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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Not sure I agree with this take. The Fed should’ve slowly raised interest rates long ago. Long before Biden. Raising rates is one of the tools used to slow the rate of inflation. Unfortunately after the Great Recession they got complacent, or fearful of another one, so they let them sit there at essentially zero. In fact for a while you recall that there was talk about them going negative; which is a macro financial concept that I never actually understood.
  2. Reading through the last few hours of dialogue I can see that the Get Trump spin doctors have been hard at work here trying to once again rewrite history so that they can say “We’ve been over this already.” Mrs Clinton would be very very proud.
  3. I guess the only thing that matters is whether anyone let Dorsey know about any of this.
  4. Or better yet, to quote Mrs Clinton, excused away with the tried and true.... "We've been over this already." 😂
  5. And apparently he/she gets all of his/her information from his deeply buried "inside sources" and not from the news media. Proving yet again why he is in fact the New King! Come on Doc....don't ya know....FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!
  6. Lighten up Dude. If you are incapable of coming on here and having some fun, then it's your life that sucks, not mine. There is no way that ANY of you on here are going to solve ANY of the world's problems. If you haven't figured this out by now, it is a real shame. As for me, I'm sitting on Malibu Beach today. Thanks for asking.
  7. You guys follow this way closer than I do…for some odd reason. The tape I listened to has him referring to a document in his hand, and maybe even some background paper shuffling. I don’t recall him saying that he was actually showing it to them. Not that it matters, as Trump still maintains he was allowed to declassify documents. To me the more interesting Constitutional question is what should an ex-President do with documents that might implicate certain high up government officials in a plot to overthrow his current or future administration? Is he compelled to return them to some archive office that’ll then shred them?
  8. Well he’s got to be better than what we have now!
  9. A joke? I didn’t say it was a joke. It’s actually very serious. Keep it up BillSy, old friend, but your days as King are long over. 😉
  10. All that is true. The people actually pulling the strings don’t give a rats arse about these fringe issues. They’re laughing all the way to the bank.
  11. No it’s not foolish, but do not get distracted. There is an absolute and intentional ‘end’ to these ‘means’.
  12. If you think is about allowing a few idiots to parade around with their private parts exposed, you’re being distracted from the forest by the trees (or leaves on the trees).
  13. Have you been to The Rhoule (sp) by Covent Garden? I understand it’s a historic spot but when I’ve looked at their menu I’m not sure it’s for me.
  14. It isn’t complicated….Obama said it out loud: To fundamentally transform America.
  15. When it comes to personnel the GM and Coach work together as a team. The Coach is obviously concerned about what he needs on the field to make his team ‘work’ now. The GM has a longer vision, taking into account the financial side of the player contracts and the ever looming salary cap.
  16. With all due respect West, if you think the ultimate goal is to sexualize children you’re missing the point.
  17. Bear with me Frank as I have no idea what your personal financial situation is. But if you had one remaining living son who you knew for certain was a hopeless failure and a drug addict, wouldn’t you be asking him where he was getting all the money to maintain his lifestyle while you’re living on a public servant’s meager salary? The answer is obvious. Of course you would…unless of course you were 100% sure you knew where the money was coming from and that you had in fact facilitated it. But sure, Joe knew nothing about Hunter’s business dealings. Right!
  18. Exposing the true intentions of these folks. I see little point in calling them names. Although I must admit that I too occasionally beak my own rule. 😉
  19. That’s why I loved the Kincaid pick. While he may never be up to the level of Kelce, Josh needs someone like him when gets in trouble.
  20. We have two ‘tapes’: In example one, the former President has responded to the audio in which its implied he was cavalier in sharing classified documents. In example two, the former Vice President has said absolutely nothing about the ‘tape’ of a conversation in which his son is shaking down a foreign country while claiming his father is sitting next to him.
  21. Gregg, I wouldn’t even call it mixing it up. Mahomes looks downfield all the time. The difference is that he knows he’s always got Kelce standing there, seemingly wide open, six or seven yards off the line of scrimmage when the downfield option isn’t there. (And I’m left yelling at the television “why doesn’t somebody cover that guy!” 😂)
  22. Where is this document you refer to? The FBI raided his home and confiscated all of the classified documents. Which specific one was he talking about in the audio? Or is it possible…there isn’t one!
  23. That’s true as well, but even that gets better if he isn’t looking twenty yards downfield on every play.
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