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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Not trying to be snarky but the company building the new stadium is one of the largest construction firms in the world. I’m going to guess that they’re aware that it snows in Buffalo. 😉
  2. I’m not here to provide answers to your stupid talking point laced questions. That game may work on the useful idiots in the lapdog media, but not on actual functioning adults. Sorry if that upsets you.
  3. My gosh! We were talking about the lack of proper security response at a building where he neither works or is directly responsible for securing. Please tell me you’re not going to blame the Orange Man when Santa comes down your chimney.
  4. English is a huge problem for you. Groomer is NOT a synonym for pedophile. And corruption is NOT a synonym for bribery. Time to invest in a dictionary ….and a thesaurus.
  5. Ugh! We were having a discussion about the lack of proper security response at the Capitol and you of course had to scream Trump in a crowded auditorium. So unbelievably predictable. Here’s a hint….everything that you don’t like in world is NOT due to Donald J Trump. So what your nonsense about where Trump was standing has literally NOTHING to do with that discussion. Come on!
  6. Time for you to BUY A MAP! Or maybe just take an introductory civics class. Trump doesn’t work at the Capitol.
  7. If that’s what you took away from my response you really do have a problem with the English language. 😂
  8. So the logical conclusion would be to ask how much actual danger did ANY of the representatives (republicans or democrats) think they were ever really in? To my way of thinking…not very much, if any. Again…if it was your home or office, wouldn’t you be asking some serious questions? Let me answer: yes you would!
  9. Whichever it was….THAT is the real story of the day. And again nobody is even looking into it. So it makes you wonder how much danger any of these elected officials really felt they were in. If law enforcement never came when a mob was attacking YOUR office do you think your after the fact response would be “oh well, I’m sure they’ll do better next time”. Probably not.
  10. I’m aware. My comment still stands. The real story behind J6 was not the protest that went too far. What ALL Americans should be upset about was the utterly abysmal failure of law enforcement to restore order. But…as usual, nobody is even looking into the failure.
  11. Yes, it’d be far better if Comer did his best Adam Schiff impression and just started screaming impeachment without actually looking into the matter and collecting evidence. Yes that’d be so much better.
  12. Whether true or not this is a textbook example of just how constipated our system of overlapping checks and balances can become. The Capitol building is clearly under attack and yet those charged with protecting and responding have to make dozens of phone calls. Unbelievable!
  13. I stepped out to use the restroom. Is the small incursion over yet?
  14. And keep in mind that teachers have zero expertise in human sexuality. They should NOT be talking to children about any of this. As close as they should get is to contact the parent and recommend the child see a trained expert. And NOT the guidance counselor either. They also have ZERO training in this subject matter.
  15. Didn’t know English wasn’t your native language
  16. I’m not sure about that. Groomer is not analogous with pedophile.
  17. Not that I’m aware of. Those must be eastern time zone.
  18. Please tell us what you’d like to be called? All the good ones like…..Deplorables, Nazis, Putin lovers were already taken!
  19. Thanks Mr Robot I’m going to assume the times you listed are eastern time zone?
  20. I come to this thread to see news on the construction and it seems to inevitably end up unraveling into complaints about “how much is a seat going to cost”.
  21. “Pregnant people”…you can’t make this stuff up! Even in a crisis you have to bend the knee at the altar of the almighty woke gods.
  22. Wait! What? I get my name on the door of the suite? Now that might just make it worth it. (Give me a minute while I go ask the Mrs.)
  23. Overthrow the government. 😂😂😂
  24. No I’m not kin to any of those few examples….but that doesn’t make what I said incorrect. We don’t or shouldn’t govern on the basis of limited exceptions. There’s always someone you can cite that’s been damaged at some time, somewhere by every law. But…I remain utterly amazed at how few issues there have been around the reversal of the abortion law. It’s been many many many many months now.
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