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Everything posted by CuddyDark

  1. The Steelers leaked the entire trade. People here believe what they want. Whatever makes them happy. Fine.
  2. Call it what you will but Beane was offering a trade of firsts (moving from 9 to 20) and a 3rd. It's the dumbest trade in history and we got lucky AB didn't want to play for us.
  3. Becoming GM without any experience or proof as of yet that he knows what the hell he's doing.
  4. No. I'd rather we not allow Beane to trade for any receiver given he was offering twice what the Raiders paid for AB.
  5. This is so ridiculous. No one is trashing the Bills. The Bills are trash. Just because I'm a fan doesn't mean I can't see the charges against the Bills are legitimate. The team is trash and has been for 20yrs.
  6. You can believe whatever you want but the Bills had to go into the deal at the start knowing AB wanted to get paid because he said so on national TV. It's more likely AB laughed at the idea of being on the Bills.
  7. So basically a 2nd and a 3rd for a player they must traded isn't a bad trade? It's one of the dumbest trades ever made if it goes through.
  8. Is he even better than Whaley yet?
  9. No. It make me more resolute in thinking he's not a real GM. He's a nepotism hire. He's in over his head. What a dumb trade. Give up 9 and a 3rd for 20 and a player who must be traded. They should give us a 3rd just to take him off their books.
  10. Because he holds the ball too long trying to figure out who he wants to rape next.
  11. This is what they should be focused on. A 70-100 catch TE. They need 2 TEs. They can get 3rd round speed outside at WR.
  12. So you believe everything about the potential trade is true except the compensation? Beane is a bad GM for even attempting to trade anything more than a 3rd for AB. This looks worse than Whaley trading for Watkins. Good for us AB doesn't want to play for the Bills.
  13. I don't think you give that for a player they must trade. You shouldn't be offering more than a 3rd round pick. It just goes to show Beane is in over his head.
  14. What about Kelvin Harmon. He's under the radar but 2nd or 3rd round I think.
  15. Absolute. I'd love it. Love to get him. Hope the Bills go for it.
  16. Simmons at 40 would be great. This would be great if we got a better player at 9 and 74. TE, LB, WR.
  17. They need a 3tech so one of the several who are available would be "creative."
  18. Bradbury just keeps getting better and better.
  19. I hate signings like this. Linemen should be scrappy and young. Great Olinemen almost never change teams via free agency.
  20. We don't. It's just a way to make up for losing. If we had some tough #######s who won, we'd love them.
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