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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. What’s the point of this crusade? Federal funding goes through Congress. If MA needs more money, aren’t your representatives able to make their case? If they aren’t able, maybe you should get some new ones, instead of blaming everyone else.
  2. Ha! Note…I wasn’t comparing it to the Bills stadium design…just to the timeline. I will say though that the Luton renderings are still pretty unimpressive even for a small market club.
  3. I swear that everyone needs to rewatch the Seinfeld episode where Mom and Pop run a shoe store. In the end Kramer conjectures that Mom and Pop had opened the store FORTY years ago just so they could lay in wait to steal Jerry’s sneakers. 😂😂
  4. Bingo! Frank…you and I are going to run one heck of an Administration one day! 😂 (I only wish more people would get their heads out of their partisan arses.)
  5. Yes they are. Minimum wage is intended as a backstop for part time workers. If you’re working full time you definitely shouldn’t be working at minimum wage, unless you’re not the primary bread winner. Further, the Federal government shouldn’t be involved in any of this. Since the cost of living varies widely across the country this should be a State by State matter.
  6. Or maybe, just maybe, we could tie Minimum Wage to inflation so it’d adjust on an annual basis and we could be done with all this endless political snarking.
  7. Have you driven on our freeways? It’s a free for all! It started during Covid and we still see some of it now. Truly frightening!
  8. Frank, I’m curious…now that we’ve seen the results, do you still think the wall was a bad idea?
  9. For our British members I just saw a link to a video showing that Luton Town is building a new stadium around the same timeline as the Bills, although the Luton Town facility doesn’t look like much of anything really. Their current grounds are a dump.
  10. First, prior to the election, when Trump was asked directly whether he meant Mexico would actually write us a check, he said no. Second, as Biden found out, the President ultimately doesn’t have the power of the purse, Congress does. Finally, completing the wall would’ve been a far, far better investment of yours and my tax dollars than the ridiculous policy the current Administration enacted just to make a point. Where I will agree with you is that Trump never anticipated the amount of pushback he’d get from the Congress, on so many of his intentions…from both sides of the aisle. That’s on him.
  11. Out here in Southern California we call that just another day on the 405 Freeway. 😉
  12. A tax cut isn’t a ‘giveaway’ to anybody! The government takes taxes. And, for the one thousandth time, what anyone else pays in taxes has next to zero impact on your life. And if you don’t believe me then you should really be upset at the almost half of your fellow Americans who aren’t chipping in at all.
  13. To be fair…he works in the Admissions office. He’s not the Head of the Psychology Department. I have absolutely no idea why we can’t all agree to let these issues lie until children reach adulthood. That is of course unless there’s actually another agenda being pushed here.
  14. Not to be Mr Obvious but it’s clearly something in their brain. I don’t know of anyone who says otherwise. That isn’t the debate however. The debate is at what age should we allow people to get lifelong surgeries related to their perceived sexuality. The answer is obvious to me: Only after they’ve reached adulthood. Period!
  15. Thanks Alf Those interest rates, if true, are incredibly high for long term debt. As I understand it the federal government’s been making a small fortune on the backs of students. Seems to me if Biden wanted to fix it he’d work with the Congress to attack that aspect first.
  16. I asked because I wanted to know why you are so ridiculously obsessed with this ridiculous cause of yours.
  17. I’m guessing there’s a bad pothole outside his Boston townhome. Beyond that I have absolutely no idea why this is the ridiculously tiny ant hill he’s chosen to die on. Can someone start a Go Fund Me or just send him a bag of quick-crete?
  18. The Speaker of the House for the last decade had been from deep blue California. I don’t recall this Beantown pothole problem of yours being on the agenda. No idea why you’re harping on it. It’s a dumb issue. Give it up.
  19. Exactly! PPP was paid for by the government because it was the government who forced people to NOT make a living. The government caused the harm. By the way that’s the exact same concept of the Heroes program that Biden keeps referring to. In that case, people enlisted in the military, and since they literally couldn’t make a living and fight in a war at the same time, the government gave them a break. It was a trade, not a handout!
  20. You have to go see Paris! Two hours on the bullet train. Round trip tickets are about $150.
  21. I’ve never had any problems in Paris. Although all those African guys pushing you to buy little statues of the Eiffel Tower at the base of the Eiffel Tower are a bit annoying. 😂
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