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Posts posted by Mat68

  1. 10 hours ago, Kelly the Dog said:

    Yep. Another one, which few here I imagine will agree with, is the importance, and more so, the significance of "halftime adjustments."


    I'm not saying they don't exist. But teams, especially good ones, make adjustments in the first and second and third and fourth quarters that often have way more influence on the game. A LOT of times teams playing poorly DON'T make halftime adjustments and then play way better the second half and fans just assume they do. They believe in their game plan and think they just didnt do it right.


    A great example was today. After the game a reporter asked a Titan - I think it was Mariotta even - what adjustments they made at halftime because the second half was way different than the first and he said "Nothing." And then we did what we planned on doing all along.

    It goes both ways but your right.  More often then not the only changes or adjustments made are in terms of exexuction not schemes.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Coach Tuesday said:


    LA has a hard choice to make.  They probably didn't expect Kupp to be this good, this quickly.  Watkins doesn't really fit what Goff is good at, so they'd be paying him a lot of money to run clearout routes and catch 2-4 balls per game.  That said, they may get stuck in the "sunk cost" fallacy that many NFL GMs fall prey to (because of CYA) and feel the need to justify the trade by paying him.  And they have the benefit of having Goff signed up on a low cost rookie contract, with few holes on the roster.  In fact, their roster is STACKED, their defense is chock full of #1 picks.  They need a tight end and probably some young offensive linemen but that's about it.  So in sum, who knows?

    I dont expect him back in LA.  He will go to whoever pays him most and a team that pitches him as the go to guy.  I think he ends up in cleveland.  They overpay and becomes the guy for a rookie qb.

  3. Trading Garapalo mid-season for 2nd was an odd move.  Having nothing behind a 40 year old QB makes 0 sense.  That move paired with trading Brissett are completely not Belicheck moves.  There are 2 options to choose from.  Either Bill after developing Garapalo and reaching the end of his contract didnt think Garapalo was that good, or trading him wasnt Bills decision.  Eric Mangini take on this story leads me to believe there is more to this than leads the eye.  the only speculation is how severe is the strife between Bill and Kraft/Brady.  Everything McGinest says is true.  That is why many believe Bill would pick the 27 year old Qb with loads of potential and the ability to set the franchise up for 10 years vs the 40 years where unless they can find lightening in a bottle again they are held hostage by Brady and his decision to retire.  

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  4. I agree 100%.  Nothing about the last 12 months makes senses when it comes to "the Patriot way".  Bill has always bought low sold high.  If Bill wanted to keep Brady would he revoke his personal trainers credentials?  Would he trade an above average back up whos on a very team friendly deal to Indy for a bust wr if he was moving on from Jimmy G?  


    Brady went to Kraft a little before the trade deadline.  After his personal trainer was revoked some access he normaly had because he saw the tea leaves changing.  Kraft informed Bill that he in no way had the authority to move on from Brady and he best get whatever he can for Jimmy G because he was not going sign him or franchise him if it ment moving on from Brady.  


    Robert Kraft just pulled a Jerry Jones.  By sticking up for his "guy" he has set off a chain of events he Kraft cannot forsee because he has not been a part of the day to day operations. Imo Bill always wanted to win one without Brady to cement his own legacy that now is not the case.  Bill will grant teams access to his assistants and will sway them to leave the sinking ship.  41 year old Qb with a mediocre oline dline and linebaker corp is not a team building but decaying.

  5. 3 hours ago, ScottLaw said:

    Backing into the playoffs? 


    They clinched a playoff spot three weeks ago and lost to the 49ers who were probably the hottest team to end the season and the desperate Titans in Tennessee. 


    The Bills beat the lowly Colts and Dolphins twice(whom treated Week 17 like it was a preseason game)while needing a miracle from Andy Dalton to get in.


    Come on dude. Jacksonville has the better roster and more talented team. 


    The Bills have a shot because they are well coached defensively and because of everybody's favorite whipping boy around here in Tyrod on our team and Blake Bortles on the other. 

    Our whipping boy doesnt put up yards.  Yours throws picks.  That is why Buffalo are live dogs.  They did clinch but if Jax won out woildnt they gotten a first rd bye?

  6. 18 minutes ago, Buddo said:

    Since making the playoffs, the notion we have the draft capital to trade up for one of, or the best, prospect, simply doesn't scan so well. Not only will our 2 first round picks be of lesser value than anticipated, the same applies to the other picks we have accumulated. Iirc, just about every team we traded with, is in the playoffs. I'd say that his probably means we will have to give up an extra pick to make up a value difference, if we did try to move way up, and with the amount of needs still within the roster, I don't think we should be doing that.


    Tbh, I think it's way too early to be thinking about trades, as nobody knows how the FA market is going to shake out, and there are an awful lot of possibilities there, for QB 'needy' teams, to go out and find themselves a guy they would be happy to have starting for them - and that includes the Bills.


    I genuinely believe that it is going to cost way too much to move up high enough to get one of the top QB prospects. Too many teams at the top, need one themselves, as do many of the teams just below them. The Colts are probably going to make a killing, if they trade down, and the Giants could also do quite well for themselves, just by dropping a few places, and taking a guy who they could develop behind Eli for a year or two.


