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Buffalo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bills Fan

  1. Wow that's cheap to attack ALF like that. He's been nothing but fair here. People attack others for no dead reason without any evidence to back it up. Love you're posts ALF weather we agree or disagree. You are a really good poster here man.
  2. Wow so sorry Vietnamese people. Noone should go thru that. Hope they are ok. Nooone should do that to them so awful. Love King's standard and how I do for others. He was such a amazing guy. Need him these days. His message works so well. Love that guy. Ya respect you're freedom of speech. Cancel culture is real to me. Many others agree with me. But the thing is I think there message getting out is worse way worse than Dr King said. But that's what I think. Like you're posting oldmanfan. Always respect and what u have to say here. Really pleasure reading you're posts.
  3. Right That is so wrong. Sad for future of America This is not right at all. So wrong to teach "kids" any of this.
  4. America going woke and cancel culture. (Movies and tv shows, schools, public lots of places heading this way as well) Been following this long time. There is possibly more changes. There making it more worse for people. To me this is the best to do by Martin Luther King how we all to do for others. "I have a dream than one day my children will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character" Martin Luther King
  5. Never saw you posted or any assumptions banning morning after pill. I'm not that guy put words into people mouths. Understand what u are saying buddy.
  6. Happy for thirteenth Amendment. Noone should be a slave to anyone. For all types of people and girls.
  7. Well said. Love reading you're posts Widenine. Sometimes disagree with you (keep to myself) but like that for both sides. You're a really good poster here. Love hearing what you have to say lots of time.
  8. Putting myself out there. Know and people not for mask. But some people turned me down use it to protect those with some kind health problems or older people. Really think this is the way. It's my freedom of speech not a single person gonna change my thoughts. As well as long term covid know a lady that has it. Feel for her daily. It's not fake. Like I said this is my own thoughts.
  9. No reason to attack like this SoTier or wacked bull ***** labels. He's pretty cool and a wonderful guy. Esp when someone pass away paying his respects. To me he's a good guy.
  10. Agree with you B-Man Very solid post man. I'm with you.
  11. I'm sorry i'm kind to everyone. With a good heart helping others. Enough said.
  12. Drug addicts need help they don't need a mass execution. That's horrible. One of my buddies was horrible on drugs. He went to help and of course comes to me for help. Alcohol and drugs totality gone from him clean 150 days now. So happy for him. He was hardcore but glad he seeked help.
  13. Agree turning the heat back on first. First thing first for people.
  14. With you on this Tibs. This Republican wants to hurt people and noone should suffer being out the cold among other stuff by this guy. Feel for them.
  15. Ok there is no need for this. Another reason why people need to start loving each other instead of this hate. I have few enemies some did awful things to me, if they got hurt, passed away and stuff. Send my thoughts and prayers. I would help them out and never wish ill upon anyone.
  16. Respect what you trust in man. Wonderful thing free speech. Lots of people have different viewing on things. But for me choose to respect there views.
  17. Agree with you and you're post. I don't ever wish ill or hurt or death on anyone. Love people way too much. RIP Rush thoughts and prayers to everyone.
  18. Honestly it's wrong for people to hurt people. Have all kind of friends even those gays and more. Going to place play games saturday with him. Good guy i'm straight nothing wrong to be amazing to amazing people and friends. My mother and I drives black, good friends with indians. So much more kindness to people. Hell help out all of the neighborhood out there. Not all Trumpists are bad. But to label them is some kind of hate speech. Like the world has been following around for hate. Just look at people hearts more then whatever you are. If you're good hearted a caring person that helps others. Those people are amazing. This is what I think and do for others. Always a friend to someone.
  19. He did post a really good post and really spot on with things how I am thinking. Really helpful and good.
  20. Great post agree with all of it. You're right on the smaller town rural places. Both sides lost faith. Live in one. Becoming a fast food and wal mart type of jobs. The bigger one's mean more moved out and people jumping ship quick.
  21. Right agree with this. Would feel really sad if girl sports went goodbye.
  22. It was pretty fun. So excited, think there is going to be more.
  23. Right. It was there choice and life between them. Not angry one bit.
  24. Lots of point agree Hapless. Gotta always protect the older people the most from this virus. For me do that number 1 goal to protect those out. Fell so badly those passed away rip thoughts and prayers to everyone.
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