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Everything posted by CuddyDark

  1. I thought the injury to AJ came when Dawkins got beat on an inside move by Garrett?
  2. It's also fact OJ killed his wife. Do we know where he hid the knife?
  3. So you're arguing I don't know if he paid them or if they went out of loyalty?
  4. He sent them. Or paid them. Yes. The only thing taken at gunpoint was jewelry McCoy asked for previously.
  5. Yes that's what I believe. He paid or sent goons. I never said I don't believe that.
  6. I said "OR." Did you miss I said or? I'm not too bright but or is a conjunction joining two things, anyway I think it is. Like I said I'm not too bright on those kind of things. A conjunction joins two independent thoughts. I never said I don't believe he did not send them. So that I'm really clear I believe McCoy sent them. I don't know if they went for free or if he paid them is what I said in the earlier post.
  7. I did. Where's the change? We know the jewelry he asked for was taken at gunpoint. I stand by what I said there.
  8. I said paid or sent. I don't know if he actually paid them. I go by the evidence. The evidence is he wanted the jewelry back, the same jewelry that was stolen at gun point. What part is conjecture? Did McCoy share a house with this woman? Yes. Did McCoy buy her jewelry that was stolen at gun point? Yes. I don't care about the woman. I care about the facts. I think they deserve each other if you want to know what I believe. No you all are siding with McCoy's side because he plays for the Bills. I said many time WE don't know ****. I see facts. She met him. They lived together. Goons took jewelry at gunpoint that McCoy had previously asked the woman to return. All you see it the Bills and McCoy. I don't care if he gets away with it, if he did it, or if he does 20 years.
  9. McCoy met this woman. He purchased a house with or for or because of this woman. He moved in said House with woman, as a couple. He purchased jewelry for said woman at the same time woman says they discussed marriage. He paid or sent goons to remove jewelry from said woman while also beating said woman. All facts. What was said between McCoy and said woman is unknown and what comes from tiny brains here about what is stated between the two is not fact. McCoy purchased her the house and the jewelry meaning despite the words spouted here it was McCoy who saw a future with this woman. Again editorializing fact as opinion does not make opinion fact.
  10. Again with facts as if you were there. You have no clue what they agreed to yet you speak with facts. She didn't do this so I know what I'm talking about is bull. You don't know ****. You believe McCoy. Say that and walk away. She was living with McCoy in a house they shared. She had jewelry giving to her in contemplation of something, friendship? She says marriage, IDK. They're going to court, we'll see where it goes. Hopefully he's not implicated and he continues to be a play football.
  11. No implication. Clearly stated. Whatever I am I'm not a lemming. So I take it you're McCoy or you were on his shoulder when he gave her that jewelry he wanted back so bad he sent goons to take it from her? Maybe you're McCoy. You speak with such facts.
  12. McCoy proposed to a trap now he wants to say it never happened. Fine I get it.
  13. She was more than that, they were engaged. Common law is only used to establish her as a resident, which is why he couldn't make her move, just as I said in the old thread.
  14. Again people file suit so they can reach settlement. This can and has been agreed upon in millions of cases. This is actually how it works in the law. McCoy actually needs her to sue so he can get in writing that she will not talk about him or any thoughts she has on him being party to the crime. Again we know nothing, but you pass nothing as fact.
  15. Sound's like you're stating your opinion as fact in the case when you have zero first hand knowledge.
  16. I have bad takes? You don't know any of this to be true. You just seem like a fan with wishful thinking. You don't know what she knows what they have talked about. You're just shouting off some typical ignorant fan talk as facts.
  17. Right, a description of almost every black man in ATL. We don't know ****. She might know who it was. She might not. They might have an agreement, they might not.
  18. How do you know it's because she won't cooperate with description and the like?
  19. This is your wishful thinking. If he entered into mediation it's because he doesn't want her to be a witness against him in a criminal trial.
  20. I'm sure they'll suspend him. Sure of it. I don't agree with it but that's what Goodell does. It goes with his personal conduct policy. Also, it's only bogus if you didn't do anything. If you want to rid yourself of a witness, pay her.
  21. Just saw McCoy has entered into mediation with her now. Pay her and walk away. Probably suspended next year though.
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