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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Wonderful. Enjoy your little meaningless life goal.
  2. I have no idea…why don’t you tell everyone? Hawk, this Trump bullsheet has gone on way too long. You are not moving the needle AT ALL. Give it a rest.
  3. The bullsheet is strong with you. MSNBC is pure garbage.
  4. So we agree. The only stat that mattered in your year by year comparison was the increase in turnovers. All of the others are skewed by that single one.
  5. Ugh….sample size of every one of these categories. For example, if you turn the ball over your points per drive is going to go down. It still counts as a drive but the turnover ends it with zero chance of scoring.
  6. Because the sample size just isn’t that large from season to season. This isn’t baseball. So that outlier of turnover percentage skews all of the others.
  7. These three years are statistically identical with the exception of Turnover percentage….which I assume was mostly interceptions.
  8. Doc…you ABSOLUTELY can disagree with the government. At least you can in this country. It’s one of things that make this country unique. Our Constitution is not there to protect the government from the citizens. It’s there to protect the citizens from the government!
  9. So if you disagree with the government you’re guilty of the crime of disagreeing with the government? Once again… that’s freaking insane! We better never get there as a country. But alas we may have already crossed that bridge
  10. With all due respect Doc, that isn’t what Goose is arguing. He/she says it’s about obstruction. But what’s being obstructed? Did the government need these documents for an ongoing investigation? Nope! This case is literally ridiculous. Possession of the documents was already remedied…by force. The issue is settled! If anyone should be bringing a case it would be Trump.
  11. Then Goose claims it isn't ‘worth’ prosecuting over a stapler. So how’s it worth prosecuting when the government has already been made whole with the documents? Answer: it isn’t unless the new Administration is trying to kneecap a political rival.
  12. I happened to see a replay of the Ravens game on NFL Network a couple of weeks ago. We won the game but Davis dropped numerous passes. Saying that it only hurts us when we lose is one way to evaluate players but I’m not sure the coaching staff would agree with you.
  13. Goose claims the dispute is over obstruction, NOT over the documents themselves. But how is it any way worth arresting your former boss once you already have your documents back? Unless of course the actual intent is to either aid or impress your new boss. Hmmmm?
  14. The problem with Davis, at least last year, is that he dropped the ball a lot in crucial situations. I’m hoping he’s gotten over that.
  15. Now you really have to be kidding! If that’s the claim then literally everyone who’s ever worked for the government is guilty as hell. I guarantee they ALL have some pens and a stapler at home. Every single one of them.
  16. Obstruction is a ridiculous charge, and I trust you know it. There was an ongoing dispute that was in essence resolved when one side used brute force to end it, at a time when the other side was knowingly not home. This PROVES that the government could have ended the dispute at literally any time, but they chose not to. If obstruction is the claim, as you say it is, then this looks for all the world like entrapment.
  17. Yeah right. If the issue is document control, then the issue is resolved when the government got ‘their’ documents back. I guess a jury could say that Trump should pay for the cost of the raid, but that seems a bit petty and ridiculous. If the issue is that Trump honestly thought he could keep the documents then that again had now been resolved with the raid, and it should be Trump (not the government) bringing an action to get ‘his’ documents back to Mara Lago. Either way the entire issue is ridiculous. And made more so when it was discovered that virtually EVERYONE has documents after leaving office.
  18. Come on Goose! That’s why you’re the King. You know everything and everyone else knows nothing.
  19. Don’t be a fool. This is what the dispute is all about. Now…do Biden. Stop waffling. This entire narrative went to crap the minute Biden was found to have classified documents. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then the real problem is NOT Trump or Biden, but our horribly lax document control system.
  20. Biden: ABSOLUTELY not! Trump: All of the documents? Maybe. Maybe not. (That’s the essence of the dispute.) The vast, vast majority of the documents…definitely.
  21. Christians don’t ‘doom’ anyone.
  22. It’s an excellent point and one I’ve wondered about during this entire document saga. Anyone who has documents outside of the secure location (Biden, Pence, Trump) only needs to photocopy or take a cellphone photo of them and poof….there goes the control over the document. So does it really matter if you give them back? It’s not like it’s a piece of jewelry!
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