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Everything posted by CuddyDark

  1. Rudolph does come from a line of ministers so I could see him and McD getting along. Brothers in Christ. I could see it at 12 or 22 TBH. Bills are drafting fits, not talent IMO. It's their style.
  2. Somehow this seems like a leak the Jets would put out so the Browns won't move off number 1. It's almost forces the Browns to draft Darnold number 1.
  3. "You can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich." But also it is the cop Bennett told to jump in a lake who is the witness and lead investigator.
  4. So you'd take Flacco? Well that's the Bills problem they like the Flacco's. Losman and Manuel over better position player.
  5. And this is the mistake teams make. When you look at the high draft QBs who become great they do so because they are both the best QB in their draft class but also in most cases the best player in the draft overall. It the same question I've said before. If you could have Ray Lewis or Joe Flacco who would you choose? I'd go for Ray Lewis.
  6. This is what I been saying in almost every thread on QBs. I believe there are 7 player better than every QB in this draft. There are no Luck's or Wentz in this draft. No one ranks the QBs as the top players in the draft.
  7. It was in an area that didn't have video. Maybe a fan has a cell phone video but even the police have said there is no video.
  8. Too many perhaps in this thread. There is no video. It's the woman and the officer as her witness against Bennett.
  9. At least your not dancing around. Man enough to admit it. I respect it.
  10. Yeah they did. A 66yr old black woman. You keep making this point about trespass and her authority and it's not even a charge against him. It has nothing to do with the case. Maybe it sounds good to keep saying in your head. Maybe you think it helps the way you feel about him as a person to say he was doing something you disapprove of.
  11. None of what you suppose actually happened. The comment was made he was trespassing. He can not trespass because he had a credential. Every thing you say here is meaningless to what actually happened. None of this is facts of the case. The police officer on scene didn't arrest him. The police officer allowed him to enter because he had a credential. The officer took her statement and wrote a report after the fact. A civil case against an NFL player who pushed passed you is not a case you will ever win. They have been trying to get Bennett and the NFL to talk to them for over a year but he refuses. The only way her lawyers can make Bennett come to Houston so they can serve him is to file criminal charges against him. Her case looks better now. He'll settle now.
  12. But he didn't even hit her. He pushed passed them. She didn't fall to the ground. She wasn't knocked out. He's probably a prick but this is a flop because he's rich. I wouldn't pay her.
  13. I stated what actually happened. It goes against your narrative so you're upset. I get it.
  14. Where did I say I was right in that post? I told you what happened. Those are the facts of the case. If I had to guess I'd say you know nothing about the fact of the case. Also charges are dropped in money grabs all the time. If Bennett pays the women she'll stop being a witness and the case will go away.
  15. I'm just giving the facts of the case. Sorry you don't like them.
  16. Well the NFL said he had a credential so it's impossible for him to trespass. Second the push was to her in a motorized wheelchair that weighed 700lbs. He didn't knock her over. He pushed her chair. She said she has a shoulder sprain and needed pain meds for it. Clearly this is a money grab. It's so clear IDK how anyone can see it any different. If Bennett paid this women last year there would be no case. This is a reason to prosecute someone for a 10yr felony? Jesus I hope they never see me drunk on Chippewa.
  17. Would be fitting. The lead witness for the woman is a cop. So let the blacks verse cops **** storm begin. And before anyone says it. I know the 66yr old is a black woman.
  18. It's worse than that. She was in a wheelchair than never moved. He never pushed her to the ground. She has a "sprained" shoulder. The entire thing is over money. It's clearly malicious prosecution.
  19. I don’t feel sorry for these frivolous lawsuits. It’s clearly a money grab.
  20. You naively believe you have all the answer to what's ailing the world. That's what I read. Anyone who disagrees with your shallow world view seems to anger you.
  21. I won't, but clearly you have a difficult time with people you disagree with.
  22. Clearly a money grab. Don't pay her one cent. I'd fight it. I'd even go to jail for 10 yrs rather than pay her if it was me. I'm not. But most in this thread want Bennett to get a comeuppance simple because they disagree with him.
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