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Everything posted by Mat68

  1. I see it a little differant. Similar premise. The move to 12 was to put them in position to get their second choice at qb. Depending on the price the ability to get their number 1 choice. Imo Buffalo has is Rosen 1 Jackson 2. Beane is going to take the next month determining is Rosen 3 firsts and 2 thirds better than Jackson. After watching the past year Im going to go with the conclusion Rosen is not. Buffalo gets Jackson and then makes a move to Mcd his linebaker.
  2. I do not. I would be happy either. They are the most talented Qbs in the draft.
  3. I think Gettleman has been asking for that all along. No problem with Beane doing his dilegance and finding out if the guy they like is worth it. There are multiple qbs as well. How do they rate Jackson to there number 1 guy? If its close take him and keep 100% of their picks.
  4. This is becoming a strong possibility. I Could see Buffalo taking Jackson at 12 trading up from 22 for one of linebakers. This may be a better option then trading 6 picks for rosen.
  5. Im assuming NYG want 3 1s plus. Its a steep price and if the guy is a franchise qb you do it. If they are that high on a guy they have doubts he will be there. Im not going to right off the new regime until the picks are in and see who they got. If they get any of the top 5 I will be happy. If they get one of them and keep 22 I would be impressed.
  6. 2004 rivals it. This year looks to me like 2004. There are 5 prospects with completely differant skill sets, make up, and personalities. Depending how Buffalo has their 5 ranked they may not need to trade to 2. I think Mayfiled, Jackson, or Allen can be had around where the Bills pick at. Depending on the situation any of them could become success or bust.
  7. The differance imo Buffalo knows the cost for 2. They are narrowing down if they like 1 qb enough to do it. What if that qb goes 1? Who is their second choice? Where do you expect him to go? Do you need to go to 2? Could he slide? Imo the jets made a PR move. They gave up alot picks for any of three qbs. One could have been their at 6. Im not going to say Buffalo should give half there picks unless they are sure hes the guy. The Jets made an ultra aggressive move to for who? They dont know wont know until the first 2 picks are made.
  8. See your looking at it wrong. No matter who the Jets pick will bust so it really is in our favor.
  9. As much as 21 to 12 improved their stock to move into the top of the draft I also think it improved their position to get their #2 rated Qb. They can now slide into the top 10 ensure of getting the next best guy and still have 22. As the draft gets closer I think that could be a real possibility. Some around here may be disappointed they dont get to 1 or 2, but a slight move up for a Qb later in the top 10 and get a linebacker at 22 may be the reality. I disagree.
  10. I think that is a legitimate option. Vander Esh or Raquan Smith at 22 you get your Qb and Mike in round 1 color me impressed.
  11. Until we see how the draft falls there is no way in knowing if the Jets trade had any barring on us what so ever. We do not know how Buffalo has the Qbs ranked. Until the picks are turned in and the all the Qbs are selected there is no way to determine how the Jets effected the draft for Buffalo.
  12. If Buffalo has the qbs 1Darnold 2 Jackson 3 Allen 4 Mayfield 5 Rosen. Do they need to trade up if Darnold goes 1? If they like Jackson they really only need to move up to 9 to ensure they get him. What I am saying it is impossible to know how they rank these QBs. Also, without seeing who goes 1 no reason to trade up now unless it is for 1. I cant see Cleveland doing that. The rumors where Jackson was Buffalos # 2. When Beane said there was no way player x would get past 15 so why are we talking about him that could be a bit of a slip. I still got faith in Beane and Mcd. As I said a before FA started as long as Buffalo leaves the draft with 1 of the 5 top Qbs I would be happy with whatever guy they pick. If their #1 QB is there at 2 I could see Buffalo trading up. If their #2 Qb is there around 7-10 I think they will move up to get them.
  13. If they stay at 12 I can see them taking Jackson.
  14. Or they couldn't afford what the Giants want. To say they are not willing trade is not accurate in my opinion. Most observers would say the Jets went up as far as they could.
  15. I will say the only team happier about the this trade than the Jets is the Giants. If they want to trade the price just got richer.
  16. I just do not see how a pro organization would not value 1 of the 4 to 5 Qbs higher. They are all very unique skill set wise so one of them would have be the target. 3 leaves alot of variables and you could be stuck drafting a guy your not as much.
  17. No reason to do the deal today unless they are worried another team like the Broncos or Cardinals would trade to 2. Im not sure that is the case. If they have a guy they want that they think the Jets and Bronocos would target they have to go to 2. They may like another Qb just as much that may be there at 12 . IE Jackson.
  18. Rams went to 1 and was obvisous that they wanted Geoff. Eagles wanted Wentz and went to 2. At 3 the jets could realistically traded all those picks for the 3rd qb drafted that could have been there at 6.
  19. Your right and maybe Buffalo slow played their hand too much. With they way they handled Tyrod and FA in the QB position I dont see the organization doing anything hastily. I am curious to see how far along the evaluations truely are along at one BIlls Dr. on the crop of Qbs. Do they have a Qb they evaluate at a Franchise Qb. Do they have to move to 2 to get him? I assumed they do and they will move to 2 for him. Maybe they value Jackson and all there picks more than half there picks and Rosen.
  20. I think Buffalo could get 1 of Mayfiled, Allen, or JAckson at 12. i assume they would flop a sec or third to ensure they get one and move up a few spots.
  21. They didnt have gusto to do it now what would change on draft night? Buffalo knows what it would take and that is why they made that trade with the Bengals. Beane is too calculated to trade to 3 this far out from the draft. The top organizations are not going to grade the top 5 Qbs similar. They are not all going to be great pros. The NFL has 13 good QBs. This draft isnt going to produce 5. Figure out which one you like best and get him if you think he is a Franchise Qb. Maybe 3 was the only option I dont think that is case. Gettleman wants a kings ransom that Buffalo can pay. 1 is the qb they want going to be their? 2 Is that Qb worth the price tag. Without knowing 1 or 2 I dont understand why you trade that far up.
  22. You make that move imo if you see a guy that will lead your franchise for years to come. By moving to 3 their is a possibility that he is drafted 1 or 2. Now a team knows and has 6 weeks to prepare for what it will take to get in front of you. You make that move the eve of the draft or during the draft I think the odds of getting the Qb you want increases 50%. This was a move that the owner wants one of the top Qbs and at 6 they would miss out. I just feel you shouldnt make that kind of commitment and trade unless you are 100% solid on the guy you are getting. Right now their is no way telling what guy you will get.
  23. The jets would have to cripple themselves to move up any further. If the Giants are in win now mode 12-22 56 and 65 would be the ticket plus a high pick in 2019. The Jets cant compete with that offer.
  24. I think you are missing the point that nothing is stopping another team that has a Qb in mind wont just make a trade to 2. Buffalo has the firepower to do it. They could be targeting the same guy and now Buffalo know if they want him they have to go to 2 for him. If the jets waited they could have snuck in and possibly got him at 3 if the Giants were too expensive for Buffalo taste. now there is no surprise the Jets are taking a Qb. If the browns dont take the one they like they know the giants is the only way.
  25. Like 3 1's? I think Bufalo has the number knows the cost and are dotting the i's and crossing the t's of the prospect they like most. NYG know the Bills can pay the most THIS year and help this years team. Beane is aware that the price is high but will take his time to see if the QB he wants is truely a franchise QB if he is than the trade is made. I also believe the rumor that Jackson is 2 on their Qb board and they are not sold trading everything they will need to will be better than staying put drafting Jackson and getting a mike at 22
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