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Buffalo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bills Fan

  1. Agree DR. Going to listen to music and inspiring things. Covid19 (longest time)and all of this about gave me a heart attack. Going to attend on healing now. Going to take a break for a day just pains me. Need too.
  2. Rural town's now having this where I live at . It suck's. I'm so tired of all of this.
  3. Keep safe out there man. Know lots of police here in rural town all pretty nice. Go to bars used to have couple beers with them. When I see them at the bar. They drive me back home when not working. Good people. Lots would never hurt people do the things whats right.
  4. The police and protesters are both in the wrong. What happened to honor and peace?
  5. Agree she is in the right on her porch doing nothing wrong.
  6. That makes me sick to watch . People out there truly getting awful out there.
  7. Really needs to put on air. To help rally people and unite. Help the peace out.
  8. Wow such a great message from President Trump.
  9. Wow such a classless move China and Iran did.
  10. Robberies are such a awful thing. No honor to that.
  11. Wow didn't research much that (out of state). But my uncle yesterday as well said people out of state as well. But in a little bit going to research more on that topic.
  12. Gotta stop drinking lol. My post comes out bad lol. I think I meant to say if I was the girl i'd leave him. Trying to explain it like that. lol
  13. Don't blame her. If I was married to a girl and killed a person cold blooded, i'd divorce her
  14. Not sure the date. Feel for George Floyd. (rip man) Police should be locked up for what they did. Shameful on police (arrested cnn reporter as well), for everything. And the protesters as well for going way to far. Peaceful protest much better. Both sides police and protesters. Such a shame.
  15. Anyone watching whats happening in Minneapolis?
  16. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci on Wednesday became the first Trump administration official to say definitively that hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for the coronavirus, based on the available data. "The scientific data is really quite evident now about the lack of efficacy," Fauci — the U.S. government's top infectious disease expert — said on CNN. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/27/fauci-hydroxychloroquine-not-effective-against-coronavirus-283980 Face palm Trust President Trump lots.
  17. Can see the democrats changing there tune for no masks with the masks Trump 2020. So sad how they do things.. For me going to wear masks understandable for my health and family health. Biggest concern to be honest. No matter the politics. (going out to places but not at home)
  18. I'm just worried (deaths are awful sad) the missing link might be for those might have mid-long term health issues. Wish we had more data of that. Trump signs social media executive order that calls for removal of liability protections over 'censoring'President Trump makes remarks before signing social media executive order. Flanked by Attorney General Bill Barr, President Trump signed an executive order in the Oval Office on Thursday that interprets Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA) as not providing statutory liability protections for tech companies that engage in censorship and political conduct. The president's order, which also cuts federal funding for social media platforms that censor users' political views, came just two days after Twitter took the unprecedented step of slapping a "misleading" warning label on two of Trump's tweets concerning the fraud risks of nationwide mail-in balloting. The move immediately backfired: Experts disputed that Trump's tweet was actually misleading, in part because mail-in balloting has been linked to ongoing fraud; Twitter's fact-check itself contained false statements; and Twitter failed to apply the standard of review to other users. At Thursday's signing ceremony, Trump called the fact-check "egregious," and held up a photo of Twitter executive Yoel Roth, who heads up the site's fact-checking and rules-making operation. Fox News reported on Wednesday that Roth has mocked Trump supporters, called Trump's team "ACTUAL NAZIS," slammed "scary trannies" in New York City, and called GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a "bag of farts." (In a statement, Twitter did not dispute Fox News' reporting, but called it "unfortunate.") "My executive order calls for new regulations under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to make it so that social media companies that engage in censoring any political conduct will not be able to keep their liability shield," the president said. Agree with President Trump. About time. They are censorship videos on youtube hope he goes that far with them as well. About time took action on this. (Might be related hydroxychloroquine (coronavirus) gets censored on youtube) https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-signs-executive-order-on-social-media-companies
  19. NEWS & POLITICS California's COVID Nursing Home Death Rate 'Cover Up' Is Imploding BY VICTORIA TAFT MAY 27, 2020 5:42 PM EST Share Tweet Email Comments A care worker takes care to residents of the Maharin nursing home of Anglet, southwestern France, Tuesday, Jan.30, 2018. French care workers are protesting at nursing homes around the country in anger over staff shortages and cost cuts. Unions say workers are under increasing pressure to cut corners on feeding, cleaning and hygiene care for elderly residents. (AP Photo/Bob Edme) The COVID nursing home death rate in California may be even worse than we feared due to “collu[sion]” to cover-up the numbers. The first wave of COVID-19 in the United States may well go down as a pandemic in nursing homes. The New York Times reports that fully 1/3 of the deaths from COVID-19 took place in the nation’s nursing homes. In California, it’s worse. It’s believed 41% of all COVID-19 deaths are tied to nursing homes. We’re just now getting a clearer idea of how bad the coronavirus has riven those homes in California. Untold thousands of people have died in nursing homes from the coronavirus imported from Wuhan, China, but because of California’s privacy laws and reporting protocols and more pointed questions to county and state officials, we are only now beginning to get an idea. The San Jose Mercury News calls the lack of accurate numbers a “shameful” “cover-up.” Nursing Home Deaths Are ‘Tip of Spear’ Indeed, Governor Gavin Newsom is feeling the heat. On Tuesday’s coronavirus update (which have become less regular), the governor admitted that 33% of the COVID deaths are from nursing homes and 50% of all COVID deaths are from LA County. But while Governor Newsom has been given credit for shutting down the virus early, it’s Newsom’s own diktats about nursing homes that may have contributed to the death toll. The Mercury News reports that Newsom forced nursing homes to take COVID patients, reminiscent of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s blunder. Newsom Sends Sick to Nursing Homes It has become crystal clear by now that nursing homes are COVID hotspots, yet the governor’s own shelter requirement keeps pushing the elderly into what some consider to be death traps. The Mercury News reports that by using the state’s own incomplete numbers ,41% of all COVID deaths have occurred in nursing homes. Some were staff and some were patients. Official diktats have made the problem worse. Newsom orders force the elderly sick into nursing homes Newsom pays nursing homes $1000 to take elderly COVID patients in nursing homes Accurate numbers aren’t available in California. HIPAA is the reason given, but considering that raw numbers don’t reveal names, that seems specious. Newsom budget cuts force more elderly into nursing homes for more Medicaid money California, Michigan, Ohio, and Washington State, where the nursing home crisis started, do not separately cull nursing home death numbers Newsom only requires nursing homes report if there are 11 deaths at a facility. Accurate numbers for nursing home deaths are hidden behind privacy statutes and are not combined with state numbers for an accurate real-time trend line COVID death numbers are unavailable for people seeking a safe place for family member https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/victoria-taft/2020/05/27/californias-covid-nursing-home-death-rate-cover-up-is-imploding-n433703
  20. He did with other videos. But agree early treatment is crucial.
  21. Making sense. Just a wow video.
  22. Really hated the last part she said bang with her flowers. That's is so shameful and insulting. But if people wear mask's up to them but shouldn't be up to people weather for one health concerns. If they choose to do so (ones want to wear a mask)
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