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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. And it’s going to take much longer with the intelligence community actively working to keep the citizens in the dark.
  2. Hilarious! I have no agenda. I’m just looking at the evidence. You know…follow the science!
  3. Screaming at the TV that Andy Dalton was a bum! And then….he wasn’t. Go Bills!
  4. Nice thesis paper there Hawk. The claim is NOT that Shokin would’ve investigated Hunter. Please insert another quarter and try again.
  5. I was going to post the EXACT same thing but the Holiday Inn Express was completely booked last night. 😉 Seriously, very interesting Wacka! I’m amazed at how much we’ve come to know about how all of this ‘stuff’ works. I’m also guessing there’s a lot that we still don’t know.
  6. Notice how the Left has suddenly shifted focus to the tapes? The Republicans didn’t make up the idea of tapes. What does their existence, or non existence, have to do with this? It’s a side issue. (But I do find it odd that a source would come up with a VERY specific number of tapes as opposed to just saying there’s one.)
  7. When you stop and think about it everything is pretty much set now until January. The roster isn’t going to change much, if at all, until then. Neither is the coaching staff or the players’ skill sets. Now we just wait and see if they can win enough games to make the playoffs (which they should based on talent and experience) and then pray they have enough gas left in the tank both mentally and physically. I’m completely over the old home field advantage chase. If you expend all your energy trying to get it, and leave nothing left for the postseason tournament, what was the point?
  8. I could be wrong but I don’t think the bounty on Osama Bin Laden was $1,000,000,000.00. Wake the heck up!
  9. Goose Why would it be worth anywhere near a BILLION DOLLARS to the United States to have some prosecutor in a foreign country fired? And before you answer, consider this: There isn’t a single person in the US that’d be worth anywhere close to that $ amount.
  10. I’m dying to hear from our resident Biden supporters what they believe all this money laundering was about.
  11. Exactly Hawk! Everyone knows that civilized way to bring about a civil war is to make up a story about your political opponent, impeach him for it, and then get the government and media to churn up discontent from the inside. I mean let’s adhere to some standards here! 😉
  12. I’m not saying that this internet gossip is true but if it is then what in the world was the FBI doing with this information for the last FOUR YEARS?
  13. That’s exactly what I was thinking while I watched them. Again, there’s no telling what her concern was but I think it’s safe to guess it was about Covid. It shows how the virus fear mongers messed with her head and now the heads of her children. Shocking, really.
  14. What I found just as disturbing is this hype sensitive mother took her WAY TOO young kids to see The Flash which anyone will tell you is NOT appropriate for little kids.
  15. I have no idea. But when I was in elementary school I wanted to be a fire engine. A week later I wanted to be something else. 😉
  16. Went to the movies yesterday. There was a mom wearing a mask with her two young kids, who were also masked. She was wiping down every surface in and around her seats, while the poor kids waited in the aisle. I’m going to pray that one of them has an immune disease, otherwise I cannot imagine the hell those kids are living through.
  17. Who is this “ we” you speak of Tibs? Once again your spelling has exposed that you aren’t an American.
  18. I have no idea and neither do you. But I do know (and SCIENCE confirms) that elementary through middle school aged children’s minds aren’t developed enough to make decisions about their lifelong sexuality.
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