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Posts posted by Mat68

  1. I'm not looking for 370yrds 4TD 0 INT but if he wants to be considered as the long-term answer at QB here, or anywhere in the NFL this is one of those games where he has to dig deep and come up big.


    I tend to agree but if the defense plays well and Shady runs for over 150 yards do you still feel the same way? Buffalo doesn't have to pass to score points like Green Bay and Detroit. If he passes for over 300 I assume we are in a shout out with ATL in their dome. That is not way to beat them.

  2. This whole issue will blow over and be largely forgotten in 2 weeks. That game will be sold out and the stadium packed.


    I agree. If Buffalo is playing well it will be a sell out. If Buffalo doesn't win a game from now til than the stands may be empty. The only thing being protested would be the bad play on the field.

    Its easy for all of those Giants and Bengals fan to burn their season tickets in protest lol.

  3. He is a sneaky efficient QB. Also, a team they are constructed as a throw back. Good defense great running game. The strength of the roster does not go to throwing the ball 30 plus times. He doesn't play QB like most QB's but he does plenty well to win games. Does it matter that he ran 8 ran yards on 3 and 6 vs throwing a slant for 8? He strains the defense and does more to help the run game than and other QB that could start here. I like watching him play. Makes alot of plays and when he gets into rythem he can throw it. Games where they run run pass every possession does not play to his strengths or any QB for that matter. After 30 games as a starter he plays efficient and doesn't throw ints. I will not be surprised if Buffalo makes the playoffs. If they do they would be a dangerous team to play.

  4. Goes to show you that draft status and measurables are not the best indicators for production. Interesting the defense is led by a group of guys that earned their way onto NFL through special teams and now are productive starters. Kyle Williams, Lorenzo Alexander, Roman Humber, Mica Hyde, and Poyer are all low picks special team standouts and now very productive. I think that is what Mcdermott was talking about with building a team not adding talent. Production always trumps potential. If you get the talented guy playing like the others guys now you get something special.

  5. I hope ATL does. One thing that travels Defense and a running game. I expect buffalo will have to play near perfect to pull it out. The run game clicking into gear would be a good one. I liked seeing Richie pulling. Even though he got the holding call I expect to see that play more this week. Mccoy will be primed for a big day. Good running game and limit the Falcons plays will be key. This is really just a perception game. The Denver game was more meaningful when it comes to significance in the playoff chances. A championship caliber team will be a good litmus test to see where we are.

  6. I think the point the OP is making is although we played well, Denver made a ton of dumb uncharacteristic mistakes and without those maybe it's a different outcome. So pump the brakes on us being a good team all of a sudden. It's a long season and we haven't even played the tough teams yet


    This is the opposite side of the same inconsequential argument. "If it wasn't for this bad call, or this bad play we would have won." Joseph had the option of not going for the fake punt knowing the risk he did it anyway. The White interception, Siemian had the option to either take a sack or take an intentional grounding penalty. In my opinion he was trying to throw it away and have the ball get to the line of scrimmage. In the NFL that is the difference of winning vs losing. For 17 years we held onto the notion that we are not that bad a football team because we always had the bad break. I believe Bruschi said it best "Turnovers/lucky plays in the NFL are made when preparation meets opportunity. Its 1 game but Buffalo made the plays for a change, in the second half there were a few defensive questionable penalties go against them but still found a way to win. A gift win would have been last week in Carolina almost got that one.

  7. I agree with you. All I'm saying is that his development could go the other way. James Hardy showed a lot of promise and literally collapsed under the pressure and the bright lights. Not saying that will happen, but it could.


    Zay's got some work to do.


    It is a slippery slope. Its only been 3 weeks but I have more confidence in this coaching staff and older players in the Wr group will get him going than years past. I don't expect it to be gradual one of these games he is going to just go off. Hopefully, it is this weekend in ATL.

