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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Thanks. I ran a large company of highly skilled professionals, most if not all with college degrees. It wasn’t a high school locker room. We had people of every nationality, political bias, faith and I’ve got to assume sexual preference. Nobody cared about ANY of this stuff and I definitely didn’t as their employer. The employer sets the tone. There is no need for a DEI committee. And if the employees believe there is, then they need to get a new employer. A committee isn’t going to fix it.
  2. Interestingly I feel about the same as I did in the midst of the drought except that now my expectation is for four or five more wins than I had during those years. The 7-9 Bills have, thankfully, turned into the 12-5 Bills. However ….until they show me something during the playoffs I just enjoy the regular season with very very few Super Bowl aspirations.
  3. Thanks Brit We might try and take the train down to Brighton. But they’re hosting Liverpool so once again tickets might be tough.
  4. We always stay at one of the many Doubletree hotels around greater London. They offer an awesome breakfast buffet.
  5. “Please tell me you didn’t believe that email was from a real Nigerian Prince!”
  6. I’ve got to assume we have/had any number of LGBT employees. But I never thought once to ask them, nor do I think it’s in any way my place to do so as their current or future employer. Seems like it’s absolutely none of my business.
  7. Do you know when the Championship game schedule is released? Is it the same time as the EPL?
  8. That saying was clearly created by someone who never learned or practiced the skill set I’m talking about. 😉
  9. Good question. Yes, it is. It’s a life skill many people don’t realize they already have, or routinely exercise. I’ve always wished they spent more time on it in high school, and possibly earlier. It’s one of the skillsets that separates really successful people.
  10. Everything in life is pretty simple. There are always a million variables in every situation. You just have to learn how to prioritize them.
  11. I always appreciate your commentary Lehnerd. I am curious about your son’s diversity gig and what it entails. This is all a foreign concept to me. I ran a large company for decades and it literally looked like the United Nations in our many offices. We didn’t need a DEI program. We hired and promoted the best people at their respective jobs. Is that not true where your son works?
  12. Innocent question: I watched part of the Twitter clip somebody posted a few days ago MGT (I hate these acronyms) in which she appeared to be reporting on what she saw/read on the Form in the sciff (sp). In it she talked specifically about these recordings. So….why is this only news now? And why are they saying it was redacted?
  13. 1. Diggs is making a fool of himself by not showing up for work. 2. That’s it.
  14. In short….no. McD is here to stay until and unless he does something off the field that forces ownership to remove him. Which I highly doubt.
  15. Couldn’t he have just started a charity for inner city kids or helped an old lady across the street? 😉
  16. Huh? Cruz? Not sure what you’re talking about here Ron but feel free to keep your head buried in sand.
  17. It’s only closed to BillStime…..duh! 😉
  18. So what have we learned? Answer: We've learned that President Trump was 100% correct when he asked the incoming Ukrainian President to be watchful for US corruption. And when he asked the question....they impeached for it. UNBELIEVABLE!
  19. Hey Governor Christie....there were 51 Intel Officials who signed a letter attesting to a complete and utter fiction. Have you forgotten about that one already?
  20. Sorry….this thread has been closed! 😂
  21. EXACTLY! Thanks for closing this thread on a high note. Drop microphone. Exit the thread. Very much appreciated.
  22. I’m pretty confident that what you perceive as hate is actually them just taking a position that you’re uncomfortable or disagree with. I’ve yet to sit in a church that preaches ‘hate’. And I’ve sat in quite a few.
  23. Not to go down the rabbit hole…again. So I guess you think Comey was stupid then?
  24. John? You’ve seen “so many” churches that preach hate? Really?
  25. Excellent! Now try and practice the basic principles.
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