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Everything posted by Mat68

  1. Lol listen to the "scout guys" Lois Riddeck, Bucky Brooks. All crushed Darnold because, its about competing. They always end it with we understand timing will be off so we undertand it. Rosen and Jackson struggle with timing and get knocked for the same thing they said the wouldnt do. Alllen had to prove he can be accurate. Rosen had to prove he wasnt an erogant douche. I think both did what they needed. Darnold didnt have to prove anything sohe didnt.
  2. This is why Darnold didnt throw and why he was right not to. Allen has all the hype and can throw it a mile. No one is going to throw better next to him.
  3. In pro sports outside of baseball with how specialized pitching has become, talent tops numbers. Some players can come in and change a franchise others are come in and fit in. Some cant make it. Point being, give me a top qb prospect over 3 average to above average players. You hit on Qb it effects your team more than hitting at any other position. Since the Kelly era Buffalo has hit at every postion in the draft but Qb.
  4. I have to admit using Rosen as a method to move into the top 5 to draft Barkley would be the Billsy thing they could do. I wouldnt but come draft night i never know.
  5. I am biased as a penn st fan but baring injury he will be as good as Elliot and be tops in the league. He runs like Mccoy with the hop steps and change of direction while being 20 pounds bigger and faster.
  6. I think Buffalo goes all in on Rosen. He might have just enough doubt around him Buffalo could pull it off. He is the unquestioned best pocket passer in the draft. Cleveland may be open at 1 when they have 4. NYG with Gettleman may like 21,22, and Glenn to get oline and running game fixed. Indy has alot of holes as well. If im Buffalo and Rosen knocksnout the interviews and visits make it happen.
  7. He looked bigger on the field. 225 i expect him under 4.4. Somewhere in the 4.36 range. I would expect him to be in the top 5 in almost every rb drill.
  8. If they package glenn in a trade i would be happy with brown. A dude that tall will never kill the bench.
  9. Last full year starting Teddy passed for 3200 yards 14 tds and 7 ints. Seems like Taylor production minus the running ability and more ints. Again where is the improvement?
  10. Jackson and Cam are two different players with different styles. What Beane is talking about is the doubt that each are and have faced are similar at the same point in each of their careers. Its easy to play revisionist history and say that everyone expected Newton to go 1 and become a great players but that was not the case. Polian was in the league but those analyst of his ilk all said the same thing. Newton is a run first Qb and cannot win inside the pocket as a pro. He is too inaccurate to be a success. His only positives were his size and running ability. I understand the comparison and believe that it is very similar in terms of his detractors. The style of play that Jackson will have Taylor really could be a perfect bridge Qb for him Taylor has a pretty good feel for when to run, when to throw it away and importantly how to avoid taking big shots. Jackson those a good ball. Like any athletic guy he will miss throws high and outside when he throws from an awkward base. When in rythm Jackson can throw as well as anyone. Like every Qb in this draft not named Rosen, he cleans up some of his foot work and he will be fine.
  11. I would be curious as to which area they see him as an uograde over Taylor. It think If you fot Talor level consistency out of him you would be happy.
  12. I do not see much more than a young Fitzpatrick when i see Keenum. That amazing play vs NO where that defender whiffed on the game ending tackle changed Keenums life. Before that play the narative would be how he choked away a 2 TD lead in the 4th at home. Now he will be paid as a top Qb. I hope Buffalo doesnt break the bank for him though i do think he could be a solid starter.
  13. Really would like davis in the slot but I think this means Buffalo is letting Gaines take some visits and test the market.
  14. Rosen is the best thrower of the football. From a family an up bringing where he is self aware and knows what he is and smart enough to know what he can be. Give me Rosen. He is Matt Ryan before social media. If he slides 1 spot and im Buffalo I move up.
  15. No. Vick showed that on his own ability he could beat alot of teams and carry a team. To believe he never studied his playbook once in atlanta is crazy. He beat Farve in GB in the playoffs. Manzie is at best a middling NFL Qb. No reason to start a pr fire over a camp arm.
