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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Thank You! Please repeat this post every day…forever! That’s about as succinct as I’ve seen anyone put it. The reality is that in order to have a successful American experiment we need to be celebrating our “Unum” not our “Pluribas”!
  2. No luck on Thursday but got mine on StubHub over the weekend. Paid a bit more, but at least I’m assured of a seat! 👍
  3. One of the most interesting parts of the video was listening to them talk about the desire to always be able see the field from inside the concourse levels. Face it, once you’re in your seat most stadiums are pretty much the same. (The field is the same size everywhere in the NFL.) I was very impressed with the shots of the Tottenham concourse areas and it’s always been frustrating to me when you can’t see the field from those areas, no matter what new or old stadium I’m in. I’m really hoping the final design maintains that conceptual goal. One thing that is really going to change however is the steepness of the seating bowl. In order to get the above described concourse levels, the seating bowl is gonna be way, way steeper.
  4. I’ve read a lot of whining about the difficulty of the Bills schedule but this is how the NFL is set up, and has been for decades. The best teams play the best teams…and generally in prime time. The challenge for Bills fans is getting used to them being one of the best teams. In the end, the best teams still make the playoffs every year with a couple of Cinderella stories to keep it interesting for the parity lovers.
  5. This twitter nitwit clearly doesn’t understand the concept of censure. PS: No idea why a Canadian would care so much about our political jousting.
  6. I agree, but eventually you run out of excuses and I don’t doubt that McD knows that. I’ve always said that the key to winning in the playoffs is being present in the moment. You can’t get flustered by the ups and downs of the game. It’s not unlike when they say how the game ‘slows down’ for a QB after a season or two. The same is true for the coach.
  7. Take the Tube It’s super easy. There are stations everywhere, and the trains come by every three minutes. Yep….THREE minutes. I’ve got no idea how they do it.
  8. There are so many variables that go into these sort of comparisons that I prefer to look at it simply from the perspective of the McD reign alone. They’ve failed in the playoffs for the last few years after having really successful regular seasons and the last failures have come with some hard-to-repeat circumstances (injuries galore and thirteen seconds). If they fail again this year the resume is going to get really bruised. In fact, I believe failing to make the playoffs, might actually get him a mulligan as being chalked up to a ‘down year’. Whereas yet another playoff underperformance might be the last straw.
  9. A heads up for those still looking for tickets. Pay special attention to the stadium seating plan. (You can find some interactive ones online.) What you'll see is that the Sections touch each other at each end. The aisle is in the middle of the row. This means if you plan it out, you might find two seats that are actually next to each other but that are listed as being in adjoining Sections....like I did. Make sense? (Crazy Brits!)
  10. Can somebody tell how much Canada has spent/blown on this small incursion? Asking for a friend.
  11. 2027!!! Geez….Zach Ertz is going to be ancient and pretty much useless by then.
  12. Here’s my professional assessment: They better step on it! 😉
  13. Except that now the ‘some people’ are those in line with the ruling regime. This is very dangerous territory Hawk.
  14. All that’s left now is for this utter buffoon to start calling himself ‘the science’.
  15. So if I understand it correctly, Putin was so upset when Trump lost that he threw a fit and invaded Ukraine. Yep…that sounds right.
  16. Correct. There’s a ton of work that has to happen before anything starts coming out of the ground. Deep utility lines go in first (sewer, storm drain, etc) and then foundations are formed/poured after that. If I recall, the field level in the new stadium is still below grade so there’s a lot of earth to be removed (thus the blasting into bedrock) and retaining walls to be poured. All of that happens long before any steel is erected.
  17. Let me put this in football terms, since this Board is hosted by Bills fans: When my wife and I go to a Bills game (anywhere in the country, or world) there are literally thousands of Bills fans there. Almost every one of them is wearing a Bills hat...including me. Seeing as how my wife isn't from Buffalo, I generally find myself praying that there won't be a couple of knucklehead Bills fans acting like complete A-Holes thus soiling the reputation of everyone who wears the hat. But...even when there are I still wear the hat! (Keep in mind, this analogy does NOT apply to Raider fans. They're ALL ...what's the word...deplorable!) 😂
  18. Face it Hawk, you were convinced these folks were deplorable long long before January 6th.
  19. I guess the irony never occurs to you that you’ve been brainwashed into building up the MAGA movement into a neat sound bite of a boogeyman that justifies the exact sort of vitriolic response you claim to detest. And in doing so you’ve decided that half the country is…what’s the word I’m looking for….deplorable!
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