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Everything posted by flyingant

  1. That's what I'm thinking also. Maybe the problem was TD and now MM will be able to coach and handle the team the way he wants to, and not the way TD wants to. Also, if everyone thinks Buffalso is the joke of the NFL, what decent coach would want to come here when there are a half dozen other vancancies? I say that keeping MM is the right thing to do.
  2. I totaly agree with you. A fresh start would be to get rid of Sullivan.
  3. Marlin "the magician" Briscoe
  4. The forecast in Tampa for Sunday is sunny with a high of 94. Since the home team has the choice of uniforms, I bet the Bucs make the Bills wear their dark blue uniforms. It's going to be a hot one.
  5. I like (but don't agree with) the opening at the Bucs website http://www.buccaneers.com/intro.aspx
  6. In my town, near Toledo For regular unleaded Monday $2.49 Tuesday $2.79 Today $3.09
  7. I use Club Photo http://www.clubphoto.com/
  8. Just got back from the Indy 500. Saw Danika up close before the race, riding a golf cart. My neighbor (live one mile away from me), Sam Hornish, Jr. had a good first half, then crashed. Great day...lots of people.
  9. I live less than a mile from Sam Hornish Jr., so he's my favorite IRL driver, but Danica is my second!
  10. Interview with Everett http://www.denverbroncos.com/page.php?id=1501&videoID=612
  11. I agree with you. Living in Oho, I've seen this guy play every week. Three point here, and three points there, will win ballgames for you. This guy doesn't miss, short range or long range. Chances are he'll be gone by the time we pick, probably to the Jets
  12. Do the fire halls still make chowder? I moved to Ohio over 25 years ago. Every time I go home to No. Tonawanda for a visit, I have to stock up on Buffalo food.
  13. It must have been around 40 years ago. It was back when Clevlenad had double headers for pre-season games. My dad took me on a train from Buffalo to Cleveland. Buffalo played in the first game....can't remember if they played the Browns or the Bears. I fell asleep in the second game. I think I remember the train ride more than the game itself.
  14. http://www.johnnyroadtrip.com/schedules/nfl_future_afce.htm
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