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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Couldn’t he have just started a charity for inner city kids or helped an old lady across the street? 😉
  2. Huh? Cruz? Not sure what you’re talking about here Ron but feel free to keep your head buried in sand.
  3. It’s only closed to BillStime…..duh! 😉
  4. So what have we learned? Answer: We've learned that President Trump was 100% correct when he asked the incoming Ukrainian President to be watchful for US corruption. And when he asked the question....they impeached for it. UNBELIEVABLE!
  5. Hey Governor Christie....there were 51 Intel Officials who signed a letter attesting to a complete and utter fiction. Have you forgotten about that one already?
  6. Sorry….this thread has been closed! 😂
  7. EXACTLY! Thanks for closing this thread on a high note. Drop microphone. Exit the thread. Very much appreciated.
  8. I’m pretty confident that what you perceive as hate is actually them just taking a position that you’re uncomfortable or disagree with. I’ve yet to sit in a church that preaches ‘hate’. And I’ve sat in quite a few.
  9. Not to go down the rabbit hole…again. So I guess you think Comey was stupid then?
  10. John? You’ve seen “so many” churches that preach hate? Really?
  11. Excellent! Now try and practice the basic principles.
  12. Many of you follow this much much closer than I do. Seeing as how the Bills are clearly chasing the Bengals and Chiefs in the AFC arms race…what if any offensive moves did either of them make this offseason?
  13. Nice Hawk May I ask which Church you attend? There are tens of thousands across America. Pick one. You’ll learn something!
  14. Morning everyone! So let me see if I understand this. We’re now asserting that Christians are nazis? Really? And this assertion is coming from let me guess…the uber-tolerant Left! Well done people. A new low point for this board.
  15. Morning Goose Yes arresting a former President over a dispute document retention is stupid. And yes, asserting a position in that dispute and then labeling the other side of that dispute “obstruction of Justice” is indeed not only stupid but very dangerous to the future of the country. It’s exactly what’s done in fascist /totalitarian regimes.
  16. Goose....that's what the national discussion is about. We get it. Everyone gets it. What, in many people's opinion, is a bridge too far, is indicting a former President over a stupid matter of government document retention. Especially when it's subsequently been discovered that virtually EVERYONE has had documents in their possession after leaving office.
  17. So let’s say he believes there may be important personal or other information within all of those many boxes and he just hadn’t gone through them all yet, but he feels he’s cooperating with the feds on both their location and their security….Which you’ll recall is exactly what the Trump Team stated when the raid occurred. Would it still be appropriate to indict the former President for having them? Maybe you believe so, but as a functioning adult…I do not.
  18. You’re clearly in the running for the Office of TBD Records Act. I doubt it pays very well, if that’s what you’re after.😉
  19. That’s pretty much exactly what I said. The challenge is what ‘ownership’ means.
  20. To quote Obama: “The 1950s called and they want their domestic policies back.”
  21. Corporations paying or not paying taxes is just more divisive chatter for the masses. Taxation should occur at the personal, not corporate level.
  22. Women can’t express themselves? Really? Someone please tell that to my wife!
  23. Ridiculous! So by the letter of the law then the President can’t have any papers. It is the Trump Team’s position that the government was INDEED given access to the documents. The documents were neither being hidden, moved around, or stolen. The PRA, as you quoted it, doesn’t say that the records have to be in a specific building. If it did there’d be armed guards at the White House searching everything before it left the property.
  24. I’ll go with the Lions. Their poor fans are long overdue!
  25. Thanks…. It’s actually pretty cloudy out here in June, and we’ve now had two straight months where the daily high temperature has yet to reach the seasonal ‘normal’. Darn Climate Change!
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