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Everything posted by Mat68

  1. I would like to lawson get back to his weight at Clemson. 275 plus. Put him inside on third downs.
  2. Checker vs chess. The Jets signing Mccown and Bridgewater after missing out on Cousins checkers. Waiting for the market to shrink and getting a guy 50 cents on the dollar compared to like deals is chess. Still can fill needs of the team through FA still have a crest of picks to get your guys in the draft chess.
  3. Makes sense. You dont have to over pay for a Qb when you are the last spot open. For the amount less he will make than the guys signed its gonna be a steal. Cleveland nearly gave a away a second and a third for him. Him a rookie, and Peterman is a better position than they were in last year. If needed I would be fine with him playing a game or 2 maybe even starting the season if he earns it.
  4. Yes this. Franchise QB and impact LB are not readily available in FA. Trade into top 5 for a Qb, I could see Buffalo getting a sideline to sideline mike in the second.
  5. Far enough thought he was under. It is quite the outlier. But he also has the kind of arm. He took a perennial bottom feeder school and made them a contender in their conference. First time in 30 years Wyoming went to back to back bowl games. He did alot for a bad team. He has the potential to be the best Qb in the draft. Like with everything in life the most upside also provide the most risk.
  6. Right but there is not one owner, Gm, or Head coach. You change one of their minds or catch their eye you are better of than and lower level guy.
  7. Yes but all those decisions makers who saw him crap the bed in Indy were not.
  8. Yes just not the GM and Head Coach. The coach for Oklahoma who set this date did his players 0 favors. You use Mayfield's status to help Brown and some fringe players make impressions on decision makers. Mayfields pro day means 0 to him, but those extra eyeballs would have helped his less heralded teammates.
  9. Idk. Culter was sub 60. I can't call him a bust he had long career with varying success. The 2 outliers here are Farve an Marino. Marino is outside of your 35 year window and Farve is just inside it. Farve would be the ceiling. Now Farve was a gunslinger but was also a coaches son. He made decisions and knew when he was making a calculated risk because his arm and ability would get him through it. Jay Culter is ivy league smart and Farve was just a football savant so where is Allen's understanding of football at? That would be the biggest concerns. His accuracy can be improved through mechanics but can he process NFL defenses quick enough become a great Qb?
  10. If Allen was the target I dont see how you trade Tyrod and not have an upgrade at Qb for 2018. I would not expect too much too soon from Allen. Rosen, or Mayfiled sure, Darnold maybe, Allen or Jackson no.
  11. Based off them not getting a starting Qb at the start of Fa and looking like they are going to bring in a vetran career back up, that points to me that they are going for Rosen. MaybeDarnold or Mayfield. Allen and Jackson have the most upside but will need the most work and probable should sit for a year or so while they develop.
  12. Bad planning to hold your pro day on first day of the league year. IE the opening of FA. So stupid.
  13. Eh. Losing out on Mccarron means nothing. Hard to say thats even the case. Who knows who the Bills are targeting. If Buffalo wants Rosen he can start week. Then they may go Derek Anderson or Matt Moore. Players have changed there mind before. Who is to say that one of those Qbs isnt signed and they are just going for a visit.
  14. MCcarron, Anderson, and Mccown in that order. I really dont like Mccown. Mccarron is interesting and Anderson would be a very good backup and can play in spot duty if needed.
  15. He is the best quarterback on the open market besides Cousins but because of injuries he will come at a third the price. He is a better quarterback than Taylor. If the rookie isnt ready Bradford can win games and lead the way. Whenever he gets hurt makes for a perfect transition to the rookie.
  16. There is not an impact LB in FA. If im Buffalo I get a franchise Qb and impact LB in the draft. Those are the 2 things you dont find in FA.
  17. Makes complete sense. Biggest need. One of the best players available. Had the best years of his career while playing under Mcdermott.
  18. Unlikley, but if they pick at 12 and its not a Qb they could nab the top lb.
  19. If healthy Bradford is best option outside if cousins.
  20. The only way he has a long career in the NFL at GM is if he finds a franchise Qb. Both Mcdermott and Beane know that is the key sustained success and tenure. That has been the goal all along. Create cap flexability, and the ability to manuever anywhere in the draft to get not only a franchise Qb but building blocks of the franchise.
  21. Of the scouts and talking heads I listen to and actually watching them play, I see this class as being at the level of 04. Imo 3 of the top 5 guys could become elite. Ofcourse some will bust. I think a starter or 2 could be developed out of the 2nd and 3rd day. 12 would put them in a position for Mayfiled or Jackson. I feel Darnold and Rosen are the cream of the class with Rosen being the most polished. The x factor is Allen. He has that Farve, Marino type of arm. He also could bust terrible. If im going all the way for the Qb im going for the most ready. To me that is Rosen.
  22. He looks like Eli Manning and Matt Ryan coming out of college. He is the least likley to bust imo. Add weight the size is ideal. The other guys have much larger red flags.
  23. There is a better chance its Allen than it is Mayfeild. Still think its either Darnold or Rosen. Allen is the x factor. By getting Taylor Cleveland may be ok with him starting a year while Allen adjusts.
  24. The moves have been 2 fold. They added picks but also cleared a ton of cap space. Right now Buffalo can go whichever way they prefer. If Cousins is their guy they now have the cap space to do what it would take. They would also have a tremendous amount of picks to improve the overall roster. Similar to what Philly did they can now get all the way to 1,2, or 3 for the QB they want.
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