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Everything posted by CuddyDark

  1. Of course. It's a MB. This was just me trying to out the masquerading !@#$s who judge everyone else. I knew I'd find a couple of "bad people" here too. Because Marcell is the worst man born to most here, but he'd never say my fictional mom hates me while she's suffering with fictional dementia. This is what you girls do. You get in your cabals and damn every player who doesn't kiss your ass. Marcell doesn't owe any of us anything. He's a kid making millions who does what his generation does, smokes weed. When he was making plays no one cared. When they hired Rex, Marcell like nearly every defensive player sucked, but because he smoked weed and didn't pass the Bills fan blood oath loyalty pledge he must be circumcised.
  2. I didn't give you anything. I gave you MB chat. You don't actually think I'd give you anything true about me on a MB do you?
  3. That was a good one. I knew you had it in you. You're so hurt. What, did I hit a nerve?
  4. I guess. Make you feel better? I actually had to because my mom turned 87 and put her sunglasses in the freezer and her ice cream in the trash. Got anything else? Something cutting? Make it good this time.
  5. Who said I didn't move away? Who said I didn't come back? Cause you know me?
  6. Don't use Jordan or Bird as examples. Don't. It's not true that they were good examples of professionalism. They were just better than everyone else on the court. Off the court they had issues you should research.
  7. I don't hate where I'm from. I hate the moral high ground Buffalo Bills fans find themselves standing when a player doesn't kiss their ass.
  8. Because chicks dig the long ball.
  9. On the field? We're talking football. He said he was a All pro football player. Not an all pro person.
  10. On the field he was great before they hired Rex. Yes I'm on par with him because I know a million kids like him. He trusts no one. He's not a leader but he'd kill for you if you were his leader. Kyle loves him like a brother. You small Buffalo people want to hate everyone who doesn't conform to your small petty lives. And yes I'm from Buffalo. Still live in Buffalo. I understand what people like you and others here do to players who won't kiss your ass and accept Buffalo as heaven. It's a shithole and people who've been to other places know it's a shithole.
  11. He was fine before they hired Rex. Every think Rex wasted his talent? And we should hope it's not McD who's scamming us all.
  12. The point we were talking about was the 1tech is not a stat player and as I said Marcell's stats with McDermott are useless.
  13. What does history matter to Marcell? The 1tech in his defense is not a stat player.
  14. They did that with Marcell? Marcell played 1tech all the time from what I saw. I might not know the difference but if I missed it, point it out.
  15. I actually don't disagree. But he is telling the truth about the Bills organization and what happened with him and McDermott. McDermott put bums on the field because he was butthurt at Marcell not falling in line with his cult of personality.
  16. I never saw Marcell playing 3tech. And tho I don't watch a lot of Carolina, usually they had Star playing 1tech when I did watch them last playoffs. (2016)
  17. That was a contract argument. It's not worth even discussing. IMO.
  18. Short plays the position they have Kyle Williams playing. They're different positions. I believe he was talking about McDermott and the new staff. As Was I.
  19. What irony? I'm telling you he didn't learn those things like most people learn them normally. I'm also saying if he's ever going to give you a shot at proving anything to you he must believe it's worth it to himself. Bills knew this when they drafted him. He's from a bad home life. Some of these players have to be managed like they're children because of how they grew up. Bills KNEW THIS WHEN THEY DRAFTED HIM. You don't get it. He's troubled. He believes everyone is against him. Probably only person he trusted in the world is Kyle Williams, and Kim Pegula.
  20. You probably have ZERO talent worthy of $100 let alone $100M. Football talent I mean.
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