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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. As is often the case, I agree Frank. But I would add the advice that he should get out of debt as fast as possible. Make some sacrifices early in life, but not so many as to be miserable. It’ll pay huge dividends later in life.
  2. I see. So you want OTHER people to pay more in taxes. Figures.
  3. I honestly thought this had autocorrected the word “life” into “knife”. Try it….it sort of works. 😁
  4. And there’s your problem…you’re thinking way too hard and looking way too deep. 😉 Life is pretty simple really.
  5. Ugh! You’re supposed to be PURSUING life, liberty, and happiness. Yes, in our society money is used to purchase things….no shite. I could make an entire series of Kamala quotes from your posts today. For example: “Money is used to buy things, because that’s what money is used for.”
  6. Oh my gosh. You’re supposed to be pursuing life liberty and happiness. Money doesn’t buy any of those things. I think it’s time you move to Portugal….regardless of who wins next November. 😉
  7. Give it up Doc… this is nothing but pure blatant racism on display here today. I’m utterly disgusted!
  8. Let me guess, somebody wrote a book who’s basic premise is that people who have more money really shouldn’t have more money? Wake the heck up! If you don’t want to have more money….then don’t! I know plenty of people who’ve squandered everything they have. I know other people who had my exact same background that CHOSE to not work very hard. Money is neither the ultimate goal nor the ultimate evil. I’m utterly shocked that someone who claims to be well read hasn’t figured out that most basic of truths. Maybe you should read less.
  9. Hilarious. So let me see if the resident genius didn’t just say “our economic status separates us into people of economic status”. No shite! I’m dying to hear what you think the term economic status means. You’re using the very definition of the term to criticize the term. Brilliant!
  10. What? We have ECONOMIC classes whose key attributes are….wait for it…ECONOMIC status. Nobody could make this shite up! 😂😂😂😉😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  11. Narcissist extraordinaire! He counts as his ‘advantage’ a strong work ethic and self confidence. Both of which are all about…..wait for it….HIM! What’s being used on here as a convenient excuse for flat out racism is beyond stunning.
  12. You’re really odd. So apparently both you and I completely destroy your own ridiculous argument. So I’m guessing from that, now we do NOT have a caste system? Once again…are you listening to yourself at all? Why does the background of Mr Ramaswamy matter so much to you? Even if we say he comes from ‘privilege’, why does that disqualify him from having a vision for America? Answer…it doesn’t! PS: The debate was a train wreck but the amount of racist hate on here today is truly disgusting.
  13. It’s extremely hard to debate religion on here, but you seem to want to argue your way into Heaven. I doubt it’s going to over well with God. 😉
  14. Geeez….what color is the sky in your freaking dream world? I come from NOTHING as do so many other successful people I know. Go back to your ridiculously entitled life. And for the record my wife comes from less than nothing.
  15. The King of Pomposity speaks! Come on now….are you listening to yourself. Geeez
  16. The amount of pure racist crap on here today is beyond over the top!
  17. They may know the beach they’re sitting on but I seriously doubt they know the ocean they’re looking at! 😂
  18. Thanks for sharing the test. Hilarious! I’d virtually guarantee you that a large percentage of eligible voters can’t name the ocean on our east coast! 😂😂😂
  19. My grandparents had to take one as well. Think of it as a ‘continuing education’ class for voters. Now…I’d love to see a thread where people propose the questions.
  20. I actually think the civics test idea would be really good for the country. The challenge would be coming up with the appropriate questions. Now THAT would make a great thread on here! A welcome respite from today’s religious hate speech.
  21. So maybe he should call himself an asylum seeker! I hear that’s really popular with those on the Left! 😂
  22. I’m sorry but your bias is showing here this morning. I didn’t hear it that way AT ALL. Obviously Pence used the language way way too much, but I think second place would go to Tim Scott there. I simply didn’t get that impression from Ramaswamy. Maybe I missed it. PS: It was still a train wreck! 😉
  23. Frank? Now you’re REALLY getting out there this morning I doubt there’s even a handful of Republican voters that believe he’s a Christian. Come on!
  24. Thanks for sharing this! Watching this played back it’s clear that somebody has to move forward with articles of impeachment. Biden flat out lied to the nation and they impeached Trump for the ‘crime’ of asking about it.
  25. You may be right. I don’t know enough about him. But you seem to assign a sinister motive to all of it. What’s the motive?
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