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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. John, I’ve said it so many times on here. I’d have never let this get started to begin with. Putin didn’t parachute into Ukraine or kill the archduke. He telegraphed this for MONTHS. But the world was either a) too busy watching ice skating b) not really all that bothered by the idea of incursion c) relying on the usual level of piss poor intelligence. But….just so we don’t go in a circle, once he did enter Ukraine it’d have been shock and awe from the world at the very first Russian boot that set foot across the border. Not the piecemeal nonsense we’ve seen.
  2. It’s way better now after almost three months but I don’t want to chance it with much beer or wine, just yet. Funny, I did the tart cherry pills for a bit. In the end, I think it eventually just flushed itself out. I’m back to running again….finally. 👍
  3. Wonderful Keep paying for other people to die An inconvenient truth!
  4. On us getting involved in another foreign war thing you and I definitely agree. Where we differ is that I believe us paying for other people to die in a war is possibly worse.
  5. Yes…you’re very ‘enlightened’, just like all liberals. If you can’t see it happening out your window it’s not happening. Very enlightened indeed.
  6. DEFLECTION as usual. As I’ve often said, I’m the only one willing to converse with you on here. But there’s a limit.
  7. So we’re just paying for other people to get killed. Wonderful
  8. It’s only five o’clock here, and they want me to drink less after my gout attack. Shouldn’t you be ready to admit your hero is a crook?
  9. Thanks for your service, but with all due respect we should only fight wars to win them….and fast
  10. That’s why you laughed about it? They impeached Trump when he even asked a question. Irony must be completely dead with you….much like your soul.
  11. Hey BillSy I couldn’t help but notice you laughed at my summary of the Burisma scandal. What about it do you find funny exactly?
  12. Excellent! I’ve been waiting to push the Easy Button. Close thread.
  13. How’s the war going everyone? Are we done yet? Did we reach as long as it was going to take?
  14. What planet are you on? Certainly not this one. I’m curious is there water and air there? 😉
  15. What was just as telling was when one of the Democrats asked that Kennedy’s testimony be moved to Executive Session (at your local School Board meeting this would be called Closed Session) meaning that they wanted to be able to hear and discuss the testimony themselves but that the American people should not be allowed to hear it. A stunning display of the utter lack of self awareness.
  16. I look at this differently. While every Bills fan would obviously want to see us in the Super Bowl, I think the important question is between the next two: Would it be better for their longer arc if they missed the playoffs altogether or made the playoffs but once again exited before the Championship Game?
  17. Simple question: Did Joe Biden lying to the American public during a presidential debate about his personal knowledge of his son’s business dealings make him ineligible to hold the office? Yes….it did.
  18. While most of yesterday’s hearings was pure deflection from the Democrats, I did hear something that caught my attention. The basic narrative has generally been that Joe interfered in US $ aid to Ukraine to protect his son from a prosecutor looking into his corruption. One of the Republican congressman suggested a nuanced different take and timeline. He said that at that time Burisma was trying to get admitted to the Stock Exchange and the rumor of corruption was going to hold that up. So, they hired Hunter as a buffer, and that’s why Joe intervened. If true, why does it matter? It matters because it means Joe’s intervention was not personal (protecting his son’s paycheck), but instead was a ‘fee for service’ to sway or change policy. For what it’s worth.
  19. Hilarious! Once again….that is NOT how this country works.
  20. What about the courthouse exactly?
  21. As I figured. Trust me when I say it was beyond ridiculous. I’m not trying to be partisan here. Honestly, unlike many on here I say a “pox on both their houses”, but the lack of interest from the Democrats was beyond stunning. Hawk, BOTH of these witnesses were incredibly prepared, serious professionals, and BOTH are democrats, ….one of them is gay! But they both know corruption when they see it. Truly shameful that we’ve gotten to the place where if it’s not your tribe, they just don’t care.
  22. Quite possibly so, but I honestly didn’t think I’d live long enough to see the Democratic Party so invested in protecting the Deep State and Elected Official corruption. We’ve entered bizzaro world for sure. A truly shameful display of elitism today.
  23. What a clown show. The democrats wanted to talk about EVERYTHING but the testimony of these very credible witnesses. If this had been a trial, it would be over! We may have passed the point of no return when it comes to corruption in Washington. It’s now become common place and acceptable for these insider hack politicians to shovel money into their own pockets.
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