reject a Kennedy? Simply amazing.
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