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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Next thing we’re going to find out is that this whistleblower had nuclear secrets stored in a box in his garage, along with a baggie full of cocaine. 😉
  2. The funny part is that the article says that many buyers would pay $7.2m just to tear it down and build a new, bigger house. So there may indeed be more to come in ‘the process’. Again….welcome to California! 😂
  3. Welcome (back) to California! And yes, that’s what a house on the beach in Dana Point costs.
  4. Insurance rates? This is a story about insurance rates? Oh come on!
  5. Let me see if I understand: The gist of this story is that the DOJ just indicted a guy for not registering as a foreign agent after that guy blew the whistle on another guy for not registering as a foreign agent?
  6. You might want to try being nice. I’m one of the VERY few people on here who hasn’t put you on time out. 😉
  7. Proving once again why you e been demoted to the Court Jester! There’s a new king…..Long Live the New King. You had a great run.
  8. Again….When did I say we shouldn’t?
  9. We’re not in a war. We’re just paying for one.
  10. When did I say they shouldn't?
  11. Keep trying BillSy. Maybe when you grow up someone will teach you the basics of money instead of lashing out with yet more of your ridiculous Orange Man Bad nonsense.
  12. Now what? Day after day you never cease to amaze me at how LITTLE you know about how anything associated with money or business works. Thanks for confirming it once again.
  13. Yes, I got that much, but it made no sense as an example of one of your 5 to 7 word campaign slogans.
  14. This is what happens when you treat the Treasury like it’s your own personal ATM machine. But as a very smart lady once said, it’s only ‘until you run out of other people’s money’. There’s apparently no end to what our Washington Class wants to put on the national credit card.
  15. You must’ve been posting either very late or a little tipsy….because I have no idea what this means. 😉
  16. During the subprime Bank Crisis we were told that we, the taxpayers, had to pay off loans because then evil banks were preying on the least educated amongst us….urban poor. Now fast forward and the Government, not private banks, appears to have been preying on the MOST educated amongst….suburban college students. But the solution is the same. We, the taxpayers, need to pay off the loans. Really now? I can’t wait to see what’s next.
  17. Now there’s a new argument. It’s your position that some humans should be allowed to kill other humans? Yikes!
  18. And your point is what? If you know anything about my post profile, I’m not a big pro-gun guy….so, you want me to make a collage of a couple million fetuses?
  19. Yes it’s be so much better if we could all just agree to continue with the slaughter of innocent lives. Much cleaner. 👍
  20. Ha! Yes you’re right “Due process her up!” would’ve been a much catchier slogan. 😂
  21. Apparently throwing bricks at cops is okay….but do NOT grab their shield. At least now we know the rules.
  22. Ron Just wait until those 51 former Intelligence Officials get ahold of it. 😉
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