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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You guys have truly lost any sense of humor….if you ever even had one. GET OVER YOURSELVES!
  2. The King doesn’t play games. So shall it be written, so shall it be so.
  3. Irony is a challenging concept.
  4. I have a football he signed for me in 1973!
  5. The same is true for EVERYONE Kemp and I think you’ll find I’m pretty consistent.
  6. Not the point Hawk. My assessment of your intelligence is dropping like a rock. 😉
  7. On the contrary, I’m a realist and I’m truly stunned that someone of your seniority and apparent intellect can’t understand that you’re being toyed with by these folks. When their work day is over they’re going to soccer practice! They’re not trying to save the planet. And when your heroes in EITHER party are done, they’re going out to dinner at restaurants you could never afford, paid for by donors and lobbyists that would make your skin crawl. Sorry to break it to you.
  8. You can’t possibly be this naive. Somebody says something on television for ONE REASON only. And that is get eyeballs on screens. The same is true for print media….to get eyeballs on clicks. Then after someone says something it prompts others to ‘quote’ so that they too can get…wait for it…eyeballs on screens. Make sense?
  9. You REALLY do T get it do you Hawk. I’m truly sad for you. I’ve always considered you way too smart for this crap. I guess I was wrong.
  10. No I definitely didn’t….but case in point, you don’t think whoever authored it wasn’t really just trying to SELL a narrative? Of course they were. I don’t even have to read it to know that. I’m honestly amazed you don’t. And just to show you; that applies to articles from BOTH perspectives.
  11. Okay….now at least that’s a better quality meme! 👍
  12. I have no idea, but copying and pasting other people’s ridiculous editorials is no way to go through life. You seem to be of the opinion that if you read things on the internet, that they’re news, or a reporting of facts. You are clearly old enough to know that virtually everything said, posted, and repeated by the media is there for one reason only…to advance a narrative the author is SELLING! I choose not to buy it.
  13. Hawk You like to tell everyone how smart you are because ‘read things on the internet’. I’ll put it to you that some of these things are actually making you dumber.
  14. Next thing you know they’ll be banning gas powered light bulbs. 😳
  15. I’ll say it again, just as in the documents case….Trump is being charged with not agreeing with the government. In a word….YIKES!
  16. Of course it could just be that the boys have figured out how to better attract cute chicks. 😉
  17. And what’s really funny is that even with all of your legitimate questions, the Bills are still in the mix as one of the very best teams going into 2024. Just be thankful you’re not cheering for a team whose list of questions includes starting QB or a host of other concerns. 😉
  18. It's more likely because (a) there are many competitors to Tesla if you really want to rent an EV (b) some Democrats are still pissed off at Musk, so they don't want that stank on them.
  19. The walls must really be closing on Biden because BillSy started posting old Trump stuff like mad today. As if that’s somehow going to make this all go away. I think I can! I think I can! I think k I can…said the Little Anti-Trump Engine.
  20. Did Climate Change become an emergency before or after Hunter and Joe stop squeezing money out of a foreign based OIL COMPANY?
  21. Shhhhhh….the adults are talking now. Please go back in your room so you can ***** about Trump.
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