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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. That sounds EXACTLY like what the head of the crime family says in every movie.
  2. As my mother used to say….why don’t you tell all of us? Who is the Big Guy? You apparently have a theory.
  3. You seem to have a VERY ODD understanding of what a message board is. Please tell us you’re aware that you’re not having private conversations with people here. And if your self proclaimed goal is to be ignored on a message board, the easiest way to accomplish it is to leave.
  4. Why it isn’t selling is because they’re comparing prices to what they were a year ago, when they were already high. In my area the price of gas has settled in at a pain inducing $5.00 per gallon for a year now. So…yes the price isn’t going up month to month anymore but it’s still at least $2.00 more per gallon than it was when Joe took office. The American people aren’t stupid!
  5. When he was in high school my son in law attended the Jim Kelly QB camp. He’s the same age as Chad. He tells me none of the other prospects liked Chad. Maybe he’s grown up since then.
  6. Virtually every day you post something that makes me wonder….what the f$@k? You do realize that California is literally THREE TIMES the land mass of Florida right? Please say yes. Please.
  7. IMHO: The existential threat this country faces is when BOTH parties nominate people who don’t want to stir up the Washington status quo.
  8. Geez John….what I said was that the government already remedied the dispute by getting the documents back. There’s literally no need to go the extra step and indict your political rival. You cannot possibly be this partisan!
  9. So you agree that any potential ‘security problem’ was therefore remedied when they physically retrieved the documents (as it was with Clinton, Biden, and Pence) and the discussion regarding the unique dispute can then continue by constitutional scholars. The indictment is purely political at that point.
  10. John.. that’s exactly what this case will prove out, so long as you’re willing to wait for the outcome. In any event, indicting the former President was a ridiculous way to go about settling what even you admit is a “procedural” dispute.
  11. This is actually a very simple dispute. Trump believes that the President has special authority when it comes to the retention of these documents. Whereas NOBODY believes, or ever has believed, that Clinton or Biden or Pence had any such authority.
  12. I agree with much of that Frank. Many years ago I attended a conference and the keynote lunchtime speaker was a demographer. She wasn’t an expert on the subject of the conference but she explained how demographics impact so much of what we feel, consume, and trend. I’ll never forget that presentation. (Can’t remember much else from that conference.) What she also reminded everyone is that these trends sing back and forth all the time.
  13. What did you want him to ask? How do you think presidents talk to each other? You are looking for something that doesn’t exist.
  14. And you’re going to shocked to know that I don’t spend any time at all on Twitter. In fact, other than the nonsense posted on here, I’ve never been on the site. Not once.
  15. He did NOT ask for dirt! He asked the incoming President to make sure our country hadn’t been (nor was going to be) using US taxpayer funds for the personal benefit of our elected class. I honestly can’t believe we don’t ask that in EVERY conversation with EVERY country.
  16. So how is he going to know if a crime was committed if he can’t even ask in a PRIVATE conversation? But no, wait, the private conversation was leaked to the PUBLIC by those opposing Trump. You don’t see the irony here? Really?
  17. I don’t even know what qanon even is. I just use my eyes and ears to evaluate what’s going on. And apparently unlike you I no longer trust my government to do anything other than what serves their interests first, the new world order second, and the American people a far distant third.
  18. John…give it a rest. This has gotten to be utterly ridiculous. The entire country has seen the video of Joe bragging about getting a prosecutor fired. President Trump was more than correct to ask the incoming Ukrainian president to look into what the heck that was all about.
  19. I’m really glad to see this. I didn’t watch much if any of either of the offseason leagues but if a USFL standout isn’t going to get a chance to make an NFL roster then what’s the point?
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