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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. As I said, I have no idea whether it was rigged but I can tell you that even if it wasn’t there was definitely an orchestrated effort to give the appearance that it was. There’s been an awful lot of that going on lately.
  2. I have literally no idea whether there was fraud or not but I still remember telling my wife to trust me, by morning Biden would mysteriously win…and I was right.
  3. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😁
  4. It’ll get interesting for sure. As I understand it this isn’t like Tre White last year. Miller is due back early in the season. If true, any 53 man roster should have an asterisk taking this into account.
  5. So you’re saying if I’d have won the Mega Millions lottery last night I could’ve bought 1/4 of an NFL Team? Snap! 😡
  6. Goose, as I mentioned repeatedly when the Supreme Court’s decision came down, it’s going to take a bit of time to unwind the clock after decades of unfettered abortion. Unlike you I’m actually amazed at how LITTLE turmoil has resulted from this ‘sky is falling’ left-centric tantrum. Seems like the American public is figuring it out as they go.
  7. And if there isn’t an injured player? I’m curious as to what everyone thinks. Seems like it’s inevitably going to expose a pretty decent player to poaching by another team.
  8. Malibu is nothing like Carmel…but it is the same ocean. 😉
  9. Have you been to Malibu? 😳
  10. Didn’t look through all of the responses but who gets bumped when Von comes back?
  11. I cannot stand humidity. I didn’t leave WNY to escape winter. I left because the summer bugs and humidity and me are not a good combination. So alas…I’m trapped here in Malibu with the ‘fruits and nuts’. A cross I’ve learned to carry.
  12. We’re three hours ahead of you. I’m sure can do the math. Your friend was pretty much spot on but you can’t beat the weather! 😎 PS: I’m originally from WNY
  13. Hawk….it’s really here in SoCal….try and keep your freaking sense of humor. 😁
  14. It’s almost like the need to have fifty one former intelligence officials tell the entire country that the laptop is fake instead of the traditional fifty lying sacks of shite. Almost. 😉
  15. Thanks! That wasn’t that hard was it? And no memes, like an actual functioning adult.
  16. So there isn’t ANYTHING you’ve ever disagreed with the Democratic Party on? Nothing? Done
  17. How is that an example of hurt feelings? Just answer the question.
  18. Hurt my feelings? You were asked to provide a list of things where you vehemently disagreed with a democrat. You responded with Trump cartoons.
  19. You’ll want to look down inside the massive hole across the street from the stadium. Don’t miss that. 👍
  20. You do realize your lack of an answer defines you as a totally partisan hack….right? But sure, just keep posting your ridiculous cartoons. I’m sure that deflection works at your local DNC Party meetings.
  21. PLEASE give us all an example on ANY time where you told a Democrat to “F off”. I’m dying to read the list.
  22. Thanks! This is super helpful. You say it’s tricky but when I look at your three year chart it’s actually very consistent.
  23. There are many on here that know better than me. How does this list look compared to previous years, position by position. For example…10 offensive linemen? Has that been the norm?
  24. What really cracks me up is that people who are required to wear a uniform to work seem to have lost sight of the meaning of the word UNIFORM! You simply cannot make this stuff up anymore. We’ve entered an upside world.
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