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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Which is EXACTLY why Comey didn’t indict Hilary and Trump didn’t then work to lock her up. The minute you start arresting you political opponents, no matter how deserving or fictional, there’s no coming back. None.
  2. But more importantly what about the 49er thing….that sort of creeps me out. 😉
  3. Aha! So knowingly and intentionally lying to impact an election or official proceeding is a crime. You’re SURE about that? That’s the hill you want to die on? The line that can’t be crossed? Hmmmm?
  4. That’s exactly my point! Nobody is trying to ‘subvert’ anything! Not on either side. They’re just focused on advancing their political agenda by any means they can justify to themselves. Where we differ is that you’ve come to the ridiculous conclusion that one side of the aisle is good, and the other is bad. Professional and personal experience has shown me that there are no such absolutes in the field of politics.
  5. I hope you know that I don’t mind the mental sparring one bit Hawk. But I’m begging you to think twice before you start tossing the race card out there. That’s really not necessary.
  6. And yet when a Lilly white State like Massachusetts votes specifically to send a Senator to Washington to kill Obamacare, and Congress goes around their vote through a little used parliamentary process, that’s not disenfranchisement….it’s something else entirely. Or whatever
  7. the shark has been jumped GET OVER YOURSELF I don’t like the way this conversation is going so let’s play the race card! Unbelievable
  8. So you too believe that they chose to do the things you cite here? Wonderful…so Trump is still President then. PS: Why is a Niners fan in a Buffalo Bills message board?
  9. This isn’t morality! It’s politics. Please tell me you know the difference….please.
  10. For heaven’s sakes…drop the talking points! You honestly believe they were going to have FAKE electors and nobody would say anything? How gullible are you people? Please tell me you don’t drive. 🙄
  11. Come on Hawk. This is politics, not medicine or architecture. If you haven’t figured it out by now BOTH SIDES use everything at their disposal to get to the results they want…until the vote comes down…and then they all go out together to a really expensive dinner at our expense.
  12. Then you think Trump is still the President? Now that’s really odd! 😳
  13. On the contrary. So play YOUR case out fully. Is Trump the President….nope. Was he forcefully removed from office….nope. Did he accept the ultimate vote of Congress….yep!
  14. Let’s have the resident from Massachusetts tell us how it was done. It was his deepest of Blue State’s that purposely voted in a Republican to stop it, only to have congress go around the “will of the people” and revert to an earlier version of the Bill so it would pass; knowing that they didn’t have the votes. Was it illegal…nope! Was it using the rules of parliamentary procedure to get around democracy…absolutely!
  15. You’ll notice that I didn’t say Obamacare was illegal. Do you remember how it was passed? How the will of the people was subverted? How voters were disenfranchised? What parliamentary rules were used to pass it? Anyone?
  16. They can’t bring themselves to even look in the mirror. Unbelievable What’s rain? 😉
  17. Thanks ….just as I suspected. You can’t even bring yourself to voice the words. It’s okay. You won’t turn into a pillar of salt. I promise.
  18. So you also don’t remember how democrats subverted the ‘will of the people’ to get Obamacare passed? I thought you were are resident overly well read scholar, Hawk. Not on this topic apparently.
  19. So you don’t want to remind us all what Congress did?
  20. Ya see? You don’t know, or don’t remember, do you? Partisan hack!
  21. Do YOU recall how Obamacare was passed? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
  22. Working the parliamentary procedure levers at your disposal is NOT a crime. At least it wasn't until this week. But go ahead, keep pretending that politicians don't do what politician's do. So once again....do you recall how Obamacare was passed? Do you?
  23. So ….you also don’t remember the levers of parliamentary procedure that were pulled to overturn the ‘will of the people’ and get that legislation passed. Okay.
  24. And the presidential election was certified. So….you don’t remember how Obamacare was passed into law.
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