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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I couldn’t care less who brought cocaine into the White House. The utterly amazing part is that it got into the building without someone being arrested on the spot! Will anyone be fired? I’m guessing not.
  2. So let me see if I understand. It’s your personal position that you wouldn’t move to Florida because of your home insurance premium? Do you think ANYONE factors that in when they decide to move? If so, I’ve certainly NEVER heard of it. But if you feel that way…don’t move there. 👍
  3. What do home insurance costs have to do with any of this? Those costs are based on risk and replacement costs. If you live somewhere where fire, earthquakes, or floods/storms will cause your home to be replaced then insurance companies will raise your premium. And, just as importantly, if the cost of replacing your home goes up, so too will your premium. Is this complicated? No.
  4. What’s a library? 😉
  5. And others post memes. Although I cannot recall exactly who. Bueller? Bueller?
  6. Okay…try this. Fry bacon in a pan. Reserve the grease, and then cook/warm a can of well drained tuna in the grease. Put the crumbled bacon back in the pan, and then pour the entire mixture over spaghetti. Pour a ladle or two of the pasta water over it, with a drizzle of olive oil. Cover in Parmesan cheese and sprinkle with chopped parsley. It’s the best! 👍
  7. We found something! I used to love watching Jamie Oliver cook in his little British flat. There were certain products that are packaged differently in the UK and I always found it interesting. And I do love me some carbonara!
  8. Hawk, I’ve yet to find anything that you and I agree on. I’m going to keep looking though. 😉
  9. He’s not anything in my eyes. I have no idea what your point is. Experts and whistleblowers get paid whatever they want. It doesn’t make them good or bad people. And it means absolutely NOTHING about the validity of their testimony.
  10. That’s a lot of words that mean absolutely nothing. An expert gets paid WHATEVER they want to get paid. (Not saying that’s what happened here.) To equate this to Wray testifying today is beyond hilarious!
  11. Where’s the scandal here? All expert witnesses are paid to testify in court. Does everyone think they’re doing it out of some civic duty? Now…when your testimony is almost surely going to get you fired from your job, it doesn’t seem all that far fetched to me that compensation becomes part of the conversation. You are still UNDER OATH as our friends on the Left like to say every day on here.
  12. They’re going to try and spin this right up until the election, but the thing about the economy is that people either feel it or they don’t. There’s very little that the Administration can do to change your day to day experience. Frankly, I’m not at all sure why they’re spending any time on it.
  13. That’s WITHOUT the rebate. Just go test drive one Frank. Tell the wife you’re going shopping for ‘men’s products’. 😂 By the way, it costs about $12 to fill it up.
  14. Morning Frank….not even close! 53k Yep!
  15. Wow you’re old. I bearly remember the 1960s!
  16. The day Hilary lost, his entire world came crashing down. Really sad.
  17. Benghazi? Still with that? And you claim everyone else in a Cult?
  18. Super Cool! Thanks for sharing. Man, there was about twenty years in there when we all just should’ve taken a nap! 😂
  19. If Josh is moving to the Rams he’d be an idiot for buying a home in Dana Point. It’s going to take him six hours just to drive to work on the 405 Freeway every day! 😂
  20. I have no idea what any of that means but I’ll defend your right to say it. 😉
  21. The fence will encompass WAY more area than the stadium footprint. The Construction Team needs what is called a ‘lay down’ area for materials, trailers, and equipment to be stored and moved around the perimeter. You can imagine how much ‘stuff’ needs to be delivered to a massive construction project.
  22. Wait! The Cult now includes people who would support his political rival? Man…that’s one big arse Cult!
  23. Morning Frank Gloats about it? Okay. What’s your guess on what it cost?
  24. Why does smell like the actions of a mafia/cartel crime family? Someone’s about to testify against the family, and poof, they disappear! You cannot tell me that if the DOJ know who this guy is that they also haven’t known about his registration status for months and months now.
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