  8. At the end of the day it comes down to individual performances as a passer and individual match up. So far the defense has kept the Bills within a possession. Buffalo is not going to abandon the run unless they absolutely have no other choice. Taylor is only obligated to give us a chance to win a football game. Carolina is disappointing game but even at his worst Taylor had the ball in his hand with a chance to steal one on the road. Taylor is not making a boat load of money. Unless he just crumbles which I dont expect he is the QB next with or without a drafted QB.

  9. Here's why I'm worried: Good pass receiving hands is something that I don't think can be taught very effectively to athletes at this age. It can be taught to six year olds, and if you drill them from six to 12, they'll have good hands forever. (Same, by the way, with a baseball swing. Kid plays little league on up, by the time he gets to high school it's very difficult to change his swing.)


    So here's Zay Jones. Played four years of college football, and caught a ton of passes. Played in high school no doubt. He's a developed pass receiver. A guy with great hands, like Sammy, catches that TD throw on Sunday. A guy with just good hands catches the throw that he missed over the middle a little later.


    It shouldn't have anything to do with being a rookie. He's been catching all kinds of footballs his entire life, and now he fails to catch three balls in two games in the NFL.


    Maybe it's just jitters, but it's easy for just jitters to turn in a phobia that he can't get over.


    Or maybe he just has bad hands.


    How many games like this are you going to watch before you say he's a problem? I'd say about 2 more games. If he doesn't start actually catching balls he should in the next couple of games, I'm really worries.


    I agree either you are a natural pass catcher or you are not. At the same time great catches requires supreme concentration. I can not speak for everyone I can only speak for myself. I am willing to write most or all of the the issues Zay is going through as being a rookie. In the preseason he showed off good hands and an ability to make and adjust to passes in the air. So what changed? To me not knowing anything beside from what I read and see, he looks like he is in his own head too much. He is trying to run the perfect route, read the field the same way the Qb is . In any sport or really any profession when you are reacting and thinking about what you are doing your going to be less efficient and even the areas that are considered your strengths will suffer. With Zay coming from lower level college football there was always going to be an adjustment. During OTA's and TC he should off all the physical and mental tools required to being a good WR. Now he has faced 2 very good defenses and probably the best secondary in football. The speed of the game has sky rocketed up he doesn't seem to be blown away by it, he seems to be a little tentative. I believe on film he will see he is and he is winning his matchups and now he just needs to let go a bit and play. Some very good WRs have struggled catching the ball after coming out of small programs I dont think he will become these guys but TO and Jerry Rice had a similar start.

  10. The NFL is all about matchups. Out of the 3 teams that LA has faced only 1 team has a defense with a pulse and the LA got 14 points. I am not going to claim the Rams are an offensive powerhouse because they putt up number on 2 very poor teams and did close to nothing vs an average one.

  11. Fair argument? The question is simply do you think the Rams top to bottom are better than the Bills. Obviously the teams haven't played the same opponents. Which looks better to you? I'd take the Rams.


    This question would not be asked if they played Carolina and Denver. Their offense would not have been as productive and no one would be comparing them to each other. Thats my point..

  12. The Bills blow out the Tolzien Colts and 49ers. This is really not a fair argument, Buffalo would have faced 2 top 5 defenses out of their first 3 games. The Jets defense is better than Colts and 49ers as well. Lets see how they do next week vs Dallas and than the following week vs Seattle before naming Goff MVP and McVay coach of the year.

  13. For the record I have no issue with the Watkins deal despite his coming out party in primetime last night for the Rams. We all know his history here and at least we got something for him.


    But make no mistake about it, just like with the Chiefs 1st rounder, this Rams 2nd round pick is also looking like it will in the bottom third of selections because this Ram's team is going to be decent this year and I wouldn't be surprised if they sneak up and win that division since the only real threat is the Seahawks whose offense is terrible and can't score either. Plus the Rams have owned that series in recent years anyway even with much worse teams.


    I hope Terry Pegula paid attention last night though watching former Bills on both teams light it up and make plays. Beane and McDermott are not proven commodities and certainly don't deserve a '5 year plan' or whatever BS they are already likely feeding the Pegulas.


    So you think they win there division? They beat the colts and 49'ers and now they are tops of the NFL? They finish 6-10 best case is 7-9

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