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Buffalo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bills Fan

  1. Knock it down, int or sack the QB. If the ball gets near Hopkins hands he's going to catch it Just might be maybe best player NFL ever with his hands.
  2. Hopkins caught 115 balls in 2018 for Houston, with zero drops. Since PFF has been keeping stats on drops in 2006, no wide receiver ever had a season with 110 receptions or more with zero drops. So, in training camp last year, I asked Hopkins about the secret of his hands.“My brother and I used to watch a lot of Jet Li movies, so we used to always do quick things like kickboxing or catching things with our hands,” Hopkins said. “One thing I remember we always used to do—we always used to catch flies with our hands. I was the only one that could catch them. I actually studied it, and I grew with it. I was like, ‘How do I catch flies?’ Flies always fly up. I would always just hit over it. And I thought: If I can catch flies, I know I can catch anything.”
  3. Tyler Kroft is a much better TE. Cannot wait to have him back.
  4. Hopkins a great player made a great play. It happens agree. Rationale thought at lease bye week came a perfect time. Let our guys heal. Agree
  5. This is what i'm thinking as well. Way too many mistakes in that game with easy short possessions.
  6. Right thats Roman biggest weakness as a OC.
  7. To be honest some things president trump got to me badly hate and there was some good. Respect what you have to say man. You're own thoughts respect that. Just gets me the nonsense and insults here as well as the degrading. I do hate this from both sides. I'm like knock it off.
  8. Wish you stop posting nonsense and bull *****. Other posters here always try to respect them here.
  9. This is what I mean here with insults. Never had a problem with lots of President Trump supporters (i'm one as well) Never had a problem with Tibs, Warcodered among others. While slightly may disagree with there posts without posting keep to myself. Respect hell outta them. But these posts by "insults" is crazy and stupid.
  10. No thanks to him. Doesn't seem like a process guy.
  11. Was hard on him all year. He had a helluva game. Hopefully keeps going forward with games like this one.
  12. Like him as a poster but that was classless he said. Insults and annoying memes get me here. I mean no point any of that helps. Just looking for real data and knowledgeable posts. Stay quite and listen to others say. Silent agree or disagree with others in PPP.
  13. Have a soft liking for 49ers born close there. But always Bill's my favorite team.
  14. Agree. Bill Belichick is very good. I'm impressed how Bill's won. Bill threw everything at Bill's offense but had not much of a answer.
  15. It's possible Shaw. But not totally for sure. Teams playing 8 like cover 2. Witch makes Cole really important in this offense.
  16. I think Edmunds does best good run blockers. But without good d defense vs run he's exposed a bit.
  17. Agree Shaw I expect lots of scoring vs Seahawks both teams high scoring game. Or teams going underneath lots in this game. Seahawks not the best pass rushers. Worried about 49ers, Steelers front 4. Great front 4 destroys pass pattern.
  18. Anyone see the fight in Saints and Bear game?
  19. Agree. Many players are playing hurt.
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