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Everything posted by CuddyDark

  1. Scout's Quote: "You have him in Round 2 and I just don't see it. He has a weak arm and plays in a bulls--t scheme. Bryce Petty all over again" http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2758603-scouts-report-the-most-overrated-prospects-in-the-2018-nfl-draft-class?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=programming-national
  2. More interested in mama Jones trying to recruit Nick Foles to the Bills.
  3. IDK if Rosen's personality would fit with McDermott. I'd take Darnold. I think he built for northeast weather even if he doesn't play for a year I think he'd be great here. Big physical kid. Built like Luck and wants to be great. Wants to be a general. I'd take my chances on him over the others.
  4. I love that Giants trade. I'd do it if Darnold was on the board.
  5. That would actually be a great move.
  6. Only game I remember in the playoffs was in the early 1990's. The one when Elway got hurt. In this era no one. In the past I'd take Montana, Elway over Brady. But it's not a fair comparison because they play in different eras.
  7. Wait, so Peyton is 3-1 against Brady in AFC championship games? Is that true? Just more reasons why he's not the GOAT. Eli, Peyton 5-1 in championship games against Brady. Is that right?
  8. Interested to see Brady in Championship games against Peyton. Probably even if I had to guess.
  9. So you have to believe Matt Cassel is better than Montana? Are you serious? Pats probably play in the worst division in football history. They get home field every year because their division sucks. Brady never has to play a HOF QB in his division or in the AFC. The only time he plays a real QB is in the SB and then he's probably only faced a HOF QB 4 times in the SB if you count Wilson and he's 2-2.
  10. No I don't agree because it was the rules of the time. There were other great teams opposing them, also with HOF talent. Again you are changing the argument to team composition.
  11. I'm a fan of LeBron but saying he's the GOAT is also stupid. He's not top 5 right now. For Basketball I do have a list 1. MJ 2. Kareem 3. Wilt 4. Russell 5. Duncan 6. Bryant
  12. I think all teams in the era of the Steeler or 49er had all the same rules of the game. You are making excuses as to the composition of the team. It was the rules for all teams in the Era. @ except LeBron.
  13. Not MJ. I'd say Magic. He's great but not MJ. But more losses than Montana too. Lower winning percentage.
  14. Every team in their era had the same "luxury." That's my point. Again you are judging team to team and using that to say Brady is the GOAT. Sounds like you've started making excuses. We can never know. That's the point.
  15. It's impossible because Brady can only be compared to players in his era. Anyone else didn't play the same game. It's not even the same sport.
  16. He never takes a beating because you can't spear, take out his legs, or hit him in the helmet. It's not the same game.
  17. He won a lot less because the game was harder for offenses. That's my point. You can't say players who played in the era prior to rule changes are not as good or better because it's a different game. You can't take out the ease of offensive football in this era. Brady is a great. He is not the GOAT because he plays in this era. I wouldn't even compare players and say he's better or he's better. My point was how can anyone claim Brady is the GOAT and not acknowledge he has an advantage based on the era he plays in. If we're talking about my top players at the position. Meaning those I watched, I'd have 1. Montana 2. Elway 3. Brady 4. Peyton 5. Young
  18. If they run that college offense the Eagles ran last night I'm for it. If not it's a waste of time.
  19. I disagree. I think Tyrod would be a better player in the offense the Eagles came up with for Foles. Not win a SB but be better. Bills continues to try and make players fit a system and they continue to fail.
  20. But his coach and D won other games.
  21. But does the era matter?
  22. Teams have always won with HOF QBs. Elway won for 15 years too. And with different players, HC's, and during FA. I disagree on the 70's because the only way you could build a super team was to actually build a super team. Pats have never been able to draft WR so they go sign players from other teams, which makes it easier for them to load up players for their HOF QB.
  23. Yes. FA is tied to parity. Parity means you can't build a super team to stop a HOF QB. FA actually helps a team with a HOF QB. Because not every QB is a HOFer and that's always been true. Brady is a HOF QB playing in an era made for a HOF QB. Put any HOF QB in this era and he'd have better stats, rings and everything that comes with being unstoppable from the QB position.
  24. It's not even the same sport. It's like judging basketball points leaders before the 3 pointer was part of the sport and after. I do think Brady is a great. I just don't know if he'd do what he's done in the past century. It's hard to judge him vs players who didn't benefit from the rules he gets to play in.
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