  16. Bortles is basicly on a Taylor deal. Bortles has pretty good numbers looking at yards and TDs. He plays either very good or poor. He estiblishes some consistency and he still could be very good in a early big ben way.
  17. I think they will target 1 or 2 Qbs early in Fa and try to avoid paying Taylors bonus. if that does not come to fruition I expect Taylor to be on the team barring a trade for a veteran Qb. No Fa signing or trade Buffalo than moves up for a Qb. Depending what happens in March will better paint the picture for the draft. IMO there is really only 4 options that results in Taylor not being on the roster. Signing Cousins or Bradford, and trading for Luck or Foles. Outside of that Taylor is on the roster. Imo there is only 3 options that does not involve Buffalo trading up during the draft to get a Qb and that is signing Cousins or making either trade listed above. I see a plan on how to attack the position but they need to keep the focus improving he position not just an anybody but Taylor mentality.
  18. My understanding is that the bonus is not until the 3rd day of the league year. They sign or trade for a Qb on day 1 or 2 they can still cut Taylor and avoid paying the roster bonus. Who could they sign that is 100% better then Taylor? Imo you have Cousins, Keenum, and a healthy Bradford. The rest of the crop of FA qb have not shown to be more consistent or more productive then Taylor, and would likely cost more as well. Could they pull off a trade for Luck or Foles? Those would be options but I do not expect either Indy or Philly rushing into making that decision by the third day of the league year. So that all leads back to paying Taylor's bonus. If either trade materializes for Luck or Foles they could include Taylor because either team would need a back up Qb. They also could do what Philly did with Bradford when they found out Wentz was the real deal. Trade Taylor in training camp when a contender loses their starter to injury. The qbs with the highest upside this year may not be ready to start week 1. They draft Allen, Darnold, or Jackson they all could benefit from sitting behind a Qb. Say all you will about Taylor, but any rookie could benefit from learning and seeing how to be a pro. They all would have more talent but could see how you need to prepare and work to be a starting Qb, A few weeks ago I thought the chances of Taylor staying a Bill was higher than many thought. I think its 50/50 he is Buffalo Bill week 1. I am happy, as a fan of the Bills that wants a winning team each year, that they will not fall into the same trap they fell into with Ej. They listened to public sentiment about Fitzpatrick and cut him without a better option on the roster. They drafted Ej who had alot of upside but was forced to see the field early because there was not a better option on the team. Average Qb play is better than bad Qb. Yes average is not good or great, but no need to settle for less when you are looking for better.
  19. It would make no sense to move on from Taylor unless a better Qb is on the roster. I dont mean more potential, actually better today. Taylors salary isnt bad, no reason to make a mistake at Qb because you are desperate. With his bonus not until the third day they could sign or trade for a Qb and then cut him. If they are poised to draft a rookie Taylor makes for good competition or bridge Qb. He provides a level of play that needs to be surpassed.
  20. I think if Rosen caught a bit of slide Buffalo would be likely to move up and get him.
  21. Imo this helps out the established teams. For a team still building you are not going to get ahead of anyone just letting good players walk for mid round picks. If you are the Patriots or Steelers sure. They are pretty up against the cap so if a players leaves they can get a return on that. Imo you are better selling a year early if you expect the player to leave. You can get an immediate asset for your current year draft and at a higher round in most cases than the actual compensatory pick would have been. Chandler jones, Jamie Collins, and Watkins are all trades doing this.
  22. My understanding it was in terms of signing bonus and cap implication. Say cousins gets 50 mil signing bonus. instead of prorating that amount over the years of the contract they would use most if not all of that 50 mil towards the 2018 cap.
  23. OSU also has the best deep ball threat in the draft. So to assume he was only watching Rudoplh is a stretch.
  24. Rating Allen and Mayfield 5 for arm strength would be same as rating them both 5 in accuracy.
  25. I commend the work and effort. Scoring Baker the same for arm strength that you score Allen however, leaves me questioning your opinion on everything else. That is really an apparent difference that jumps out at you.
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