    Currently, I have no real sense of what the best areas of this years draft will be, or if it's actually got any ;) It does sound like there are a fair number of decent QB prospects, and as such, my inclination would be to see if we can get one of those, without giving up the farm. As others have pointed out, we should be able to move up into the low teens without too much trouble - or giving up half this years draft, and I think that doing that isn't going to compromise getting some of the holes of the roster filled.

    NYG, Indy, CLE all could trade down.  3 first rounders?  They have the ammunition.

  7. 3 hours ago, Wayne Arnold said:

    Anything less than a 3rd round pick and they should just keep him for 2018.

    I agree.  To find an improvement over Taylor on the open market will cost much more than what it costs to keep Taylor.  Al a Eagles.  Trade up for your Qb.  If he beats outTaylor trade him in training camp when a team is desperate.

  8. Go get the best Qb you can get.  I think you keep Taylor so you dont have to be desperate.  The only way to get one of the best QBs is to go get one.  As much as everyone want to ingore it the Buffalo Bills are a playoff team.  The roster will be improved this offseason and they have the draft capital required to go get a guy.  I say go get em.  Keep taylor until the rookie takes his job.  Not in a im going to start Peterman sort of way.  Like Russel Wilson in Seattle or Big Ben in Pittsburgh.  

  9. 4 hours ago, ScottLaw said:

    And crushed the Steelers in Pittsburgh.


    They are beatable, but if the Jags backed into the playoffs than how did the Bills get there? 


    Jacksonville is by far the more talented team. It is going to take a lot to beat them, IMO. 


    Bills have a shot, but there's a reason just about everyone outside of Buffalo thinks Jacksonville wins.

    The last quarter or the season Jacksonville went 2-2.  Losing the the last two games of the year.  Buffalo went 3-1 with the loss at New England, winning the last game of the season to get in.  Jacksonville is the definition of backing into the playoffs.  Played their worst game on defense all year in San Fran and playing terrible on offense in Tennessee.  2 bad losses to end the year and go into the playoffs.

  10. 23 minutes ago, Rockee96 said:

    if we want a team that can be competitive consistently in the long run, Tyrod is not the answer.


    By now, it should be apparent to everyone. If this isn't obvious to the front office, they need to go.

    Outside of going hard for Cousins.  Not my first choice.  I think Taylor is as good as any Qb available on the open market.  16 mil is stopgap qb money.  Draft a qb, more likley trade up for your qb.  He either sits behind Taylor for a year or straight takes his job and out plays him which would be best case scenerio.  If Taylor is past then trade Taylor to a deperate team in training camp and recoup the capital used to trade up for your guy.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Wily Dog said:

    I believe that the Bill',s have their starting QB for next year , and they have to find a second QB as a backup.

    Do you trade up for one or hope one falls?

    I think you trade up for a qb, keep Taylor and keep building.  Maybe a rookie prompts a jult in Taylors play like kaepernick and Mahomes did to Alex Smith.  Maybe the rookie is just better and goes big ben for pittsburgh.

  12. Average arm, small, not overly athletic, an offense that doesnt translate to the NFL.  Those are all reason why if you get past the hype he is probably 2nd or 3rd rd caliber.  Mayfeild has 0 chance going top 5, 10 or 15.  I think someone will take a chance with him like Tebow and Manziel were before him.  If you want an improvement over Taylor but want a guy his height and will have similar restrictions with feild vision minus his A+ athletism you are in for a dissapointment.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  13. 55 minutes ago, Buffalo716 said:


    The national media is calling us a Joke. From Bill Simmons to Colin cowherd they are giving us no chance


    there are WNY transplants all over the country who love the Bills like shooter mcgavin(yes I know it's not his real name lol)


    but it's definitely the minority... nobody in the national media thinks we are gonna win

    Colin Cowherd is picking Buffalo to beat Jacksonville because his theory is the better qb wins in the playoffs.

  14. 1 hour ago, K-9 said:

    As I mentioned during that game, his performance vs. OSU won’t budge the needle on Darnold one way or the other. Perhaps to the draftniks you mentioned, but not to anyone paid by NFL teams to evaluate him as a prospect. 


    As for him going back to school, if he does that because he loves the college experience, etc. then more power to him. If he’s doing it to improve his draft stock for next year, it’s a mistake. He won’t be any better or worse than the top five prospect he is now. 

    IMO going back to school puts more pressure on his play than going #1 would.  Only reason he goes back to school is if his estimated draft status was 2 rd.  I think alot of teams would pick him in the first rd and probably top 15.  History has never favored a Qb going back to school especially USC Qbs.  Would you rather be Marck Sanchez or Leinhart and Barkley?  He will need to play near perfect be in contention for the Heisman and National Championship to even meet expectations.  

  15. He is the bet player on the roster.  Not having him would be a big blow.  It seemed like he rolled is ankle.  Its not broke depends on the level of swelling and degree of sprain.  If he is anywhere above 75% he is playing and will perform ok.  The offense needs a special set of plays for when tolbert is in the game.  You cannot call the same plays you would with shady.   Give him a lead blocker and maybe go 2 TE  and run power runs.  Russel Wilson abused the the Jags defense, Tayor will need to have a big game.  He is capable of doing so and teams that we do not regularly face him have trouble containing him.  If the Jaguars run heavily man coverage with their corners Taylor could have a big game on the ground and in the air.   

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