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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You really don’t read anything you post on here do you? It’s unbelievable! Get the ‘f’ over yourself.
  2. People were TOLD that Trump said that. He did definitely didn’t. I actually watched the Covid update conference live that day. Did you? Or is it more like the “there’s good nazi Charlottesville claim” which was also NOT true
  3. It simply isn’t possible for you to become any more of an elitist snob.
  4. Okay now: Trump definitely did NOT tell people to use Lysol. Does the nameplate on your desk say Dr Hawk or Partisan Hack?
  5. Keep it up Hawk! You clearly are the smartest moron in America.
  6. That’s because Washington no longer sees anything wrong with politicians padding their own wallets. They literally couldn’t care less. They’re all doing it.
  7. As did virtually everyone’s mother and brother….but Hawk says he has an internet study proving that it didn’t happen….just like inflation didn’t, and just like Joe never talked to his son about his business. Cuz, everything on the internet is true!
  8. All that’s left now is for them to wake up Hilary so she can say “we’ve been over all of this already”.
  9. It’s ALL good as long as you’re doing the bidding from inside the beltway. But don’t dare try and shine a flashlight into the abyss! This is not Left against Right as so many on here and elsewhere naively believe. It’s Inside against Outside and getting worse all the time.
  10. I love The Goose, but I want to see how committed these folks are to The Faith.
  11. You go first Goose and be an example for the rest of us. Turn everything you have off. It can be done. I’m guessing you’re choosing not to. (But it’s only a guess.)
  12. Of course it makes sense! All of my suggestions do. 😉 The problem is that making sense is as far as the east is from the west in the administrative state. They pass law after law and install regulation after regulation but what they’ve yet to figure out is that people who want to break the law and ignore regulations are going to do just that. Trump isn’t being accused of espionage. He’s being accused of not following the administrative rules….which in Washington is the highest crime you can commit. And apparently far higher than extortion, bribery and corruption!
  13. Dude! You really need to lighten up. Smile more.
  14. As I said earlier all any of this is going to do is set into motion the practice that Presidents will stand over their office on their final day and declare EVERYTHING in it to be unclassified, lest they get caught in this administrative process nonsense. Done!
  15. I’ve gotta admit I don’t know what that means…but since he lives up the street from me, I guess I could go over ask him. 😉
  16. It must’ve “broken through” an awful lot then because everyone in my family who got it that last Christmas time had been both vaccinated and boosted. But apparently not according to the internet.
  17. Okay….thanks. Just as I suspected you’d say. Blah, blah, blah Qanon, MAGA, hoax etc. 🙄
  18. And it’s your opinion that students are being taught that slaves were given a 401k plan and healthcare insurance? I must’ve been absent that day.
  19. That is NOT the central difference. But if you believe that it is, can you tell us why “Trump refused to return them”?
  20. We need a reaction icon that indicates “what the heck are you taking about”?
  21. I slept in a Holiday Inn Express last night. 😉 (And you’ll have to forgive me if I go with opinion of my own close family member who I GUARANTEE has more diplomas and published papers than you’re able to google.)
  22. So now you want to say it’s about deaths not contraction. You’ll note I didn’t say that it wasn’t effective against death. I’m sure it probably was. FYI: I was both vaccinated and boosted.
  23. And he’s obviously completely unaware that this particular story has absolutely NOTHING to do with Trump. But hey, why let a good or bad meme go to waste.
  24. You wouldn’t know science if it bit you in the arse…..but I did get a kick out of the ‘untaxed’ autocorrect. 😉. If BillsFanNC wants to work on the board’s functionality; he should make autocorrect task #1.
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