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Posts posted by Mat68

  1. Its the NFL every game is important. Seems like its easy to say this is the most important game of the year this week, every week. Imo this is more crucial than winning in ATL. I thought winning at ATL would be the best win for some national recognition but conference road games are much more important for seeding and standing purposes at the end of the year. The Bengals have a good amount of weapons. There weakness has been their O line. They have a stingy defense as well. Zay is going to have to make a few plays down the field for the Bills to win. He is getting open a good amount but this week he needs to make the big plays that Matthews has been good for this year.

  2. Very simple BB is no longer building in NE he is at the point of maintaining. I thought that was the case when they traded a lot of picks for players this past year. Ealy they traded a 2nd for was cut. The machine that is NE is no longer there now. Brady is great, they will be in it as long as he is their QB. When Brady leaves or diminishes they will falter.

  3. Carolina with a healthy Kueckly and Davis are stingy. Denver blanked Elliot and the jets front is the teams stength.

    Coaches coach to their stregnths which is the reason for their hires. Buffalo ran alot of zone blocking. Not alot of oitside zone. Once it clicks and the line and McCoy start getting in sync there isnt a better style to run Mccoy. He has crazy vision. Buffalo faced 2 very good run defenses. This week will be a better accessmemt of the team and scheme when it comes to running. Imo the only thing that stops Mccoy running this weekend is ATLs offense.

  4. I have no problem with his clock management. As a coach you are judged by if you win most believe you are right and If you lose most assume you are wrong. Against Car by keeping that time out he allowed the offense to use the whole field. If Zay makes that catch and is short they have another shot at the end zone. No reason to use the TO early and rush the game winning plays. I am not a fan of Gannon and thought his opinion of the the end of game scenario was not entirely accurate. They had plenty of time and you had to move into position to score. They use the timeout when he thinks they should and Zay makes that catch but is ruled down before the endzone and they lose is that better?

    Against Denver we were up 2 scores and if they make the stop they win. Both those time outs were used when the time was already stopped. With they heat imo he was using them to give his guys a rest but also get an idea of what they are trying to schematically. No different then a late game basketball time out vs inbound plays.

  5. No helmets and no shoulder pads, they will have to tackle rugby style. Big injuries will actually be eliminated. CTE injuries will be eliminated.


    I dont think they will ever do that. Oline and dline need some sort of pad. The head gear and shoulder pads would be no thicker than knee and thigh pads.

  6. There is no targeting rule in the NFL. I am not ok with refs dropping flags because of the result, not the action. I've seen it happen in the past I believe it was Austin Collie. The ref clearly threw a flag when he saw how hurt Adams was. Now I guarantee you Arizona wishes they had Trevathon on there defense when Dez Bryant in a similar play fought for 8 yards and carried the whole Arizona defense in a scrum into the endzone.

    I do agree the only solution to helmet to helmet hits and the growing CTE issue that is plaguing football. Take the plastic off shoulder pads and helmets. Use the head gear that players wear in 7 on 7 tournaments and use the shell style shoulder pads. When you have no protection to your face and head the style will be different.

  7. Is Tyrod Taylor worthy of Wall of Fame?

    ...and I already proved above that Orton's efficiency and potency as a passer (yardage) improved as the season progressed so with EJ's games (which our coaches deprived Orton of) would have gotten him off to a great start with even better stats than what he already crushed. I honestly don't get the criticism of Orton or the conclusory statement that he doesn't deserve recognition as a fame-worthy candidate.


    Week 1 after being on the team for 3 days of practice he performs better than EJ? Marrone never cared for EJ and I believe he played Orton that absolute soonest he could.

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