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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You seem to see everything as it is and not realize that the game is almost unrecognizable from what professional football was just a few years ago. I’m pretty sure the NFL will figure out a way to make money. They always have and always will. That’s what a business does. (Heck, they’re charging fans $20,000 a seat right across the street, and that doesn’t even include the additional price to actually SIT IN IT! 😂)
  2. We used to get the Raiders broadcasts out here in Los Angeles. Their preseason announcer team was nothing more than a three hour plus mind numbing marketing blitz for the history of the Raider organization. It was horrific.
  3. I’m not suggesting to eliminate them. They haven’t eliminated the kickoff. They changed it.
  4. Does anyone on here think that other posters do NOT know this was a preseason game? Trust me…..we ALL know. But that doesn’t change the fact that the team played like a total dumpster fire. Not sure why folks thinks it’s somehow unacceptable to point it out.
  5. Why wait until 2026? Just get some gals from the neighborhood and start doing that now! 😉
  6. Thats assuming that nothing changes….but everything always changes. Heck, we now have kickoffs that look nothing like they did six months ago. So….why not change up preseason so the teams deal with it differently than they do now?
  7. All true, but it comes back to what I said about preseason then…”what is the point of all this”? If as many said the point is to evaluate players on the back end of the roster, good luck with that! That performance was nothing short of terrible all around and unless the coaching staff has a high power microscope I’ll be shocked if they’re able to find any semblance of a diamond in the rough. Let’s hope there isn’t paint left on the locker room walls.
  8. Bad Day 1. Steve Tasker 2. The ‘COO’ Dude who was supposed to talk about the stadium and instead said absolutely nothing.
  9. The length of time isn’t important. Whats more important is the number of offensive series. I’d like to see a minimum of two series; then sit them down.
  10. Actually I’m not putting much weight into it at all. On the contrary, I really hope it means next to nothing at all. I just want to see the high ‘priced’ rookie on the field. I believe his skillset will improve with real game time action. If he underperforms THEN put in Hollins or whoever. Just my thoughts.
  11. Again, it's just a difference of approach. WR is not like QB. This kid is essentially being asked to "go out to the green Chevy and turn around". I find it hard to believe that that should be a huge challenge for him....and if it is, then why was he selected as their Top Pick? It can be said that just as much damage can be done by NOT starting him. If Hollins does well (and as a fan I'd certainly hope that he does), then what does Coleman need to do to get on the field? Does he just sit their and sulk? It's a Catch 22.
  12. We’ve all been over this more than once. If you think Beane is drafting guys without McDs approval we really need to talk. Second, it’s just a difference of leadership style. If it was me, I’d give my top draft pick the utmost confidence from Day One, especially this year where he was purposely drafted to be ‘the guy’ for a receiving group that just vacated the position. Will Coleman start from opening day? I personally believe he should. Should the position be his to lose? I personally it should be.
  13. I know the Depth Chart is just a chart but for heaven’s sakes! They go into the draft desperately needing to replace they’re top two receivers and after spending they’re highest draft pick on one it’s beyond my comprehension why Coleman wouldn’t be the immediate starter, and be told to get himself ready from Day One!
  14. I’m sure you’re right but at some point McD is going to have to show some faith in guys he drafts just a few months earlier.
  15. Every year, without fail, there’s a player that everyone says is this year’s sleeper to make the roster. They often stand out head and shoulders in preseason. They rarely, if ever, make the team. Just like Lucy pulling the football out from under Charlie Brown. Every year!
  16. That settles it! Gunner is clearly playing 3D chess.
  17. Interesting. They didn’t ask me anything at Heathrow. 😳(Kidding)
  18. Exactly! As many have indicated, they don’t have any of this in college. Just hold a couple of glorified scrimmages against geographically close by opponents. The starters play a few series with little to no contact, and then the subs do their usual. Everyone needs to face it. Preseason has become pretty much unwatchable.
  19. All true….so just like everything that’s changed in the NFL over the years, why are they clinging to the charade that we know as preseason? There are any number of ways to morph it and keep up with everything you pointed out above.
  20. You must’ve missed the sentence where I said they’re meaningless if the actual team doesn’t play. Yes, I’m sure a couple of back row players will get a shot at making the special teams unit here or elsewhere….but it’s definitely morphed over the decades into an exercise that the teams tolerate more than one that they either enjoy or actually need.
  21. As I’ve said already, why not just have the league establish a compromise where the starters play the first quarter with limited full contact. The guys get much needed time against a foreign adversary and injuries are limited to the minimum possible. That’s what the Pro Bowl was for decades and there were very few injuries
  22. Time to switch pubs (“meetings” to use your terminology)
  23. Gunner The most interesting aspect of your projected roster is that this may be the first time in NFL history that a team won’t have a single Running Back. 😳
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