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Everything posted by Maynard

  1. Rudolph is definitely just that! I was very impressed with his combine interviews.
  2. You have to wonder, with him saying all this, how helpful he will be to Rudolph? I mean that certainly can’t be reassuring to Mason. I don’t know how I’d feel if I were him. Ben’s an asshat anyways....
  3. What’s the big deal with what he tweeted? Harmless stuff....
  4. Or Darnold doesn’t go first and all holy hell breaks out. I think either way some really crazy stuff is going to go down.
  5. He should teach English!
  6. I agree. That is one ugly logo. Why they went with that I don’t know..... OMG, there it is lol!
  7. Everything in Mayfield’s career thus far would indicate the chip he has; has indeed driven him to excellence. So I would agree with your first statement that it appears to be an asset.
  8. I was wondering what was up with him when I saw him on tv a few weeks ago. Was thinking he had a stroke or something happened, didn’t know he had cancer. Hoping the best for him!
  9. Why? Are you that bored? Guess I am because I’m responding.....yay
  10. Big puffy nips? You can’t, look in the mirror
  11. I gotta agree here. If that’s all it costs do it right now.
  12. No, I LOVE it.
  13. Joshua Jackson, CB Orchard Park Highschool.
  14. I can’t say I can argue with your list. I think I would put Rosen slightly ahead of Darnold. Mayfield is a 2b to Darnold IMO. I love Mayfield’s fire. I’d agree with putting White slightly ahead of Rudolph, but there’s something about Rudolph’s persona that I love. Good list overall.
  15. Take the 6th best QB in the draft and pay Bradford to maybe play 4 games during the season? Seems like a colossal failure to me......
  16. I think that’s Philly’s plan really. Put a really ridiculous price on Foles and maybe someone jumps or maybe not. He’s extremely valuable to the team if Wentz needs a bit more time. Personally I wouldn’t touch Foles unless a late round draft pick made it happen.
  17. I would do anything to get Mayfield if I’m Beane.
  18. Does anyone have his mother’s number? Asking for a friend is all.
  19. I’m in total agreement there. My guess has been that we will work something out with the Giants.
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