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Buffalo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bills Fan

  1. Not sure but sounds like likely things going to get worse before gets better. But not entirely sure.
  2. Agree. Very good press conference from President Trump.
  3. Agree with President Trump on mask. They do help lots.
  4. People do not need to wear facemask in there home lol.
  5. Thanks man makes sense. I mean was black or white yes or no questions and answers. Try to look at everything to learn from. All details from it. Ya man the T-cell makes sense and post makes sense. Thanks very much man.
  6. Possibly warmer weather not as much for colds. But I was thinking unsure if the covid test is as well catching common cold corona virus as well. And another question confused but shouldn't older people have a better chance fighting the covid19 since going thru all colds (most had too go thru common cold coronavirus). T cell memory for older people and for kids less t cell memory? Ya @Magox when you can explain to me and help me understand this when you can. But there is something different to thing's. Not just trying to be black or white on certain things. Ya online read vit d sunlight helps boost t cell. People should be outside even older people to help them out. Even older people/
  7. Ya sadly . But people would fight for others even if those couple months are precious to them. But I think the key role is helping immune system and health as well for older people. Help build there immune system as well other things.Plus younger people need to keep there immune system (others things for health) going good too. Then I think virus cannot be to badly for all. But problem lies asking all on earth to get healthy. Having a good immune system fights off virus off.
  8. This guy should be head of WHO.
  9. Dude the guy lost a friend. Give him damn respect. Cannot lockdown without destroying people lifes. If you want a depression go for it if own you're own goverment. What people don't understand is, lockdown destroying people lifes as well. Might see more homeless people when lose everying. Ya this virus needs to be taken for granted but as well as people jobs much as well. Get used it. Creating problems within problems. No damn real solution.
  10. Me neither as of yet. But have neighbors really nice people. That know some people had it. Gave me sad stories
  11. A topic not many people talk about sport's in schools. Wondering how they are going to do this.
  12. All good fixed my post and reread again. Thanks man
  13. Right thanks Magox. Totally understand what you are saying. Everything makes sense. Thank you and very helpful post. Didn't study antibodies and other things hell not much of human and all of this stuff besides this year when corona came out. Try to learn everything quickly and efficient as possible. It's pretty complex. But there are those helped me, you many others here, youtube and other places. Thank you. Everything making sense. lol maybe Lyme disease (all ticks) can go away as well (mosquitos can go away). Huge win lol
  14. Always read you're post man. Might disagree with some but most, they have great content. Always try to learn from them. Thanks sharing stuff with us man.
  15. This really makes sense for blood clots. Vit C is a another blood thinner. Vit C is very important.
  16. The two things worry the most is how long antibody last. There is some saying might not last long. Well see future topic on this. Mutation. Seems like the virus trying to be more infectious and less deadly. Hopefully stays this route and be less deadly for everyone. But worrys me if does something different in mutating. Ya our rural area has lots of test and roughly been 1-4 cases per day. Rural area. Highest I think 5 (for one day)for NY witch is good. But then see the border only have about 700 tests 5 miles away only like 26 cases. Lot's less tests. I'm confused lol. Rural but but bigger town then one here in NY.
  17. Ya that post or picture on Trump seizure like has gotten annoying. Have that person on ignore, when people quote that person. Just drivers me nuts. Nothing to learn from it.
  18. Oxidative stress saw some legit doctor did this YouTube. Oxidative stress is with obese among things. Many other things. endothelial cell dysfunction. I think possibly think black get less vitamin d. ( Love seeing all my buddies who are different). And well as high fructose corn syrup puts stress on vitamin d. Possibly others reduce vitamin d.
  19. It takes weeks to get COVID-19 test results in Arizona. That makes it harder to control the spread Rachel LeingangAlison Steinbach Arizona Republic 0:22 1:05 A Tucson man waited 27 days for his COVID-19 test results. His test was negative, meaning he isolated from his family for two weeks for nothing. A man in Phoenix has been waiting for 12 days for test results because he needed to show his dentist he was negative within 10 days of a dental procedure. It's now essentially impossible for him to get a timely test and results in order to qualify for the procedure. Arizonans routinely are waiting more than a week to get their test results for COVID-19. It's not just personally inconvenient for those waiting for results: The delays hinder the state's ability to effectively contact trace and isolate cases and contacts, making it difficult to adequately control the spread of the virus. The keys to cutting off new cases included testing both symptomatic people and those who may have been in contact with positive cases. Because there is known asymptomatic spread of the virus, testing should include people without symptoms. After testing, positive cases should isolate and notify their contacts so that they can get tested and isolate as well. But that process is breaking down in Arizona, in part because of the slow results. A person waiting for results may not isolate themselves from others. If people learn weeks later that they were positive, their contacts cannot be notified until after the results. Those contacts may not have been isolating, potentially spreading the virus to others. There's no hard and fast rule for how soon results should come back, though all seem to agree: the sooner, the better — for both waiting patients and for controlling the spread to others. Gov. Doug Ducey said Thursday the state would ramp up COVID-19 testing after weeks of insufficient testing during Arizona's rampant spike in cases. New efforts seek to expand supplies and bandwidth for people wanting to get tested and to boost processing capacity so that results can come back faster. Plans announced Thursday include more testing and processing by Sonora Quest Laboratories, and pushing a saliva-based test created by Arizona State University to the general public. The plans aim to put more testing options in underserved areas, such as west and south Phoenix. Get the Law & Order newsletter in your inbox. The latest public-safety news in the Valley. Delivery: Mon-Fri Your Email How testing delays affect everything Dr. Cara Christ, the director of the Arizona Department of Health Services, said the state is working to add testing sites, secure supplies to improve turnaround times and bring in new providers who can conduct tests. “There's a lot that we're doing to increase our lab capacity so that it improves the turnaround time because we've been really frustrated, from a public health standpoint, with the length that it takes for people to get their results,” Christ said. Christ said people ideally should get test results within 24-to-48 hours in order for public health responses to work effectively. A quick turnaround means people are more likely to isolate if they are positive, and contacts can be reached sooner by health officials, she said. “If you're not getting that result for five days and you feel completely fine or maybe you just have a little bit of mild symptoms, you might think to yourself, 'Oh, it's OK if I run out to the store or I go to work today,'” she said. Delayed results have a "cascade effect" on public health response, said Will Humble, executive director of the Arizona Public Health Association. People don't know if they're positive, so they don't change their behavior. Counties don't know until much later who the positive cases are, hindering effective contact tracing and case investigations. "If the labs were coming back five to six to seven days after the sample was taken, it doesn't matter how good the contact tracing capacity is, it doesn't matter how good and efficient they are at following up, the infections would have already spread to their coworkers and family members and roommates by then because very few people isolate between the time their sample is taken and they get their test results back," Humble said. Maricopa County, which has struggled to keep up robust contact tracing as cases have grown exponentially, said its public health department is regularly receiving lab results five-to-10 days after people are tested. "That means people have potentially been spreading the disease for a week or more and cases have no idea they are infected," spokesman Ron Coleman said in an email. "Contacts have often already developed disease by the time we learn of the positive result. In addition, we aren’t receiving contact information for about 15% of cases meaning investigators spend valuable time trying to find people." Coleman said the earlier the public health department receives positive test results, the earlier they can begin contact tracing. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-health/2020/07/06/slow-covid-19-test-results-have-cascade-effect-public-health/5386582002/ Just posting don't blame the poster.
  20. Did anyone know that some some colds has coronavirus? Common colds has 200+ different virus mainly rhinovirus 10-40%
  21. Thanks shoshin everything you do and post here. Thank you for solid info and other stuff.
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