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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Try again….why did that nitwit run out there to say it was all about the weather? Hmmmm? And why does BillSy keep posting Trump memes when this entire story literally has NOTHING to do with Donald Trump?
  2. Why did that moronic congressman from New York rush to a microphone to put water on the impending firestorm?
  3. So I’m guessing nobody knows when the television schedule will be announced?
  4. Frank, if your were a public servant then so was I, as I was being paid almost exclusively from taxpayer funded construction bonds and working directly under contract with public entities. No…you were a public EMPLOYEE. Words do matter. While not a hill I’m going to die on, public employees have to get it out if they’re heads that they’re working in some act of voluntary service. They are typically in a union, decently paid, with full benefits and a pension. That’s FAR more than most private employees get.
  5. What I find to be absolutely hilarious is that Hunter was on the Board of an OIL COMPANY! Apparently Joe believes that “climate change” stops at the US border. What a freaking hypocrite!
  6. That’s why this is called ‘corruption’ and not ‘theft’. The people who do it don’t thinks it’s a crime. They do it because they think they are owed something for their years of ‘service’. The sooner we stop calling these people public ‘servants’ the better! They aren’t volunteers. They are paid for doing their jobs, just like everyone else.
  7. True….but….when he was involved in all of these phone calls he wasn’t lying about anything.He only lied many years later when his idiot son left his laptop at the repair store.
  8. And I should add that Obama clearly didn’t give a shite what Joe was doing. He’d ignored Joe for his entire presidency.
  9. Agree….but in THIS case just re-read Frank’s post. He is spot on. Joe figured he’d cash in on his way out and in doing so he crossed the line. He just never thought anyone would care about the conduct of an ex-vice president.
  10. Neither side holds the patent on corruption. This saga has become way too common throughout our public ‘servant’ class. The proverbial slippery slope appears to be knee high in crisco!
  11. I’m 100% against public corruption. If that makes me a liberal…so be it. I lived and worked in that swamp for four decades. Joe Biden should go down as the poster child for exactly what NOT to do in every training session from this day forward. Unfortunately they’ll circle the wagons around him and nobody will learn anything.
  12. The party had moved on to Hilary as the next candidate, just like Kamala is being overlooked now. Joe knew EXACTLY what these phone calls were about. He should be shown the door by his own party if not via impeachment. This is totally unacceptable behavior by an elected official at the local school board level. Again…period!
  13. Elected officials regularly take a class on this kind of activity. You are taught/instructed to extricate yourself from the situation. Period!
  14. Speaking as a guy who worked with public elected officials for over FORTY years; the minute Joe got brought into any one of those phone calls he should have immediately said “I can’t be involved here” and gotten off the call. Then…he should’ve told his son to NEVER do that again.
  15. I find it hard to believe that a team that’s supposed to be competing for a Super Bowl is going to keep a guy simply because they drafted him a few spots above another guy on the roster. Not after watching them both in their facilities for over a year. Seems a bit petty to me. Now, I have zero knowledge of how either of these players is doing, but I’m sure the Bills staff has way more knowledge about them now then they did coming out of college.
  16. I’m always shocked you don’t see more broken arms in football. Hope he recovers quickly! He was super talented at Utah but very unimpressive with the Bills for whatever reason.
  17. So I’ve seen their list of LIVE preseason games. It’s extensive. But it feels likes they would have announced ALL of the taped broadcasts by now. Maybe August 1st is still too early.
  18. Yes, everyone knows that storing them in your garage is a far better system!
  19. Haven’t we gone over this? 🙄
  20. So we’re posting things in Russian now? Why….because we don’t have enough tweets of our own? Yikes! This’ll be interesting. I’m gonna need to get a better iPhone! 😉
  21. I’ve seen the broadcast schedule for the live national games but I’ve yet to find when they’ll be showing the taped delay preseason games.
  22. The Courier Express….obviously
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