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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. That’s because people are the same on the same on both sides of the aisle. They simply want their side to win. I’m not so sure they even know WHY they want their to win anymore but by golly they know they want it! 😂
  2. The last part is true. The MAGA comment is just more pompous hate speech from good ‘ol Fergie….formerly Hawk
  3. Well reasoned Frank but I’m going to disagree. Hinduism may not be Christianity but I don’t think most Christians have the slightest problem with it. I think most people (both religious and atheist) would describe it as a peace loving, non-aggressive faith with a great reverence for life. You see it differently?
  4. Morning Frank Just jumping in here but why does it matter what God he worships? I’m a Christian and I’m don’t take issue with him for his heritage and faith. And for what it’s worth, I thought the debate was a train wreck. 😉
  5. A key sign that your society is in trouble is when the incredibly average, unionized, government cubicle workers start calling themselves "public servants".
  6. The Fountainhead may be a tad too heavy for your average book club. Better off sticking to a proper romance novel. 😂
  7. Read the Fountainhead. (Don’t watch the movie.) Some maintain that it’s based on his persona.
  8. As I’ve said many times. IMHO the only way to fix this mess is to move to a true flat tax. The hope being that when everyone had skin in the game the politicians will stop pandering to subsets of Americans.
  9. Yes, I’m a Wright fan. He was a true visionary when you consider what traditional homes/buildings looked like in his era. Falling Water is magnificent and is almost 100 years old.
  10. That’s correct. The President, no matter which party, doesn’t write the bill. He may set the tone, but like Nancy said “you have to read it to know what’s in it”. And I’m not attacking you Frank. But there are those on here that somehow think that their life will be improved or perfected if the top tax payers would just pay even more. It’s ridiculous! We’re swimming in debt. That isn’t caused by taxes. It’s because no matter how much this bloated government takes in, they somehow manage to spend even more. Year after year after year.
  11. My gosh Joe….can you be any more pompous?
  12. Is it just me or is that a hammer and sickle being slipped into the ballot box? 😂
  13. So you agree! Congress writes the tax code. Glad we have that settled. Now…to the bigger question: Why does anyone care what anyone else pays in federal income tax? It has zero impact on your life. My tax rate is the highest in the nation and you don’t see me posting any of this pitchfork laced nonsense.
  14. Doc, The real question is if the Left is so sure that he can’t win then why are they trying so damn hard to make sure he can’t even run?
  15. You do realize that Trump doesn’t write the tax code….right?
  16. There are no tax loopholes. What you mean are parts of the tax code that benefit other people than yourself. But be careful, because I’d imagine there are parts of the code that benefit you and not others.
  17. He’s my buddy too. We’re meeting up in London for a pint before the Bills game. But my comment still stands. Some of the formerly best people have completely lost their way.
  18. You’re wasting your time. BillSy has gotten so far off course he has no idea what he’s even promoting anymore. Trump completely broke him.
  19. We passed $5.00 per gallon a few weeks ago. We’re approaching $6.00
  20. He’s a cognitive mess. Everyone can see that.
  21. Me too! Good luck trying to figure it out. 😂
  22. And the Sahara desert was once home to planet’s largest inland sea.
  23. Every City is a sanctuary city until the illegal aliens show up.
  24. I’m still searching for a topic that you know anything about. I’m going to keep looking. I believe in you!
  25. Now what? Is it unusual for a tropical storm to come up the west coastline? Yes it is…..but it isn’t the first time. The last one was eighty years ago….long before global warming was even being discussed.
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