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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You’re a partisan hack. They have all they need, but the burden of proof is, or should be, very high when you’re going to accuse the President of high crimes. (Of course Adam Schiff put an end to that.) Now with that said…I am NOT a partisan hack. I question everything all of these political actors do, on both sides of the aisle. Can you say the same?
  2. It should, if anyone actually wanted to put an end to all of this outright corruption. But they don’t. They just want to score ridiculous political points. Looking into Joe Biden’s personal finances is simply not that difficult.
  3. I loved what I saw from Murray at RB. After a decade of watching little guys he reminded me on Antoine Smith….tall and moving straight forward.
  4. You guys screamed for years to see Trump’s tax returns. How about the Biden’s volunteering to show us their bank records? That’d put an end to all of this.
  5. So in other words a nice quiet return to corruption as usual with nobody asking any pesky questions about the actual inconvenient truth. Got it.
  6. We don’t really call them blueprints anymore. There isn’t any blue. 😉
  7. So you agree then that if the Congress was in actual danger that the people charged with protecting them and the building itself should be fired. Why haven’t they been? What is Kevin McCarthy doing? Isn’t he the Soeaker now? This isn’t a local Seven Eleven! It’s the freaking US Capitol. We don’t have systems upon systems upon systems in place to protect it? You’ve gotta be kidding me. Something is terribly wrong here. We should be getting way better service from the taxes we pay.
  8. Hawk....as I regularly told the elected officials I worked with for decades, it is up to THEM to make sure they're nowhere near this sort of corruption. So, the problem is NOT Hunter! As a private citizen he's free to make as much money as he can from whatever source he can, as long as it isn't illegal. It is not illegal for Hunter to be on the Board of a foreign company. That however is NOT true of Joe Biden. Joe should've made sure he wasn't in the neighborhood of any of these dealings, whether he got money directly, or not.
  9. Thanks. What Hawk, in his lust to 'get Trump' has lost sight of is the fact that the Capitol was overrun by a bunch of unarmed American citizens with little or no pushback from law enforcement at all. That's incompetence on a grand scale and SOMEONE should be fired. It should not take a phone call from ANYONE for law enforcement to put a stop to something like that before it gets anywhere close to getting out of hand. Was it a conspiracy....who knows? But if it wasn't then the only logical conclusion is that a whole a bunch of people should've lost their jobs. And since they didn't it makes any functioning adult wonder how much danger did the members of Congress feel they were ACTUALLY in? My guess....not much!
  10. What’s the wire fraud charge about? I have to admit I don’t know that one.
  11. Hawk…this definitely NOT the right thing. To avoid the appearance of a rigged deal he should’ve selected someone with absolutely ZERO connections to this entire drama. It wouldn’t be hard. But sadly, he didn’t. (For what it’s worth I thought Garland was a sort of poindexter-like character who would brush off his Supreme Court failure, but I was dead wrong. He appears to be a totally vindictive attack dog. You always have to keep your eye on his type.)
  12. Thanks Goose (honestly) So in short, it’s going to be a real clown show. But, I thought Smith already brought his charges. Was incitement one of them?
  13. Huh? The story says she had a stillborn baby because she stayed at work. I apologize but I don’t see what this has to do with abortion. And if she ultimately didn’t want a baby, it appears in the end, she doesn’t have one.
  14. I’m calling…..Hoax! There are no high stakes exams in a local yoga class.
  15. But why is this story about abortion?
  16. This may be true….or not….but if so then wouldn’t a court rule that he cannot RUN for President?
  17. This particular story is the red line for you? Seems like an odd set of circumstances. I’m not commenting on who’s right and who’s wrong here, but this seems like a cherry picked outlier….not systemic in any way.
  18. I literally have no idea what that means but by golly I’ll never stop fighting for your right to make no sense whatsoever! 😉 Dammit Gumby.
  19. And...why was Hunter Biden being forced to send his father, a highly paid senior elected official, money? Let me guess, it was rent for a spare bedroom?
  20. Minneapolis is not like Buffalo....other than it's cold in the winter. The Twin Cities region is HUGE and booming. The two downtown areas are not even close in terms of size.
  21. Not trying to be snarky but the company building the new stadium is one of the largest construction firms in the world. I’m going to guess that they’re aware that it snows in Buffalo. 😉
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