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Buffalo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bills Fan

  1. Throw yeldon more. Unleash mckenzie. Throw quick hitters offense. Use misdirection runs or iso runs. Rub routes. Screens crossing route offense
  2. Screaming his name to play. He would help so so much.
  3. For this game saying that and unleash mckenzie please!
  4. For God's sake second half unleash mckenzie in the second half!
  5. Yeldon needs more catches throw that d off. Open other things for offense
  6. Right they figured out the d. Change it up now.
  7. Coaches need to make adjustments fast and now.
  8. Let's go buffalo bills. Feeling confident in this game.
  9. I would spread them out with 5 wrs on field most of the plays. Make there defense attack against them. Use quick passing if needed. Use misdirection or iso run plays for runs. Bill's guards might be key since last game they attacked the guard area, now with better guards for o-line going to help more.
  10. That they are. Went there around 2 night time. There pretty horrible fan's. Raven's and cardinals fan base both are way classier. But love the Bill's fan's the best.
  11. Right agree man with you.
  12. 💯 agree 💯 Agree
  13. Right. Cannot stand the nonsense and bs post. For ill upon people. It's sad and wrong.
  14. Right. Last night went to Ravens board with class. Telling everyone hope Lamar is okay hate seeing people hurt
  15. Right he does. Along couple others here. This is nonsense type posts.
  16. Right especially Bill's we core. Extra day helps them getting healthier.
  17. It was one of the worst coached game this year he shouldn't win it.
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