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Everything posted by CuddyDark

  1. I agree with this, but that's the problem. He's not a scout so he makes the board. He's watching college games and scouting free agents while McDermott plans for the week. At the end of the season it is Beane's work that gets us a list for McDermott to select from. I'd rather keep McDermott and hire a real football man to be GM. Or even make Beane team president and hire a football man under him. I was hoping they had this relationship with Brian Gaine, but he didn't even last a season.
  2. But their choices were not Allen or TT. So this is something you want to be true but not something that is at all provable. Funny thing is he's not even my guy. I just believe they will win 4 or 5 games without him which got me slammed. People saying now that he's no longer on the team we'll win more and have a better offense was just dumb from my perspective. I thought it was stupid then and I think it's stupid now.
  3. McDermott is not the problem. They have a pretend GM. His big signings all mostly busts. He's not a scout. He don't seem to know players. McDermott is in his first HC'ing job but he's been coaching for 30 years with pretty good success. Beane is like a young Russ Brandon.
  4. I want them to be better. But I don't wish for it. I don't believe in hope. A wise but past his prime old man once said, "Show me the baby."
  5. Dude for one their GM is another Russ Brandon. He's a contract guy being asked to pick players. It's the dumbest thing we do here. It's like they're afraid to hire a real football man because he won't get along with them in meetings and on an interpersonal level.
  6. Because people like you said we'd be better without him. We are not.
  7. It's all theory. We don't know what he will do. He has zero body of work as a starting QB in the NFL. Also who cares about what TT is doing with the Browns? I'm talking about what he did with the Bills and how that relates to the Bills players and offense.
  8. I thought Murphy got most of his carries after the blowout. Was it against their second string?
  9. With TT teams didn't attack the middle because he would escape. Without TT teams attack the middle because the QB can't escape. Both of these things directly effect Shady.
  10. The Browns didn't lose. TT has a winning record with the Bills. But I don't care about TT. I don't even want him on the Bills even though I know he's better this year than Allen and Peterman. What I want is for people to understand we are not going to be better without him because "it was all his fault." That's what I've been saying since March. TT is what he is, but that is better than a rookie. People here and on the radio have been selling a dream. Everything will not be magically better because TT is gone. It's stupid to believe this.
  11. Why would a team do anything else against the Bills? It's something that should have been seen by the HC and GM in April.
  12. I'm sorry Mrs. Pegula I thought he was a good player. I know I don't know how to scout players. Yes Mrs. Pegula. Well in theory. Yes Mrs. Pegula. Don't you like this Josh Allen narrative for the franchise? The fans are happy, they believe in the rookie.
  13. Josh Allen is a dream. He's unknown. He's a projection. He's not close to being TT, yet. Maybe he will become a star, we don't know. Playoffs. Winning record.
  14. ABS. Another Beane signing. Another Bullshirt signing. Whoever plays the worse. Beane will sign him. A player who doesn't even dress. Find that guy and Beane will sign him.
  15. Here I said it all in this thread. I don't want to rehash this argument. TT was the best threat the Bills had at QB since the last time we made the Playoffs.
  16. Teams will run blitz all season. I don't know why people don't understand the run game we had was 50% Tyrod. Without a threat from the QB there will be on running game. At least not the way we remember it.
  17. It would be just as ignorant to say they looked like good singing in preseason or no?
  18. It would be less whining if they looked like they were actually doing any of what you state here. They seem disjointed from my perspective. They sign FAs who look lost or over their prime, at least in the preseason and on top of that they draft projections who could be stars or out of the league in 4 years. I believe we get to judge draft picks and signing of free agents real time? Or do we have to wait for some timeline in your head? When is it? 3 years? 5? Listen I love McDermott, have said it many times but I also said many times and believe Beane is a contract guy and not a scout. He's GM because McDermott wants him to be GM and not because he's earned it.
  19. If McDermott was making the picks he should continue to have the same success. This year he's drafted a bunch of projects. It actually looks more like a Modrak draft than a Colbert draft.
  20. Again, find the quote. If it were true I'd own it. It is not true as you state it.
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